Saturday 11 July 2015

The Three Weeks - Week 1

It looks like so far my rituals described previously are making a difference. During this first week of "The Three Weeks" there has been just two relatively minor incidences, and the rituals possibly worked to lessen the impact of these incidences.

During my on-line life I often meet new Star Seeds. None in Perth, there are no Star Seeds in Perth, or if there are some they're not online. I have the one soul in York, otherwise, all the other Star Seeds are either on the east coast or overseas. And so to cut a long story short, I recently "met" another Star Seed, this one in Europe, and the friendship seemed very promising.

However there was it turned out a sting in the tail, which until now, was not entirely obvious. She is a member of the "Christ Consciousness" movement. It's basically the New Age version of Christianity, indeed known as "New Age Christians". Not all Star Seeds are enlightened like I am, that is, not subscribing to any organised religion but to seek one's own pathway in life, personal spirituality. For example, the rituals I have been talking about I've made up myself. I've gotten ideas about them from other sources, but I adapted them for my own situation with guidance from my Spirit guides. That is personal spirituality, and it is what many Star Seeds embraces, but not all of them. Many still subscribe to organised religion, and many of them embraces "Christ Consciousness".

I've known about "Christ Consciousness" for a long time, and have over the years struck up online friendships with a few from this movement, but the friendship would soon end, usually because of my differing viewpoints such as me embracing aspects of Paganism and the occult. One of the major differences between "Christ Consciousness" and traditional Christianity is that while the latter believes in the 2nd coming of Jesus, with Jesus physically returning to Earth to end Armageddon and World War III and establish the millennial "Kingdom of God" on this Earth, those in "Christ Consciousness" simply believes that rather than the physical return of Jesus, the world population will in one way or another embrace the teachings of Jesus emphasizing on love, peace, forgiveness, etc, eg "love thy enemy", and etc.... thus war, poverty, crime, etc would simply disappear and we enter into an "age of enlightenment". This would occur after some major catastrophe, such as World War III, climate change, worldwide economic collapse, or some other global catastrophe which would finally "wake up" humanity.

This sounds good, however, there is a sting in the tail. Christ Consciousness is nothing more than a rehash of Christianity, it is indeed a religion. And like all religions, they have sets of rules or laws which its followers must adhere to. Christ Consciousness doesn't believe in "Hell" as such, but those failing to keep the laws would experience karmic consequences in their next lifetimes.

Back to my new European friend, she kept on referring to this "The Law", even referring a website detailing this "The Law". It's just another rehash of Christian laws, and definitely not my thing, however, being an open kind of guy, I just accepted her beliefs, being her pathway. And our friendship blossomed, as akin to brother and sister, indeed we referred to each other as brother and sister, much like with my York friend.

However, a few days ago, during this 1st week of "The Three Weeks", she turned against me. I won't go into the gory details, but basically, she passed judgment on me for not keeping "The Law"..... and well the friendship ended. It was a shock that I didn't see coming. But it DID provide me with a whole new perspective on "Christ Consciousness", and indeed helped me to see that it is definitely NOT my scene.

Incidence Number 2 happened last night. I was on my way to my cousin's church, I go most Friday's and meet with my cousin. Well last night I was driving through an intersection with the green light facing me, and for some reason I was compelled to look around to the cross road. There I saw a car that was most definitely NOT going to stop in spite of the RED light facing it, indeed the car didn't even slow down!! It just careered straight through the intersection as if going through a green light!! It was only because I was compelled to look up the road and seeing the car in time for me to slow down that prevented me from becoming another car wreck statistic!! The errant car almost collected the car next to me in the other lane who was further across the intersection than I was, but SOMEHOW a collision was avoided! HOW the collision was avoided is beyond me, it must have been a miracle. Indeed all made it safely with no car wrecks. But just to think that had I not looked up the road I could have been in a car wreck!!!! Hmmmmm...... I've always known that I have a guardian angel, and it was not the first time she stepped in to save me ;)

Now as we move into the 2nd week of "The Three Weeks" things will be more intense, especially with the New Moon next week. Even many astrologers who knows nothing about Judaism predicts this New Moon to be particularly intense. On the Jewish calendar, this New Moon marks the more intense "9 Days of Av", the final nine days of The Three Weeks leading to Tisha B'Av, the day the Jewish Temples were destroyed. I will be stocking up on extra candles this weekend!!!!!

Some cartoons to lighten things up ;)

Many would say I'd win the vote too ;)

What I would do too ;)

I often ask the same question......

Those pesky salesmen !!!!

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