Tuesday 5 August 2014

Tisha B'Av and The End of The Three Weeks!!

The Three Weeks is finally over!! yay!!! Now I can get on with life and pick up the shattered pieces.....

Even as The Three Weeks was close to the end, on this day of Tisha B'Av, when the Temples were destroyed, there were a couple more incidences.....

I was driving down the Freeway, just gotten onto the Freeway and was changing lanes to where I needed to be. There were three lanes clear of cars, so I went to the middle lane. Then absolutely from nowhere as I was about to merge into the lane, a car appeared literally from nowhere!! I did not see it at all previously, and I kept my eyes on the road constantly, turning back frequently to see if there was anyone behind me. There was none for at least 100 meters!!! Then this car literally from nowhere, it appeared as if by magic!! And I had to take evasive action to make sure it didn't run into me!!!!!!

Then I arrived at the Organics grocers for more food. I needed more veges, and salad items for my lunches. The shop is usually well stocked though on occasion it does run short on a small few of the items but there are usually other items which makes up for it. Afterall, being in the most isolated city on earth, there are not many suppliers of organic produce around, and they often have to import from the east coast. However on this occasion this afternoon the shop was short on virtually all items that I was wanting, especially salad items etc for my lunches!!! This was the first time I encountered such shortages. I couldn't get much at all. Indeed instead of spending upwards to $80 on food items there, I spent less than $20, such were the shortages of items that I usually get!!!!  I had to end up visiting Coles supermarket at the local mall for my salad items. I don't like to get non-organic produce cos of the chemicals, insecticides, etc, and generally lower vibrations!!! But there are times when I need to for some items, and well I needed at least the salad items otherwise I won't have anything for my lunches. Its that or starve!!!

So now to consider life after The Three Weeks, which unfortunately is likely to include life after Karen. She wasn't online at all today, she did manage to get online briefly yesterday but that will be the exception rather than the rule.

Caroline is not in a good situation. A few days ago, during these The Three Weeks, she hurt her foot, and now today on this Tisha B'Av she reports that her foot has become infected and swollen. She is having to get some antibiotics, and possibly needed an injection to try kill the infection. She is never allowed to rest, so always having to walk on her foot, so it doesn't get any better. They're currently in wet season in India, it is often raining, so she has to walk out in the water with her foot, another reason why the wounds are not healing. As what happened with Sally, infections left to fester can easily kill or at least cause serious harm! So am rather worried here. Her husband leaves in two days for the rig, so hopefully she will be able to rest more and deal with her foot then. I just hope it is not too late.

So a song to end The Three Weeks....... Seasons In The Sun....... We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach...... *sigh*

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