Friday 17 July 2015

The Three Weeks - The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 2

The operating theatre which seems strangely similar to scenes from ET abductions with tubes entering the arteries giving implants, the "stents" were inserted to release the blockages in the arteries. Thereafter I was wheeled into a small room destined to be my home for the next four days where I'd be hooked up to a monitor 24/7. Like a scene from a cyborg movie I was hooked up by a seemingly endless array of wires. Then three entry points, one on one arm, the other two on the other arm, were created to make it easier for them to inject drugs into my system. There seemingly more drugs than in a pharma store. I'm sure there are perfectly viable natural/herbal alternatives but I was not in the position to argue my point! As it is said, while we live on a 3D planet we live by 3D rules, and there is this inbuilt desires that we have to remain on this familiar 3D planet as much as we like to go back to the higher dimensions. It's akin to Christians fighting tooth and nail to stay alive on planet Earth even though they claim to believe in a Heaven. It is known as survival instinct, this instinctive desire for us to remain alive on this planet. And well I have to say, I have this instinct too!!

I soon learned that I would have to remain laying on my back for several hours straight due to the effects of the blood thinning substances that was injected into me in the theatre. Where they cut into my groin goes straight into a major artery, and the blood was thinner, so any movement in the leg could be catastrophic with uncontrolled bleeding. So the deal was to test the blood each hour until the thinner drug wore off sufficiently which usually takes four hours or so. Then the tube is taken out and the wound dressed, then another four hours of laying still on my back until the wound had clotted sufficiently. Making it a total of eight hours or so, not good for one with ADHD!!! I find it hard to lay still for 8 minutes let alone 8 hours!!!!

In this instance they asked me if I still feel pain in my chest, and well considering they saved my life I thought I had better tell the truth which unbeknown to me at the time would lead me to a fate I wouldn't even trust on my enemies. I told them that indeed I still do feel pain in my chest albeit a lot less than previously. So in response they injected more drugs into my system, and they thought they would have to take me back to the theatre for more operations the next day, so they didn't remove the tube from my groin, hence I was destined to spend an agonising whole night laying still on my back!!!! Extreme mental torture for one with ADHD - Attention Directed to Higher Dimensions. I felt empathy for the poor souls with head injuries etc who has to lay in traction absolutely still for days on end!!!!

For me at least there was temporary relief - two pretty nurses rubbing my back ;) As long as I keep my leg straight I can roll over to my side. So at times as my back gets stiff from laying on my back for so long, the two nurses would roll me over and rub my back with deep heat oils - the only way I could get two pretty girls rubbing my back!!!!

The pain in my chest eventually cleared by dawn the next day, however, it would be replaced by sheer torture. This small matter of having to go pee, very awkward when laying on one's back. When such a moment of need arises, one of the nurses place the bottle in the appropriate spot, then the whole bed is tilted slightly, and well you attempt to go pee. Not many people can pee successfully on their back, not so critical when laying on the back for the normal 8 hours, but very critical for the much longer period as I was. The nurses gets worried when you don't pee for a long time, the bladder gets more and more full, expanding it to a too large size, which like a balloon can literally burst.

So there came a point the next day when the nurses told me to pee or have the catheter inserted into the most sensitive part of my 3D body!!!! CATHETER!!!! NO!!!!!!! It might have well been one of those medieval instruments of torture!!!! Just thinking about it makes me wince in pain!!!!

I was left with the terrifying choice! Pee or catheter!!!! OUCH!!!!!

Next the verdict.......

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