Sunday 21 September 2014

Best Birthday Ever

Oh this would have to be the best birthday ever!! I am so glad my beloved Star Sister Karen came into my life during this current incarnation, she turns everything into gold, and I just feel so alive when I am with her, it is like life is worth living again !!

The day started with my usual Saturday morning walk, though I didn't walk quite as far, so giving myself enough time for the trip to York. During that time I gotten a msg from my cousin and one from my Aunty and Uncle, but that was it from this side of the universe.

Then the trip to York which is akin to the highway to Heaven to meet an angel from Heaven.... ooohhhh..... *sigh*

At around Midland I gotten a msg from my sister, it turned out she's on vacation on the south coast! That would explain why I hadn't heard from her until now!! No one else from this side sent me msgs. But it didn't matter cos I was on my way to my angel from Heaven, Karen, and being with her is like a dream come true..... *sigh*

I got held up in traffic in Midland thanks to a road train with an oversize load, I guess it what happens when you cross the major route to the North West. So I was destined to be a little late getting to York..... And I was soon on my merry way feeling like 7th heaven... And about half way through the trip the car started to overheat, probably cos it was the hottest September day on record!! How weird is that? My birthday being the hottest Sept day on record, it turned out it reach nearly 35 degrees Celcius in Perth, so probably hotter in York. So that is probably way the car started to overheat, not badly, it didn't go into the red but it was uncomfortably close to it..... and my cruise control failed!! It just meant I had to drive the old fashioned way! This was the first time the car overheated and the cruise control failed. However at least the car was still going, just couldn't push it quite so hard.

And so I was running late, therefore I started to send telepathic msgs to Karen. We DO have telepathic connection. About a week ago when I would tune into her radio show like a hopelessly devoted fan that I am.... *sigh*.... I somehow "knew" she be late getting on. So it was no surprise when I tuned in and her show hadn't started. She was only about 5 minutes late. And when she arrived, she sent me a msg on FaceBook saying she sent me telepathic msg that she be running late cos she was helping out at a fair in Northam and had gotten held up. That is how I "knew" she'd be late!! Last week she played a UFO-theme song and dedicated it on air to me!!! oooohhhh.......

So anyway, when it became clear I would indeed be running late, I started to send telepathic msgs to Karen.... and indeed as I got closer and closer to York, I was giving her a running commentary via telepathy. When I reached York I sent a txt msg back to my sister telling her I am spending the day in York.... this would have shocked her like a stunned mullet!! haha!!!

Then literally the instance I turned into Karen's driveway, she came out from the back..... and she said to me, "I KNEW you would arrive at that exact time!!!!" So yes definitely telepathic connection between us.

Well she gave me gifts.... not just one but several!!!! It turned out these be the only gifts that I would receive on my birthday, aside from some very much needed and extremely appreciated moolah from my Dad, but not even a card from anyone else..... but again I didn't care..... Karen is all that mattered to me this day!! Among the gifts are two CDs with crystals music and Native American music, oh she knows me so well!!!!!.... and two books, one an ET sci-fi novel, and another more Star Seed kind of stuff.... and a jigsaw puzzle... wow!!!!.... and best of all, artwork that she did just for me..... ohhhh such an angel from Heaven she is!!!!

We walked into town and she bought me lunch..... in York you can walk anywhere to get anywhere cos it is such a small town..... Then we walked by the river, and sat by the river, and she showed me her tatts! Well being hot she wasn't wearing as much, and I DO love women with tatts, I think it is so sexy on women!! Karen has four in total with Native American, Wiccan and nature themes..... she was once a Wiccan High Priestess, in other words, a Witch... hehe.... anything thing I so loved about her.... she is everything I am interested in!!!!.... and well, if I hadn't led such a sheltered life I would have gotten tatts myself but I think all of my family would faint in shock!!! As far as I know, none of my family has tatts. But anyway I loved it on Karen.

Then I learned that later tonight there is a Bush Dance event, that she is going, and a seat is booked for me!! It sounded great but I wished I knew before I came, cos being hot I was just in shorts and sandals. My Virgo worry-wart tendency kicked in, I wished I had brought a change of clothes!! Uh well I wasn't going to let that bother me, I'd be with Karen, so nothing else mattered!! The original plan was I would be with her, until her radio show when I be with her in the studio, then go home after she finished at 9pm. But now the Bush Dance after the radio show, it's gonna be a very late night but I didn't care, being with Karen is my dream come true.... *sigh*

Anyway we walked to the Town Hall which is where the Bush Dance was being held, and we spoke to the band members and organisers, who assured me that my current attire would be perfectly ok. I forget this is a country town, it is not like the city where things are more formal. Also we get free entry due to Karen's radio show talents.

We walked back to her place for a bit, then to the radio station. Since we would be going to the Dance straight from the radio show, Karen had changed into the most fabulous dress for the Dance, sheer in places so her tatts showed through! Ooohhhhhh I was in love!!!!! *swoon*.... and here I am in just my shorts! Uh well.....

When she got started on her show, she did an on-air dedication to me for my birthday, and played the Birthday song by the Beatles!!! That was so special..... oooohhhhh.... what an angel she is!!!! I so love being in the studio during her show, she is really in her element, such a free spirit, and very good at what she does...... if I shall say so myself..... perhaps slightly biased.... but only slightly.... hehehe.......

Then we were off to the Bush Dance..... and ooohhhh what an awesome time I had..... especially dancing with Karen.... well it was bush dances, ya know, folk dancing, nevertheless, it felt like I was in Heaven when dancing with her..... and there was champagne on offer.... Actually Karen brought along a bottle of champagne also for me, which we shared.... then someone else offered us another bottle which we gladly accepted... hehe..... dunno if it was my higher vibrational energies or the fact that I hadn't drunk for several years due to leading a sheltered life being carer for Sally.... but I had only four glasses and I was feeling dizzy..... but then just being with Karen and dancing with her would probably make me dizzy in happiness even without the alcohol.... hehehe......

And well by the time I waited long enough for the effects of the alcohol to wear off a bit..... and begin my long trip back home.... it was about 2am when I arrived.... but ohhhhhhhhh........ this was the most fabulous birthday ever..... it tops my 21st and my America birthday....... And this time my cruise control worked fine.... so I guess it fails when the motor overheats, perhaps some kind of safety measure?.... hmmmm..... I will need to get the radiator checked, it was serviced less than a year ago!!!! Uh well.....

Now Karen invited me to a Medieval theme event in York next month..... have to see what I can dress up as..... I can't wait to see what Karen will dress as..... perhaps a princess..... oooohhhhh that is what she is...... a princess....... *sigh*.......

This song is how I feel when I'm with Karen........

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