Wednesday 20 August 2014

Tax Time !!!!

Oh what a week it has been..... the previous week my lawn mower blew up so I was in desperate need for a new lawn mower. I wanted an electric mower but a bigger and better model especially since I now know I will be at this house for two years. My old mower was electric and ran straight off the mains power which necessitated a long extension cord trailing behind me as I cut the lawn, having to take care not to accidentally run over the cord!! It was only a small mower, really not designed for such a large area of lawns that I have at my house. I literally worked the mower to death!! I wore it out, and it blew up!!

So now after a search online at the Bunnings website I had an electric model picked out. It was a much bigger model. And it is cordless, running on battery power. There were two models, one close to $400, and one for $500. The $400 model had a battery that lasted for 30 minutes which was really not long enough for me, it take me close to an hour to do the back lawns. And the battery was NOT included, so meaning an extra $200 for the battery and charger separately. The $500 model however had a battery that runs for an whole hour!! Just long enough for my back lawns. And the battery IS included!! So I chose that model.

Come payday last week I went to Bunnings in Innaloo during my lunch hour to purchase the mower, but I had a feeling that it would be out of stock!! And indeed my feeling proved to be correct, as it is often is, the mower was indeed out of stock!! I heard one of the Assistants say that he would have to order in the model, which would take several days. I don't have several days!!! I needed the mower NOW for THIS weekend!!! So I had a compulsion to head to the next Bunnings store, this time in Balcatta, closer to my place. And they did have such a mower in stock, it was the last one in stock! So I grabbed it!!! And I was soon $500 poorer but with a brand new mower!!

And I must say I am most impressed. I can do the lawns in less than half the time! Indeed last weekend I did the front lawns in about 20 mins, and then I started on the back lawns, a much larger area which would take me between 90 mins and two hours - I was able to do 80% of the area with the new mower before the battery ran down. So I placed the battery on the charger, and then finished the remaining section within a few minutes. So since lawn mowing used to take up much of my yard work on weekends, the new mower will significant reduce my time in doing yard work, and it gives a much better cut to the lawns.

Then last Monday, just a week after I submitted my tax return online, my tax check was deposited into my bank account. And it was $100 more than even the estimate that I was given on submitting my return. Of course it is now all spent!! Much of it used on the bills that I would have paid with the $500 that I spent on the mower. But also gotten other much needed items as well as things I wanted. I ordered a new vacuum cleaner using my points from FlyBuys plus a payment. It really shot my points balance, but then this was why I had been faithfully presenting my FlyBuys card at the various stores for the last three or four years!!! The item is expected to take four weeks to arrive, but considering I have been without a vacuum cleaner for so long after the old one blew up, another four weeks was not a big deal. And I also ordered a model building kit of the Steve Irwin ship of Sea Shepherd, one of these special edition thingies. That one is coming from Europe so will probably take six weeks or so for it to arrive. I also gotten new kitchen/cooking items, and other things..... so money well spent.

The next windfall will be the backpay when my wage rise finally comes through. It seems to be taking a while for it to manifest, but regardless of how long it takes, the back pay will be from middle of June. So I guess, the longer I must wait for the wage rise, the more will be the backpay. I will be getting a new large crystal with the backpay. I was going to get that with my tax check but the lawn mower blowing up put paid to that!! So bar any other misfortunes, my next lump sum will be spent at least partly on a new large crystal specimen. Yes we Star Seeds loves our crystals, every Star Seed uses crystals, it is how ETs utilizes their power, indeed many of the ships runs on crystals, as well as electrical needs and other things including healing and telepathy. So that is why Star Seeds are so into crystals, it is what we need to fulfill our higher dimensional lives.

Now with the football tipping..... I am now in 13th spot, way better than expected, but with only two more rounds to go, I won't go much higher, so it will once again be the curse of Mother's death - never winning any prize money since Mother's death while I had always won prize money every year while Mother was still alive. However my "close matches" stats seems to be better this year, now currently 12-9 in my favor, managing to tip correctly on 12 of the "close matches", being matches decided by 6 points or less.

Oh what else.... uh yes the Sun moves into Virgo this coming weekend..... so this means one thing.... my birthday coming up!! I don't like to celebrate my birthday, and indeed I never did so in the years since Mother's death, but last year after Sally's death Pasco did have me to come over for afternoon tea for my birthday.... it was OK.... but really perfectly happy for the day to pass without any celebrations. This year it is on a Saturday a week before Rosh HaShanah, and my four weeks vacation from work begins on Rosh HaShanah. Astrologers are saying that September will be a good month for Virgos this year, even for romance for some people!! Oh I hope I get to see Karen again though it seems highly unlikely due to her son. Nevertheless, I do indeed feeling some positive vibes for these next four weeks or so..... but still not enthusiastic for my birthday!!

The latest on Caroline.... she is going to London next year so her daughter can attend college. It is what rich people in India does, they send their children overseas when old enough to attend college. Her daughter will be 16, so that is college age. London seems to be a most popular destination, though some do come to Australia. She would be going without her husband, which will mean she will be safe from the abuse. Apparently her husband is giving his blessings for this. She is saying that she will get a job when in London, so obviously going on a work visa of some sort. And then she says she will come and see me once she saved her pennies from her job. I don't think it will be quite that simple, she does not realise how expensive it is for an air ticket between London and Perth!! She also says it will be easier for her to get a divorce when in London, however, I thought one must be a resident of the country before being able to use its services such as their court system for achieving a divorce. In any case I really don't wish to be married, I want to be single forever. I felt this since I met Karen, she also wants to be single forever, she does not want to be married again. I think in reality it will be impossible to get married to Caroline, and neither of us will be able to raise the funds for immigration expenses even if she does have a job in London.

Anyway here's a vid for now that Sun will move into Virgo... thinking back to my 16th birthday which seemed to be forever ago! It is said that you only reach 16 once! Well that is not exactly true. We reached 16 many times before in our past incarnations. I lived 1000 lifetimes so I was 16 about 1000 times, well assuming I managed to live that long. And well being on the other planets for most of these incarnations, it depends on the period of revolutions of the planet around its star. Some takes longer than the Earth to go around, hence our "ages" would be less, while other planets would take less time around its star, hence our "age" would be more!! I prefer the planets where it took more time to revolve around its star!! LOL!!! Well whatever..... I have reached my 16th birthday for at least most of my 1000 lifetimes..... so Happy Birthday Sweet 16......


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