Wednesday 22 July 2015

The Three Weeks - My recovery and finding a GP

My recovery is pretty well on track despite grappling with the side effects of the meds which includes dizzy spells and tinglings in my hand and feet, but these are getting less as my 3D body gets used to the substances, indeed had no dizzy spells for two days. I continue to be a wonder to the medical profession, every one of them are amazed that I even had a heart attack given my healthy lifestyle, and though high cholesterol runs in my family, my level according to some docs are not that high and should not have caused the heart attack!! Must be that I am an 8D soul from Taygeta in the Pleiades existing in a 3D human body ;)

I haven't stepped inside a GP's office for over three years so now the time to find a GP. Our previous GP which my wife and I were seeing it turns out is no longer practicing despite the website of his medical practice listing him as one of the GPs on the staff. They seriously need to update the website!!!

So I tried the holistic health center which my wife and I also visited before, and despite the website still being up, the center no longer exists. It seems the internet is ageless or in another dimensions. We still have websites of organisations that no longer exists!!

With those two doors closed I see it as the universe saying I need to break free from the past, especially those years of hell of caring for increasingly sick wife. This was probably the cause of my heart attack, the spiritual torment of seeing my wife suffer and losing her. So now time to move on.....

First task is to get online to find a holistic GP, that is a qualified GP that deals with mainstream medicine but also deals with alternative forms of healings, herbals, essential oils, and certain spiritual modalities. But even with the wonder of Google, trying to find such a GP in Perth is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. Such creatures are an endangered species in Perth, and indeed I could find just five of them in the whole of the metropolitan area. However there are more conventional GPs than one could poke a stick at.

I narrow my choice of holistic GPs down to the two that exists on my side of the city, at least in the remote vicinity of where I live. And one of them specialises in heart conditions, so she was my first choice. However I felt that with the holistic GPs being an extreme rare breed in Perth there is probably a bit of a waiting list for them. I therefore also picked out a couple of conventional GPs not far from my house as backup. In this instance I picked a Medical Center that was next to the lakes near my place, as water is very good for my heart chakra. Also according to the website, this center "welcomes" new patients, cos not all GPs takes new patients due to already high demands, etc.

As being a Virgo I like to have contingency plans. I will first contact the holistic GP that specialises in heart conditions, and if for some reason she doesn't take new patients, then I will go to the 2nd holistic GP, and if new patients are not accepted there, then I would have to settle for the conventional GP. Second contingency plan is, if there is a waiting list for the first holistic GP then I will go on the waiting list and go with a conventional GP for the time being, same if the 2nd holistic GP has a waiting list.

Now the time to contact them....... I phoned the 1st holistic GP and it turns out there is indeed a waiting list, a two months waiting list!!!! So I asked to be put on the waiting list, and it turns out that they had a spot for me for September 29, and so I now have an appointment with a holistic GP that specialises in heart conditions on September 29.  Me and my seeing signs in dates, it turns out that this is the start of Succot festival therefore it must be a Full Moon - both very good signs for me starting with this holistic GP.

Meanwhile it leaves me with the task of finding a conventional GP as I need to get with one ASAP so to manage my pills and keep tabs on my vitals, etc. So I went onto the website of the Medical Center near the Lakes near my place, and was glad to find that the website was actually up to date!!!! Indeed you can actually book online!! That's a major plus for me, to be able to book online on any devices - PC or phone, etc.

So as a new patient I just had to set up an account, that process was straight forward, oh the wonders of "big brother" and the Medicare card which seems to know everything about you ;). Now then to choose a GP. It turns out about half of them were booked up for a few days, but there were a few who had spots available the next day.

One that really caught my eye was a Dr Manasseh - uhhhhh JEWISH!!!! Manasseh is a Jewish name, indeed one of the tribes of Israel, being one of Joseph's sons in the Bible. It turned out to be a female GP which I see as another plus. Females tends to be more intuitive even in conventional medicine. The holistic GP I'm seeing in September is also female, a major plus in spirituality, females are generally more spiritual. But to even have this conventional GP as a female is a plus due to more intuitive skills - generally speaking. Of course the Jewish connection could just be her husband assuming she has one of those creatures. Nowadays you cannot make any assumptions. For all I know she could be as single as a wild flower. Nevertheless, a name like Manasseh strongly implies at least some Jewish connection. So I went with her and was able to book an appointment online for the next day. The system sent me an email confirmation, and later on an automated email reminder of the appointment.

Now my first intrepid trek out into the world since my hospital stay, wandering out into the big world out there..... or at least to the Medical Center. Since I am still banned from driving and bicycle riding, the bus is the transport option of choice. The Medical Center is on a bus route that is serviced by a bus every 15 minutes being on a major route. So my short walk to the bus stop near my house, and onto the bus for the Medical Center.

And I needed to wait only 30 minutes from the scheduled appointment time. With most GPs you wait for an hour due to their habits of overbooking, but here it was just a little under 30 minutes. And I have to say I was very impressed with the GP, she seemed to know what she was doing. She was also surprised that I had a heart attack!!! Indeed she said my cholesterol was not "that high" and should not have caused the heart attack.  Me being such a wonder to the medical profession!!! ;) Anyway to cut a long story short, she gave me script for a blood test in six weeks to see how my cholesterol level is after the meds had a chance to take effect.

So now back under the care of a GP. In addition, followup care from the hospital, they had me booked in to see a heart specialist in six weeks, and indeed that appointment is set for September 7.

But am most looking forward to seeing the holistic GP. She probably won't be surprised that I had a heart attack, she may likely to immediately pick up a spiritual cause, such as, my heart chakra being out of balance, or being an 8D soul from Taygeta..... and will recommend me to any of the many alternative healing modalities available at the center...... well the conventional medical community are at a total loss of why I suffered a heart attack, and they clutch as straws saying its my cholesterol level of 5, but even then some admit including my new GP that it was not "that high" and should not have caused the heart attack.

So my journey on this planet continues....... I almost gotten off this planet but not to be, I am meant to be around for a little while yet.........

My quirky sense of humor...... spiritual alternative or otherwise..... ;)

Believe it or not I do have a fairy patch in my garden ;)

A more "useful" miracle? hehe....

Just Google it ;)

That be my computer LOL ;)

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