Tuesday 26 August 2014

Sun Moves Into Virgo

Uhhh now the Sun is in Virgo.... and this planet nears to the end of another of the extremely high number of revolutions around the Sun completed since the start of my current incarnation on this very dense 3D planet!!

Last weekend I was driving down the highway in my turbo charged Nissan Pulsar, and noticing the posted speed limit being 60kmh, I made sure I dropped my speed down to that.... it is oh so easy to drift over the limit which can be done by just breathing on the pedal!! Anyway, another 0.5 km down the road, travelling with the flow of traffic, there I spotted a speed cam, so I instinctively checked my speedo.... and ohhh.... OMG!!!!!!.... I was on 68!!!! Ok my luck has finally run out! So now I await a speeding ticket to come in the mail for me. The other vehicles around me will be in the same boat, all travelling more or less the same speed. They would have made a killing in speed fines that day. Of course the cams are always located on straight stretches of road, or near bottom of hills, or just after downward changes in speed limits. They are never located in known danger spots where there has been a high number of car wrecks happening. Uh well it will only be $75, its not going to break the bank, but the bloody govt already has too much of my money!!!! grrrrrrrr...... uh well.... it is a part of life in this country..... Everyone who drives gets caught speeding or breaking some other of the 1000's of traffic laws that governs the use of public roads in this country!! Anyone who says they never break the law is lying through their teeth. But the last time I got a speeding ticket it was on my bloody birthday!!!!! It was a while ago now, but it seems if and when I get caught, it is always around my birthday!!! Must be something to do with Virgos and the particular energies of the month!!!!

I finally heard from Karen. She does not have internet access except when she is at the radio station - Voice Of The Avon 101.3FM. I listen to her show each Saturday night from 6pm to 9pm local time, she is known as Kazza. You can listen to her at the link below.....

Being a public radio station she chooses her own songs.... always a very interesting choice of music! ;)

Anyway she asked me if I could adopt her puddy cat. Since moving in with her son who has dogs, the puddy cat has been constantly tormented by the dogs. Well I be more than happy to have a Sirian star kin - the puddy cat. Thought I better check the lease document first. Being in a house rather than an apartment or villa, keeping pets should be OK. But better check the lease first just to make sure, and well there is nothing whatsoever specifically referring to pets on the lease. Therefore should be not a problem. If I was in an apartment I would not have been able to keep pets. And well the only pets I have currently are the hermit crabs. I don't think they would worry the puddy cat.

So now just waiting to arrange for a trip to York to see Karen and pick up the puddy cat. I would expect it to be this weekend, but due to her very limited opportunities to get online, nothing is certain at this point. She did say they are working on getting an internet connection at the house.

Puddy cats are from the Sirius star system. The domestic cat is the result of hybrid breeding experiments performed by the Sirian "Cat People" who visited the northern African region thousands of years ago, and it was why puddy cats were worshipped and considered to be Gods in ancient Egypt. So yes, puddy cats are my Sirian star kins. I have spent past lives in the Sirius star system, it is why I love puddy cats so much.

Anyway here's a puddy cat vid.....

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