Wednesday 30 April 2014

Dimensional Shift

Dimensional Shift.... it means I am back at work after vacation..... vacation time always flows quickly, almost the speed of light.... then back at work a dimensional shift occurs, time slows right down to a crawl..... work time always flows much slower than vacation time or even weekend time..... And well they  want me to take even more vacation!! The govt is instructing all the depts to reduce the long service leave liability, that all employees with more than about 60 days must use their leave by the end of 2015. Well in spite of already using much of my long service leave on taking time off for Sally at different points of the last two years of her life, I still have 76 days owing. So I am one of the target. Problem is, I want to keep much of it up my sleeve in case opportunity comes up for me to go see Caroline. Thanks to that dental emergency it is unlikely I will be going to India anytime soon, but Caroline did say she is perfectly able to come to Australia as soon as she is free..... nevertheless I still need my leave so that when she does come, I can spend all my time with her!!! Nevertheless I may just be able to use some of it in October, enough to get me below the 60 days, which hopefully may give me time to see if and when Caroline becomes free, if it is going to happen within the next two years. I have no idea when Caroline will be free, it could be tomorrow, but then it could be months or even years.........

Anyway..... the football musings will be no more..... just brief results included in these general blogs. Football is so depressing this year, it is so not going to be my year. Indeed this could very well be my last year of being in the office tipping comp. Well at least the Maggies won, that is the bright spot in an otherwise depressing round. 5 points this time. 4 or 5 points seems to be my destiny for this year, it is all I have been getting so far since the start. Hovering around the 30s in our office ranking, this week 34th place from 48 in total. And I now have proof positive of the curse of the close matches. A "close" match being a match where the result is decided by 6 points or less. Two such matches happened last round and I missed BOTH of them. Now there has been a total of four such matches this year thus far, and I managed to get a point for only one of them. So three of them I missed out. That is a 75% fail rate, this is outside of the normal distribution on probability theory. Normally you can expect a 50/50 result, with up to 15% standard deviation. So from four matches, probability theory states that I should expect to get two of them. However I have only one of them, thus falling outside of the normal distribution. This is PROOF POSITIVE of the reality of the curse of the close matches, that I will always lose out on close matches, far more than the expected 50/50 result. Anyway enough of football, it is far too depressing.

Tonight and tomorrow is Samhain here in the Southern Hemisphere, one of the eight Pagan holidays on the solar calendar, coinciding with the Solstices, Equinoxs, and the mid points between the two. Samhain is such a mid point, the actual mid point is actually 4 May, but for convenience the mid-point festivals are kept at the nearest 1st of the month. Tomorrow is 1 May, hence Samhain falls that day, indeed beginning tonight - the eve of Samhain. In the Northern Hemisphere it falls on 31 Oct hence Halloween - All Hallows Eve - the Christianised version of Samhain. This is the night when it is said the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest, so I will not be surprised if there are increase in paranormal activity. It is indeed the start of winter, and also the start of the Pagan year. And winter has started, it rained last week, and they expect more rain this week albeit on just one day maybe two!! We never get much rain but we gotten enough so that since last week I hadn't needed to water the garden. If it rains at least once per week then I can get away with not watering the garden. This will bring my water bills way down, so better able to save my pennies for moving out of this house.

Last Monday, two days before the end of vacation, I took a day trip up into the hills so to collect items for Samhain which according to Australian Pagan sites includes some Eucalyptus leaves and the bark from such a tree. So I decided to drive up to the Avon Valley which is about an hour or so from here. When I got to the national park I saw that you have to PAY to get into the park. However there was no one at the booth, they work on an honor system. You complete a form, then place $12 into an envelope provided, and place it into a secure slot. Well since there was no one there I could have just drove on through without bothering with this, however, it is best to do the right thing, it makes for better karma. Problem is, I didn't have $12, I had just a $20 bill. So I needed to double back to the roadhouse I passed a few minutes back, and there I bought an ice cream so to make change. I still didn't have the change to make up $12 but could make $15, so well I just went ahead and put $15 in - the extra $3 would probably help to make up for the few people whom I'm sure does not bother to make the payment. So I went into the park and explored everywhere, well wanted to get my money's worth!! And being a Monday I was it turned out the only soul in the whole park, not even the ranger was there, so I could have gotten away without paying but I'm happy I did bother to pay - it does make for better karma.

After I finished exploring the park and ate my lunch which consisted of egg and cheese sandwich, I proceeded to look for those items for Samhain. I knew I shouldn't really snag the leaves from an already living tree but I needed green leaves. As soon as I gotten out of the car to collect the items, it started to rain, so I got back into the car to wait for the rain to pass, it took only a few minutes. After it stopped raining, I got out and I immediately noticed some perfectly green leaves on a branch that has already fallen to the ground. Well that solved the moral dilemma of acquiring green leaves from live trees. It was already broken off and laying on the ground so it was fair game. Then a whole load of bark that similarly have already fallen off a tree and now deposited on the ground. So I was able to get the items without disturbing anything living. These items now adorn my Pleiadean "shrine" for Samhaim together with a pumpkin lantern that I had gotten last year for Halloween.

And this weekend I intend doing a Pagan ritual, that I just happen to come across, and apparently this is astrologically the best time of the year to do it. This is to do with the Goddess Venus, and the planet Venus is currently visible in the sky, it is there at dawn. Anyway this is meant to help with one's wish in regards to love or sensual pleasures. And well I want my Caroline with me, to be free to be with me, so well, as it is said, there is no harm in trying. The author of the article that I came across detailing this ritual said she first did the ritual just as a joke, not really expecting anything to happen, but a few weeks later the man of her dreams came into her life, and she now does it with her husband each year, the husband has a separate bread roll himself. Well even if nothing happens this time around, it will be fun to do anyway, gives me something to do. The items needed can be gotten at pretty well any shop, most I already have anyway. You need a round piece of bread, such as a bread roll. And a nickel coin, well in Australia it will be a 5c coin. A nickel in America is 5 cents, and apparently 5 is sacred to Venus. Then some honey, and a reasonable size candle, bigger than a birthday candle but not too big. So you get the bread roll and make a hole in it. Get a small piece of paper and write down your particular wish - no prize for guessing what mine will be!! Then put the paper and the coin into the hole, and pour some honey into it. Then you place the candle in the hole on top of it all. Light the candle, and while the candle burns, you do something that you really enjoy, that brings sensual pleasure - could be a nice hot bath, eating delicious food, or... well it is basically what you enjoy doing which makes you happy. This is meant to attract the vibes. For me, it will include eating one of my Easter candy as I LOVE them so much!!!!! Then when the candle has burnt all the way down to the bottom leaving the melted wax in the bun, you take it to a flowing fresh water stream or river somewhere and throw the bun into the water, say a prayer asking for the wish as you throw the bun in, and watch it float down the river until it disappears from sight. This part will be a challenge in this dry part of the world, cos much of our fresh water streams up in the hills are dry after this long hot summer. However I know of a couple of major rivers which should still be flowing even now, I checked out possible locations on google maps, we used to go camping in the area during summer back in the days of the church groups I used to belong to, so I pretty well know how to get there. It will be a fun little day trip if nothing else. It is best to perform this ritual on a Friday if possible since the day is apparently Venus' day, but since I am back at work, it will have to be Saturday - well it will still be Friday somewhere in the world. And in any case, it is not absolutely necessary to do this on a Friday, but is just best to do so. Any other day should work. Anyway it will be interesting to see if anything happens in the next few weeks after this.

So what else for this week...... I be at church this Friday night with Lucinda, this as being part of my star seed calling to raise vibrations. And then again this Sunday being the 1st Sunday of the month, they have Sunday meetings on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.

I think that pretty well covers at least major events until next time we meet via this blog.....

The video for this week..... well since this night there might be a lot of ghosts due to it being Samhain eve, we may need some..... Ghostbusters!!!!!!

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