Thursday 3 April 2014

The Lunar New Year

Last Monday's New Moon marked the start of the Sacred New Year on the Hebrew calendar, the start of Spring in Jerusalem, and counting down to Passover this Full Moon which will in fact be marked by a Lunar Eclipse. Interesting times ahead.......

My relationship with Caroline seems destined to continue in spite of obstacles. She is a most amazing woman. It utterly amazes me how all this panned out, I still can't get my head around the fact that she waited 15 years for me, such things just doesn't happen anymore these days. She is definitely one of a kind! She must indeed be my twin flame!

Well as of this week I have turned vegetarian, having eaten my last piece of meat - pepperoni on pizza - as I exhausted my supply of meat in the fridge. I haven't bought any more meat for a while now. This doesn't mean I will never eat meat again. For example, at my earth family's gatherings I would eat meat in limited quantities, mainly cos I get so bored and uptight of their 3D ways. But fortunately such gatherings are rare. The equally rare office get togethers at work being another case in point. I avoid them where possible, but the few I end up going to, I'd eat meat in limited quantities just out of self defence.

But here at my house, no more meat. I still have eggs, cheese, etc, so am not "Vegan", just vegetarian, with fish added on occasion. Probably another good reason to be with Caroline, Indian dishes are generally vegetarian, though she serves chicken when there are guests in the house. Also she has these fish, can't remember what they are called, but it is apparently plentiful therefore cheap in India, and apparently very tasty!! She sends me pixs of what she cooks, probably to prepare me hehe.... and 90% of them are vegetarian, so would suite me fine. Also they have rice with EVERYTHING, even breakfast! Rice to them is I guess like pasta to us, though I don't have pasta with everything but do enjoy pasta with a lot of things. I do enjoy spicy foods as Indian foods tends to be, very spicy, I think I will love it.

Now with Passover coming up soon, beginning April 15 to be exact, I do my annual cleanout of the fridge and pantry. As per Jewish tradition we remove any food containing raising agents, such as, bicarb, baking soda, yeast, etc, and we eat no such foods for the week of Passover. So basically no bread, cookies, cake, etc. I get matza and have it with most meals. My specialty being matza with melted cheese and anchovies. This food tradition for Passover stems from the original story of Passover, when the Jews were set free from slavery in Egypt. As they were preparing to leave Egypt for the Promised Land, they didn't have time to properly bake bread which involved preparing the yeast which caused the bread to raise during baking. They only had time to bake the dough without the yeast, thus making flat cakes of "bread" - known as "unleavened bread" or Matza. At this time of year there are much matza in Jewish stores and in the Jewish aisles of many supermarkets, etc.

I have recently joined Quickflix, for renting DVDs and/or streaming them online. They work by an interesting concept. For a very reasonable $25/month you can rent the DVDs and keep them for as long as you like. How it works is you choose titles from TV shows and movies, which is added to a queue. Then they send out two DVDs at a time, and when you finished with either of them, you send each one back in the freepost envelope, and for each DVD returned they send out the next one in the queue. When it is a TV series, such as True Blood and American Horror Story Asylum (the two that I am currently watching!!), they send out one DVD at a time of the series, each DVD usually have two to three episodes, and when the DVD is sent back, they send the next one in the series. And well I heard a lot about True Blood online but as far as I know it was never on free to air TV, probably on Foxtel or whatever. But now thanks to Quickflix I can now see True Blood, it is an utterly awesome series!! OK you can put it down to the Pluto in my natal sign!! True Blood is basically a vampire show - just Google it if ya wanna know more. The other I currently watching is American Horror Story Asylum, also very happy I have that too. They recently had on TV American Horror Story Coven, but I never got to see Asylum, I think cos it was on while Sally was sick and so I never had time for watching much TV. Any of the titles on offer can also be streamed online, only that I can't do anything else on the computer while streaming any of the shows, so I just get the DVDs which I play on my TV that I bought recently which has a built-in DVD player. I have my computer connected to the 50in TV in the living room, so I sometimes stream a movie or show while doing housework or cooking/eating dinner. But considering it may cost up to $5 or even more to rent a DVD from a rental shop, not to mention having to visit the shop etc, $25/month for basically an unlimited supply of DVDs albeit two at a time but limitless online streaming, this is pretty good value for my moolah!!

As I do each year around Passover, I take vacation leave from work. This year it's from April 12-29 inclusive. When I go on vacation, I always like to return to work mid-week so I would have only two to three days of work before a weekend while I get used to going back to work!! Vacation time always goes faster than the equivalent work time. At this time I have no plans for my vacation time. A lot of the time something does happen during Passover. Last year it was when Sally passed away, being on 27 March which was when Passover fell in 2013. Being set by the lunar calendar, Passover falls at a different time each Roman year as does all of the Jewish festivals and holidays.

It seems for the foreseeable future I be going to church each Friday night with my cousin Lucinda. I don't go on Sunday as it is my busy day, when I do the gardening, most chores, etc. I'm Jewish, or at least my soul is Jewish, so Saturday is my rest day. And in any case, they only have two Sunday meetings per month. And Friday nights suits me better, I just light the Shabbat candles on my Pleiadean "shrine" then head off to church. Still not sure why I am apparently being led to go there, but last week the pastor said something very interesting - he mentioned that after we die we will visit the stars and planets!! That is more or less what we star seeds believe - we spend this incarnation on Planet Earth, then either by Ascension or when we pass away, we go back to our ship and back to our home in the stars.

They say, you should never talk about religion or politics.... well I broke the first rule, so might as well break the 2nd..... We have the Senate elections this weekend. I voted early cos I'm Jewish, well my soul is anyway, and so I don't vote on Saturdays. And as I usually do each time, I voted the Greens. Me being a greenie, and with Abbot hell bent on raping what we have left of the environment, whether it be the Great Barrier Reef or Tasmanian wilderness, we need someone to keep his power in check, and the Greens are the ones to do it. Palmer is not committed to the environment, most rich people are like that, couldn't care less about the environment. And well there is really no one else.... I avoid both major parties like the plague, they both have self interests at heart, very money based, and as I say, money is the root of all evil. There are few other minor parties like the Animals party, Hemp party, etc, but the Greens are more likely to get the votes so I just went with them......

I think.... nothing else to add for now.......

Here's just a random vid...... well maybe not totally random....... um... yes.... what can I say??? hehehe....

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