Sunday 5 July 2015

Tzom Tammuz and The Three Weeks

uhhhh that time of year again..... "The Three Weeks" relating to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temples..... which I now know to be a throwback to one of my past lives as a Jewish priest in the 2nd Temple.

Tzom Tammuz fell on this Saturday just gone, but as per Jewish tradition, since it is the Sabbath the observance of Tzom Tammuz is deferred until the following day. Either way, "The Three Weeks" began this weekend just passed. So far no incidences, but with Saturn retrograding into my 9th house, and Chiron beginning its retrograde in my Ascendant sign earlier this month, the incidences have already started, the most major so far being my bicycle wheel. I didn't go for any walks or bicycle rides this weekend, due to it being Tzom Tammuz, but I will be back on my bicycle ride next weekend.

Anyway here some steps I've taken to help minimize any incidences......

My Higher Self and my Cards

I do this every morning, and obviously this is valuable when confronting intense energy points such as "The Three Weeks", indeed many of the rituals I outline below stems from my morning chats with "My Higher Self". There are many ways to connect with one's Higher Self, I use the technique I learned from Celestial Temple. Basically I first light a candle on my pine table, the candle has three clear quarts crystal and a silver chain around it, and  by mind intent I create balls of white light by which I remove my ego or anything else not serving my highest good from strategic points of my chakra system. Then I connect with the "Central Sun" in the galaxy center, and the Earth's core.... and this makes me ready to connect with my Higher Self. We read my daily Astrological, my time line report and other energy reports together, then I draw my cards.

I have two card sets which represents the Pluto Uranus conjunction in my Sun sign in my natal chart. The Vampire Tarot represents the Pluto, the Sacred Rebels Oracle represent the Uranus. I shuffle each deck until one or more pops out, often flies out and falls to the floor as if by an unseen force!!! The cards are always spot on for the particular day or particular energies. After reading the cards I eat a piece of chocolate from a bowl also on the pine table.

Violet Flame Invocation

What I also learned from Celestial Temple and which resonates with me. In its most basic form, we invoke via intent of our mind a "Violet Flame" engulfing my whole body, then throughout my space, whether it be my office at work, or in my house, or where ever I am. It is similar to "White Light" invocation which I also perform, indeed I sometimes perform them together. And it DOES work wonders, it is not just one's imagination.

My Dragon Goddess

I have a figurine representing my Dragon Goddess which takes pride of place on my Sacred Space, but I often have it with me for many of my rituals. She is the "shadow side" of my Taygeta Guardian Twinkle, and while on this planet I work best with shadow sides due in part to the Pluto Uranus Chiron configuration in my natal chart, and just my life in general. My Dragon Goddess exists in 8D, and the figurine is nothing more than the 3D energy connect point with her, and well it is helpful for the connect during my rituals and my life in general.

3-Candle Ritual

Another thing I learned from Celestial Temple, and I added certain aspects to it. Basically I have sets of three tea-light candles placed at strategic locations through my house, some of them with three clear quartz crystals around them - I need to get more crystals eventually so all candles can be adorned with crystals.

I begin at my Sacred Space and symbollically "kiss" my Dragon Goddess, then I invoke Violet Flame and White Light around me. Then I begin to light the three candles around the house, beginning at my Sacred Space, and finishing with the candle set on my pine table in the living room which also has my cards and other crystals. As I light each set of the three candles I speak Light Languages over the candles.

As guided by My Higher Self, I do this ritual before sundown on days which incidences occurs during "The Three Weeks", and also at specific energy points such as Tzom Tammuz, Tisha B'Av, New Moons, and certain planetary configs. I perform the ritual usually an hour or so before sundown so the candles remains lit as the Sun sets and we move into the evening, which on the Jewish and other calendars actually represents the next day - the day begins and ends at sundown. I leave the candles lit until the wax is spent.

Bedtime Ritual

Overnight I usually leave my Dragon Goddess figurine on my Sacred Space which has a candle that is constantly lit 24/7. Indeed when one candle burns down to less than an inch, I use the flame to light the 2nd candle, and so on, thus ensuring that at least one candle is constantly lit.

However when I feel particularly restless or worried about something which affects my sleep, I bring my Dragon Goddess figurine to my bedside table, I place my crystals next to it, and a tea light candle which I light and leave burning all night until it is spent. This works wonders, I always sleep like a log when I do this ritual.

My Crystals

I have a set of crystals which I carry around with me during my travels, such as, when going to work, or to the shops, or during my walks and bicycle ride. These crystals I also use for some of the rituals above.

Celestial Temple tools

Since joining Celestial Temple last year I have acquired all these wonderful tools from them which works absolute wonders during such energy points as Mercury's retrograde and New Moon. This includes my Divine Blueprint ceremony files (basically to do with my natal chart) and my Soul Song. The monthly attunements, indeed the July atunements with the guided meditation and light languages seems especially appropriate for this period - including a talisman of my choice which was charged up during this particular shamanic journey, just what I needed to get me through this period and beyond!! And basically a whole heap of specific tools, light languages, etc. I keep some of the MP3 files on my phone so I can play them when I need them and am not at home on my computer.

Anyway...... I just LOVE this cartoon...... hehe ;)

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