Thursday 16 July 2015

The Three Weeks - The Day that Changed my Life Forever - Part 1

The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 1

At the start of what was destined to be a very intense week, the 2nd Week of "The Three Weeks", the week of the New Moon, I woke up early Monday morning with moderate pain in my chest which I thought was just heartburn or something, or a manifestation of my very out of balance heart chakra. It did cross my mind the small chance it could be my physical heart, but me being fit and healthy, a vegetarian, keeping active, etc, I thought surely not!! Furthermore the pain was in the middle of my chest, and even with my extremely limited knowledge of human anatomy, I thought the heart was off to one side of the chest. And I didn't have any other symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, etc, that one associates with heart problems. The pain went away after an hour and I went back to sleep.

I woke up to go to work and was feeling perfectly fine, so I went to work as usual. However at lunch time the pain came back, in the same spot in the center of my chest, it wasn't severe pain, but enough to grab my attention. I still didn't think much of it. So I rode my bicycle the 12kms back home still with this pain in my chest. When I got home I thought just to be on the safe side I better call the health line, well the pain wasn't going away, and while not severe it was distracting.

So I called the health advice line, described the pain, the lady on the other end asking me questions.... then she told me, she is going to call an ambulance!!!! What!!!???? Well I thought, she knew better than me, and well if it turned out to be nothing, which I thought it was nothing more than heartburn as from indigestion or something similar, I could just tell the paramedics that it was the health line that called you guys over.

Only five minutes later I heard the wailing sirens of an ambulance getting closer and closer, surely it wasn't for ME!!!!!! Indeed it was, ambulance with lights flashing was in my driveway a little over five minutes after the call.

The paramedics called me into the van and to take a seat in the van. They hooked me up to some device which I assumed checked the heart, and one of them sprayed a substance under my tongue. Not long after that, they pointed me to the stretcher in the van and told me to go lay down. Well thinking it was just another part of the testing or diagnosis, I went to lay down. Then they strapped me in, and told me, You're going to hospital!!! I thought..... WHAT!!!?????? They told me the machine picked up irregularities in my heart. And well I knew there are massive irregularities in my heart chakra but I don't think the machine would have picked up on those! LOL! It must have been my physical heart, that intricate design of muscle necessary to keep me in 3D on planet Earth.

Soon I was on my way to the hospital under Priority One, lights and sirens flashing, and everything!!! Hmmmmmm OK.... it wasn't long before we reached the hospital, and I was wheeled in straight into ER and into an intensive care bay. They hooked me up onto their machine, and.... one of the docs said to me, "You are experiencing a heart attack!!" I thought OMG WHAT!!!!??????? OK I think I'm in serious danger here!!!!

I didn't spend more than five minutes in the ER bay before I was wheeled upstairs to the CCU (Corony Care Unit) and straight into the operating theatre!!!! They were fixing to do emergency surgery on me!!!! Hmmmmm OK.... what is going to happen NOW!!!!!!!!???

They explained to me what was going to happen, and indeed I would remain awake during the whole process. What they do is do a small cut in my groin under local anesthetic, and insert a camera into my artery and all the way up into my heart where they found blockages - just like my heart chakra, many blockages!!!! Indeed I could see the screens above me, it sure was a mess in there inside me, as much as my chakras were in a mess!!!! Then they insert another tube and insert what they call a "stent", basically a steel spring-like device that works to unblock the arteries. The stent stays there for the rest of my 3D life on planet Earth. I ended up having FOUR of them inserted in my arteries around my heart!!!!

Then I was wheeled into what was destined to be my "home" for the next four days, a small room with a monitor that I would be hooked up to 24/7.

More later.......

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