Sunday 19 July 2015

Best tipping result yet.

Well in what is something of a minor miracle I did manage to score 8 correct picks with only Adelaide throwing a spanner into the works. I knew the Maggies wouldn't win as much as I hate to admit it, but the season is about over for them, they're not even in the Top 8 now, and I don't think they'll get there with just I think about only 7 weeks or so remaining in the season. Yeah I know the supreme optimist for my Maggies LOL but I knew at the start of the season that it was not going to be our year, and well they did better than I expected for a bit, however they're really falling away now and I be surprised if pleasantly so if they manage to get back into the Top 8.

My 8 correct picks though something of a miracle is not totally unexpected as most of the favorites did win, and the close match of the round, the Power and Crows match with only 3 points in it went against me. There's probably a few who managed to jag all 9 correct picks, it was indeed it turned out an easy round to pick.

So for next week, the Maggies will play the Bulldogs who are playing well and in the top 8..... I reserve my pick until closer to the round ;)

Other news pretty well focused on my recovery from this highly unexpected turn in my health. Fit and healthy enough to walk 30 kms without needing to catch my breath to now barely being able to walk around my back yard for 5 minutes. It will be a long road to recovery. I'm off my beloved bicycle for six weeks, and not allowed to drive for two weeks, my insurance won't cover me if something happens while I am driving within two weeks especially if the doc said for me to avoid driving. The doc given me time off work until and including July 27 which is a Monday, this leaves me three days to take alternative transport to work aside from the car and the bicycle, it looks like being the bus. Fortunately the bus service takes me from just around the corner to just a block away from my work place. The Friday of that week will make it more than two weeks since my discharge from hospital so I be able to drive to work, means having to spend money on petrol which I was trying to avoid in the first place!!

As for my recovery process, the activity plan as given by the hospital, I start with a five minute walk twice each day. Fortunately my back yard is fairly large, so a five minute walk is basically about three laps around the yard. Then increase the time spent walking as I am able to, and am now on seven minutes walks around the yard. If all goes well the perhaps I be able to walk around one of our local parks, there are two of them within a short walking distance as I still won't be able to drive, but by then I be ready for a change of scenery.

Then all these pills I am on now for at least the next 12 months. Morning and evening I'm taking pills, all doing various things to help mitigate against a repeat of the heart episode, such as, keeping cholesterol low, keeping blood pressure low and thinning of the blood so it won't get clogged up at the sites of the stents. With my blood now permanently thin and low pressure it does make me dizzy at times if I do too much, hence the very slow rate of the hospital recovery plan, just a matter of my body getting used to it.

Last but not least..... contingency plan if a repeat episode occurs. It's unlikely I'd get another heart attack anytime soon if I do the right things, take my pills, and don't overdo things. They've given me this spray which I need to carry around with me when I'm out, and the plan is, if I have pain in my chest then spray this substance under my tongue and wait five minutes. If pain persists, give another spray and wait five minutes. If the pain still persists then call Emergency. This is designed to differentiate between the less serious angina attack which this substance will relieve, and an actual heart attack which will need medical intervention - a trip to the hospital.

Of course up until last Monday I thought I would never experience a heart attack, and indeed I thought the pain in my chest was just indigestion or perhaps a pulled muscle. I never dreamed it would be a heart attack, and the only reason why I called the Health Advice Hotline is cos the pain didn't seem to be going away so just needed to eliminate what I thought was a very unlikely possibility of a heart attack. I was surprised when they called the ambulance for me, and even then when the ambulance arrived I thought with their diagnostic equipment they be able to figure out it was something less serious than any heart related issues and was expecting them to tell me to just either go to a chemist for a pill and\or make a appointment with a GP. Well as it is said, the rest is history...... what I thought was the least likely of scenario actually happened.

Now its more like if it happened once then it could happen again, and so I am all too aware of every little niggles that may happen anywhere in the vicinity of my chest! Just have to tell myself two things. First, another heart attack is unlikely as long as I keep up with the pills and etc. Second, the pain in my chest that signals a heart attack is more than just a niggle, it is indeed quite unmistakable and usually accompanied by tightness in the chest, and any of the other symptoms that is listed among the hospital documentations that I received on discharge.

Anyway....... at least I'm still alive and kicking.......

Some light if quirky humor......

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