Sunday 19 July 2015

The Three Weeks - The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 4

I hardly ate a bite the first two days in hospital, due in part to being put on fasts at times, and the sheer trauma of the catheter episode. I simply was not hungry at all. And when I did eat it was just some salad sandwiches. On admission I was asked about any dietary and/or cultural requirements, and well I did say I am vegetarian, another thing which mystified the nurses - me still getting a heart attack in spite of being vegetarian!! However the nurses was very understanding, and at least one of them herself is also vegetarian. One time when the sandwiches were brought in to me, the nurse saw that a couple of the 1/4 slices had ham in it, so she insisted that she remove them from me and replace with another two 1/4 slices without meat. The nurses were really very nice to me and went out of their way to help me.

The evening of the 2nd day I was delivered my first real meal, which included some kind of vegetarian lasagna-type slice (without pasta) and an asparagus casserole, with some roasted veges, it all looked very nice..... except I simply was not hungry!! Still traumatised from the catheter episode, no longer in pain but traumatised. I did manage to eat a few bites just to taste it, and it did taste good, but I just couldn't eat most of it, no appetite whatsoever.

However by then I finally had the tube from my groin/leg taken out, and I was FINALLY able to move my legs, roll over, etc. Just now having to deal with this infernal catheter with the tube attached to a urine bag, that did limit my movement but I could still move a lot more than I was able to earlier with the tube in my groin/leg. How they took it out was interesting, considering it was directly in an artery, and due to the drugs, my blood was thin. So the nurse placed some kind of clamp on my leg. There was no pain involved in this whole process but I did feel the clamp, it was pressing hard on my leg. Then she took out the tube which I didn't even feel, she had to tell me that it was actually out now. The wound was dressed, and I had to lay still for another four hours, until the nurse checked it again and said.... FINALLY!!!!.... I can MOVE!!!! Me with ADHD (Attention Directed to Higher Dimensions) being most thankful!!!!

From midnight moving into the 3rd day I was back on a fast for the 2nd scheduled procedure to have another stent placed at my heart. Given the trauma from the catheter episode I was far more nervous about having the catheter removed during the day than the stent procedure. In fact if not for the catheter episode I would have been just fine. None of the procedures related to my heart condition, such as placements of stents in my heart, tube removal, etc, made me nervous at all, I was really at ease with these, virtually painless. It was a wee bit disconcerting when the doc came in to explain the procedure, and as per regulations, he had to inform me of the risks involved, then had to sign a form giving them the go ahead with the procedure. He mentioned that there is a slight risk of DEATH if something went wrong with it, but he said it was a very slight risk. OK then I may get to go back to Taygeta!! ;) Nevertheless I wasn't in the slightest worried about any possible complications.

After another fitful night of attempted sleep punctuated by my regular checks and constantly hooked up to the heart monitor, dawn finally came. The only reason why I knew that was via a clock in my room. There were no windows and so had no idea of the outside world, no sunshine or anything. There could have been a Hurricane raging and I would not have known about it!!

A while later the docs came in and informed me the procedure would not go ahead afterall. Apparently I was doing better than expected! I guess that's a good thing! Indeed my expected discharge date was brought forward from Friday to Thursday! Yay!!! Though it still seemed an eternity away!!! It was now Wednesday, the day before the New Moon. However he did say for that infernal catheter to remain in place until dawn the next day!!! arrrrrgh!!!!

The docs instructed me to start going for walks around the ward to "test my heart", and I was put onto a portable monitor so to carry around with me. I still also needed to carry the urine bag around with me. But basically to get out of bed for the first time in 3 days, to sit in the chair, stand up, and go for short walks. The nurse then took me for a walk around the ward, she was with me in case I fainted or fell over, but I was perfectly fine ;) And for the first time I saw daylight!!!!! The lucky souls whose rooms were next to windows. Mine was in the center part of the ward with no windows. Oh yes so good to see sunshine, and as per usual of Perth weather in mid-winter, sunny and no rain!!!!

And I had my first vegetarian meal that I could actually finished, feeling somewhat more relaxed in spite of the catheter. Each day they give a menu which I could choose from several choices of meals, and whether I want a "large" or "small" serve - I chose "small" since even at the best of times I eat like a mouse!

So looking forward to going home the next day, ironically on New Moon day, although still nervous about having the catheter removed.....

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