Tuesday 21 July 2015

The Three Weeks - The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 5

The day I go home!! Yay!!! Also New Moon day. Back during my hell years of carer for sick wife, during all of her many hospital stays, her admissions and discharges from hospital would always occur at the peak of the lunar cycles, either New Moons or Full Moons, ALWAYS without fail!! Her ultimate discharge, when she passed away in hospital, happened on a Full Moon. My admission to hospital happened at the start of the 2nd week of "The Three Weeks", and now it seems that my discharge would happen on a New Moon. I wonder if it will mean that my departure from this planet back to Taygeta would also occur on a New Moon ;)

Meanwhile the not so small matter of having the catheter removed! I was so nervous about that, but trying to think to myself, surely it MUST be easier to remove it than to insert it in the first place. The insertion was very traumatic and painful, so was saying to myself, surely it will be a lot easier to remove. I was also worried if they'd done any damage "down there" as this usually routine procedure was anything but "routine". One of the nurses did mention that I had experienced bleeding "down there" but also said it wasn't particularly unusual and that it had stopped.

Soon after dawn the time came soon enough for this infernal catheter to be removed, not a totally painless process but far more pleasant. There was this momentary shot of pain as the thing was removed in less than a second! Then total and utter relief!!! I was so glad it was removed! It bled a bit for a while but not for long.

Then one of the nurses told me about the "void of three" test. Sounds much like the wiccan "power of three". These nurses seemed like witches at times and I mean this in a POSITIVE sense. In this Christian culture, women are called witches in a derogatory sense, designed to insult them. But to me, when I call a woman a witch, it is truly a term of endearment, bestowing honor to her. And some of those nurses seemed to have magical touches in their care of me, they could easily have been witches, and I would just so love to be cared for by witches. So I found it quite funny when they mentioned "void of three" cos it sounded very much like "power of three" that witches refers to.

Anyway, the "void of three" test is what we have to do after the removal of the catheter to make sure everything works "down there" as it should. Basically to go pee three times, and after each time, the bladder is scanned to see if it was actually empty hence "void".

The docs came to visit me later that morning, and they did confirm that indeed I am ready to go home. Yay!!!!! Yee ha!!!!! Now the only thing between me and going home is this "void of three" test, so I began to drink lots of water!! ;) And I had my last meal at the hospital, lunchtime.

Later that afternoon I finally passed the "void of three", indeed it went very well for me! Yay!!! So now just to wait for my sister to come pick me up.... and I have to say, this was one occasion I was so glad to see my sister when she finally made it to the hospital.... and I was on my way home!!!

Now to settle back into life at home which is destined to be different to my life at home prior to my hospital admission.....

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