Sunday 12 July 2015

Bomber Jinx and the 3rd Three Weeks incidence

I must have been jinxing the Bombers with the curse of Chiron..... each time I pick them they lose, and so now the week I did not pick them they win!!! The Chiron jinx almost worked for the Maggies. I didn't pick them cos I knew they wouldn't in, but it was a lot closer than I thought, they lost by only three points, I thought they would lose by more. I did somehow managed seven correct picks. I thought to call a temporary Eagles truce out of respect for Walsh but I still couldn't bring myself to pick them ;).... that was my only other miss. Next week is the Maggies Eagles match and well I would like to think the Maggies will win..... all things are possible especially in parallel universes.... maybe in one parallel universe the Maggies are on top of the ladder and hadn't lost any games..... as it can be said, all possible realities exists in parallel universes, and occasionally the veil becomes particularly thin, and we may enter into a parallel universe.... and the Maggies will win next week ;)

This week is going to be a tough week. Here now the 3rd incidence of "The Three Weeks"

Today I went to the mall to stock up on candle supplies for what will be a very intense New Moon week. I also bought other items, groceries, and a couple more of the steel drink containers in my process to replace the plastic containers.

Before I use the new containers I rinse them with hot water, and I leave them filled with hot water for a while. So I filled up both containers with hot water and left them on the sink for a while. Now I just come back to final wash out the containers and fill them with my filtered water when I noticed one of them was EMPTY!!!! Hmmmmm...... I was certain that I filled BOTH of them up.

Then I saw it was a bit wet on the sink in the vicinity of the containers. So I filled up the container again and I looked at the bottom there was water coming out in a squirt!!! Uhhhhh..... water is NOT supposed to come out in a squirt from the bottom!!!!! This brand new container has a bloody leak!!!!!!

Well it goes to show that one should not make purchases during "The Three Weeks", and well the containers are expensive compared to the plastic containers I previously used and am replacing but in the grand scheme of things they're not very expensive. And there is the greater issue of replacing the highly toxic plastic containers which can't wait three weeks. And the containers I bought last week were just fine. So in this instance it was a risk worth taking. And well only just one of the two containers had a leak.

So time to bring out my candles for the 3-candle ritual...... its good thing I bought extra candles!!!!!!!

As I said this week will be energetically a tough week due to the New Moon happening hence why I bought more candles. But another reason why it will be a tough week. This hell cursed weather!! It started to get freezing cold last Wednesday, and well it's school holidays so when I saw how freezing cold it will be the last two days of the week, I applied for and gotten the two days off work thinking it will warm up this week, afterall, it usually stays cold for a few days before it warms up. No such bloody luck!!!! It's going to stay freezing cold, 5 degrees or less, for at least another week, making it ten days of freezing cold weather which I am certain it be close to a record, and I can't take any more days off work!!!! It dropped to as low as -1 degrees last Thursday so was VERY glad I didn't have to go out to work!!!!

Dang! I hate winter so much!!! The only good thing about winter is the rain, but it never rains anymore. When we do get rain it is only a few showers for maybe a day. It warms up when it rains, it doesn't get freezing cold like 5 degrees. I am certain Perth has never been this cold before. In previous years we'd get such cold snaps but it would only last for a few days followed by more balmy conditions with rain. But now it never rains. We're looking at least ten days without rain hence freezing cold mornings. I am getting too old for this. If I ever lose my job I am moving to Queensland!!! I need to be somewhere warmer. The heat does not bother me. It can be 45 degrees and it wouldn't bother me. It is just the cold I cannot take. I wouldn't survive in a place like Melbourne or Hobart, and it almost seems Perth is getting almost as cold. It warms up during the day in the sun, but these early mornings when I have to go out and go to work, it is at the coldest part of the day that I have to commute to work, and there's no heating in the warehouse so it stays freezing cold all day, until I go home and by then it is nice and warm in the sun..... but as soon as the sun sets the temperature drops like a rock!! It's OK when I am at home, but it is just when I have to go out that I can't take it!!!! arrrrrgh!!!! So yes this 2nd week of "The Three Weeks" is going to be a very tough week!!!!

Me when I looked at this week's weather forecast....

How I'd celebrate when Spring finally arrives.....

Must not have been in the public sector with all those redundancies happening....

This probably shouldn't surprise me......

I'm more computer addict but I can relate ;) ;)

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