Wednesday 3 September 2014

Uhhh Puddy Cat!!

Well last weekend, more specifically, last Sunday I did travel up to York to be with my beloved star sister Karen. Oh it was so good to see her, I feel so alive when I am with her.... *sigh*.... and I did meet her son, seeing they are sharing a house together. And well her son seems an OK guy. I half expected him to come out with a gun shooing me away!! Indeed that is what happened before, well not a gun but a knife. One of Karen's boyfriends came to visit but before he could reach her, her son came out with a knife threatening him and shooing him away, so he left and never came back, and Karen was non the wiser. She had no idea why he had apparently left her, and thought that he just didn't like her anymore, until years later the truth came out. Her son was just 7 years of age when this incidence happened!! He is now 23. And well according to Karen, he is changing a bit since moving to York. And well, when I met him, he seems an OK kind of guy, indeed he even offered me a drink and cookies, I ate them and did not drop dead! LOL! So yes he did seem to accept me. Our shared UFO experiences did help, he also experienced an Orange Light UFO incidence.

Anyway, after a while of being initiated by her son and three dogs, Karen and I went for a walk into town. York is not a big place, everywhere in town is within walking distance. So we walked by the river, then into the town, we had lunch in town, then went to meet a few of her friends. One of them ran a New Age store, lots of fabulous crystals!!!! ooohhhhh...... I could have spent a fortune but my wage rise hadn't manifested, so it was strictly look but don't touch!!! Dang!!!! I sooooo wanted some of those crystals!!!! Then we visited a couple of her other friends, she seemed to have a lot of friends who owned or operated shops in town! The last was a craft shop and historical site, where we were treated to a discourse on some of the history of the town.

We eventually made our way back to the house, and spent some time in her shed which is her hideaway. It's a large shed and connected to power. The day flew by in what seemed an instant, and all too soon it was time for me to head on back home...... *sigh*

So I now have her puddy cat, my star kin from Sirius. As it is said, we do not own puddy cats, they own us!! And so it is with Celine, that is her name. She shadows me, she seems to have adopted me!! She hardly leaves me alone, except when she sleeps which is a lot of the time!! LOL!! So far she hadn't even gone outside, she seems to prefer being indoors. I did let her outside on one occasion, then I did other things, and in two minutes I went to check to see where she was, and she was at the door wanting to come back inside!!! At the York house she was kept in an old bird aviary outside cos of the dogs!! So I think she is relishing this more spacious and warmer three-bedroom house!! Well she seems content here, and is fortunately well house trained! ;).... I grew up with puddy cats, and they been in my life for most of it except for my years with Sally..... So am rather pleased that there's a puddy cat in my life again, and it reminds me of Karen......

My next time with Karen is likely to be my birthday, she said she is wanting to do something special for my birthday.... ooohhh..... how so sweet..... *sigh*.... it would be my first birthday that I would really enjoy in a long time... and this year it does fall on a Saturday. My more recent birthdays has been hell on earth, especially since Mother's death..... So if indeed I get to spend much of the day with Karen, it would simply be wonderful........ oohhhhhh.......

When I was with Karen.... it was like.... ooohhh nana hiya hiya!!!!.....

And the puddy cat......

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