Tuesday 2 April 2013

Funeral date set

Well after getting through the Easter break we finally have the funeral date. It will be held next Monday, the same day of the week that mother's funeral was held. Sally's funeral date being 8-April-2013. It happens to be on Holocaust day. One of the last things Sally did in what turned out to be the last weeks of her life is get in contact with long lost relatives in the States and investigate her ancestry. She already knew she is part Lebanese as her father was of Lebanese descent. However through these ancestry investigations it turns out that she is also part-Jewish, that she does indeed have Jewish blood in her. As with me she always have had felt connected with the Jews, even more so than with Lebanon. Considering that Lebanon are supposed to have been at war with the Jews this have caused family frictions through her years, nevertheless, her connection with the Jews could not be shaken. It was one of the things that attracted me to her. So to have found out that she actually have Jewish blood in her, that was one of her last great thrills prior to her passing away. So although I didn't choose the funeral date the energies of the universe once again conspired for these coincidences to fall into place. As I say there are no such creature as "coincidence", it is the manifestation of the energies of the universe falling into harmony.

So to recap. The funeral day being Monday is the same day of the week in which mother's funeral was held. And the funeral date falls on Jewish Holocaust day. The third significance is that as it falls on the 28th day of the Jewish lunar month, indeed the first month of the Hebrew year, the funeral falls at the beginning of the New Moon period. The New Moon that marks the end of the month is Wednesday. Sally passed away during Full Moon day, and now it turns out her funeral falls near the New Moon. On what appears to be amazing coincidences, her hospital admissions and discharges during these last two years of hell had always been at the peaks (within a day) of the lunar cycles, either the Full Moon or New Moon. The only exception being her last ever admission, being 4 days prior to the Full Moon, but her passing away occurred on Full Moon day.

I am happy to announce that she will be cremated. I understand the cremation process takes a day or so, therefore the whole process will probably be completed by New Moon day. I will be collecting the urn when it is ready and for a while it will be kept on top of mother's antique cabinet, the one that was passed down from her parents possibly from the farm, and next to mother's photo - though when I am at work I will keep it in a more secure location in the unlikely event of burglary. I have neighbors who keep watch of my house, indeed my former landlord, and there are security grills and deadlocks, nevertheless, you can never discount the possibilities. Pasco still has mother's ashes at the house but he will shortly have it buried under a rose bush at the cemetery  Not sure where it will end up, could be at Karrakatta next to Poppa's ashes, or at Fremantle where Pasco's relatives are buried, it all depends on if there is space available and other logistical factors. Sally's ashes will also be eventually buried under a rose bush hopefully next to mother's if there is space available. But for the time being it will be kept with me.

Oh yes, the funeral service itself will be held at the beautiful Pinnaroo site. The link to it is here....


....it is a lovely site and not far from my house. Sally always enjoyed being in nature and watching the kangaroos and other critters. It also happened to be where some of the relatives of my Aunty and Uncle, the Dawes-Smith family, are also buried. I have before attended a funeral there in the not-too-distant past for one of my Uncle's parents.

A funeral notice will also be in the paper, it could possibly be in today's paper or tomorrow's.

I am most thankful the funeral will be held just before I go back to work. I am due back at work the following Wednesday so this will give me a day's recovery time. I would finally be able to move on, though you never get over the death of a close kin. I am still as torn up by mother's death as the day she died. Sally's death will just simply add to the burden of grief. Nevertheless as they say life goes on, and in whatever way I can, enjoy my single life again - just never expected for it to come this soon!!!!!

I will be back out today, going to the shops for the remaining items that I didn't get yesterday.

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