Sunday 26 July 2015

All Over Red Rover

Oh the disaster area that is the football, I reckon its all over red rover for the Maggies, they're out of the top 8 and seems destined to stay that way for the rest of the season. They may briefly flirt with the top 8 when they play Melbourne next week, then Carlton..... IF they beat those two 15th and 16th teams, certainly not assured. But making this extremely rash assumption that they will beat those two teams and make it back into the top 8, the following two weeks will be their undoing when they meet Sydney then Richmond, currently in 4th and 5th. Then it's Geelong who is just currently 1/2 a game ahead on the ladder but the way the Maggies are playing, Geelong will beat them too, so three losses in a row will seal their fate. The final match will be against the Bombers, and well they'll probably beat the Bombers by a few points but it won't be enough to get them back into the top 8. So just as I predicted at the start of the season, no Final's action for the Maggies. This will leave me to root for the teams that play the Weevils in the finals. Looks like they will jag a double chance, so will have to root for the two teams that will play the Weevils to knock them out of the Finals. Sheeze I'm a vindictive soul! hehehe!!! But I did manage 7 correct picks, one of my better results but not enough to quench the curse of Chiron ! ;)

Anyway "The Three Weeks" is over but its effects this time is destined to impact me for the rest of my time on planet Earth. Hopefully my medical diagnosis during this time won't go the same way as my wife's initial diagnosis of her health condition which occurred during "The Three Weeks" of 2011 and ultimately led to her death less than two years later! Of course there are importance differences, such as, my wife have had for a long time been grappling with several health issues, some since her childhood, so the 2011 diagnosis was akin to the straw that broke the camel's back, she never recovered, indeed had gotten worse and worse until her merciful death. Me however I generally had a clean bill of health. As what hospitals do they tested my blood for at least the major health issues, and well I don't even have diabetes, my blood pressure was reasonable for my age, and well the only issue was high cholesterol but as the doc said even that wasn't terribly high and should not have caused a heart attack. It was the same level as my mother and my auntie, and neither of them had heart problems, my auntie is a perfect picture of health even for her age, and well what killed mother was brain/nerve related, nothing to do with blood or heart. Furthermore I actually lost weight. I was around 85kg to 90kg during those hell years with my wife, and at the hospital they weighed me and I was down to 78kg. So this out of the ordinary heart event that I suffered, which has the medical profession baffled, well I am recovering most nicely from.

I am now up to 15 minutes walks twice per day, adding a couple of minutes each day as I am able to. I so far encountered no problems while walking, certainly no chest pains. I am now walking around the local park. And I made two bus trips, the first to the doc, and the 2nd to the PO box.

The next big test will be when I return to work on Tuesday. It will be by public transport since I am still banned from driving for another week. I will be able to drive again on Friday, however, I will still take public transport to work for two reasons.....

1. It's cheaper. Driving to work costs me about $40 per week just in petrol, then the wear and tear on the car, and etc. However by public transport, its a 2-Zone trip, which attracts a $4:50 fare, making it $9 to and from work. However since I use a SmartRider card with an "autoload" feature, that being, a specified amount of money is deducted from my bank account when the balance on the card falls below a certain amount, I get a 25% discount, which is $3:38 per trip, thus  $6:76 each work day, therefore $33:80 per week. Not that much cheaper than petrol but when also considering wear and tear on the car, etc, the savings long term is significant. And well I am off my bicycle for at least six weeks until I see the Heart Specialist in September, then its likely to be a gradual return to my bicycle riding so realistically it be several months before I be back to riding my bicycle to work, a 12kms trip each way.

2. By taking public transport I can incorporate my daily walks into my schedule, as the hospital recommends that I go for a walk each day. There are two ways of getting to work from my place - bus only, and a bus/train combination. The bus stop is literally at the end of my street, a two minutes walk from my place. The bus only option will see me dropped off at the nearest bus stop to work which is about a 5 minutes walk. The bus/train option will still have me catching a bus from the same bus stop near my place, albeit a different bus number, that bus drops me off at the train/bus interchange, and then the train to the nearest station to work which is a 15-20 minutes walk. Since it is still dark when I go to work, I take the bus only option since I don't like walking in the dark. However on my way home I take the bus/train option thus incorporating a 20 minutes walk to the station in my schedule. Then by the end of August it should get light enough in the morning for me to safely incorporate a 20 minutes morning walk from the station to work, thus making it two walks per day. So yes me being a Virgo I have it all worked out. We Virgos like to plan things and work things out logically ;)

Saving money where possible even if only a little bit is a priority. As my experiences shows, health issues translates to financial issues, though mine won't be as severe as with my wife when I had to go into debt to pay her expenses, a debt I am still paying off to this day. My increased expenses are not so high. It is mainly the pills that will put a dent in my budget. I am on five different pills each lasting for a month, so even with the pharma benefit which I think my payment is capped at approx $38 per box of pills, I be looking at $200/mth for the pills for at least 12 months. A visit to my GP is $75, and based on my experiences with my wife, I probably get about $20 back on Medicare, I will have to post my claim in since Medicare offices are as rare as hen's teeth and none near work nor my place. Not sure how often I would need to visit a GP, probably every six weeks or couple of months. My visit to the Heart Specialist will cost me $250 but I do know I get approx half back on Medicare, its in my appointment conformation email. Then when I finally get to visit the holistic GP in September, that will cost me $75 which I'll get some back on Medicare since she is a registered GP, however the costs will really begin to rise when I start using alternative medicine as none is covered by Medicare, but it will be worth it.

Now my quirky sense of humor.......

It be nice if I could go to work like this......

What would be a better choice? hehe ;)

Pesky salesmen.....


Wednesday 22 July 2015

The Three Weeks - My recovery and finding a GP

My recovery is pretty well on track despite grappling with the side effects of the meds which includes dizzy spells and tinglings in my hand and feet, but these are getting less as my 3D body gets used to the substances, indeed had no dizzy spells for two days. I continue to be a wonder to the medical profession, every one of them are amazed that I even had a heart attack given my healthy lifestyle, and though high cholesterol runs in my family, my level according to some docs are not that high and should not have caused the heart attack!! Must be that I am an 8D soul from Taygeta in the Pleiades existing in a 3D human body ;)

I haven't stepped inside a GP's office for over three years so now the time to find a GP. Our previous GP which my wife and I were seeing it turns out is no longer practicing despite the website of his medical practice listing him as one of the GPs on the staff. They seriously need to update the website!!!

So I tried the holistic health center which my wife and I also visited before, and despite the website still being up, the center no longer exists. It seems the internet is ageless or in another dimensions. We still have websites of organisations that no longer exists!!

With those two doors closed I see it as the universe saying I need to break free from the past, especially those years of hell of caring for increasingly sick wife. This was probably the cause of my heart attack, the spiritual torment of seeing my wife suffer and losing her. So now time to move on.....

First task is to get online to find a holistic GP, that is a qualified GP that deals with mainstream medicine but also deals with alternative forms of healings, herbals, essential oils, and certain spiritual modalities. But even with the wonder of Google, trying to find such a GP in Perth is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. Such creatures are an endangered species in Perth, and indeed I could find just five of them in the whole of the metropolitan area. However there are more conventional GPs than one could poke a stick at.

I narrow my choice of holistic GPs down to the two that exists on my side of the city, at least in the remote vicinity of where I live. And one of them specialises in heart conditions, so she was my first choice. However I felt that with the holistic GPs being an extreme rare breed in Perth there is probably a bit of a waiting list for them. I therefore also picked out a couple of conventional GPs not far from my house as backup. In this instance I picked a Medical Center that was next to the lakes near my place, as water is very good for my heart chakra. Also according to the website, this center "welcomes" new patients, cos not all GPs takes new patients due to already high demands, etc.

As being a Virgo I like to have contingency plans. I will first contact the holistic GP that specialises in heart conditions, and if for some reason she doesn't take new patients, then I will go to the 2nd holistic GP, and if new patients are not accepted there, then I would have to settle for the conventional GP. Second contingency plan is, if there is a waiting list for the first holistic GP then I will go on the waiting list and go with a conventional GP for the time being, same if the 2nd holistic GP has a waiting list.

Now the time to contact them....... I phoned the 1st holistic GP and it turns out there is indeed a waiting list, a two months waiting list!!!! So I asked to be put on the waiting list, and it turns out that they had a spot for me for September 29, and so I now have an appointment with a holistic GP that specialises in heart conditions on September 29.  Me and my seeing signs in dates, it turns out that this is the start of Succot festival therefore it must be a Full Moon - both very good signs for me starting with this holistic GP.

Meanwhile it leaves me with the task of finding a conventional GP as I need to get with one ASAP so to manage my pills and keep tabs on my vitals, etc. So I went onto the website of the Medical Center near the Lakes near my place, and was glad to find that the website was actually up to date!!!! Indeed you can actually book online!! That's a major plus for me, to be able to book online on any devices - PC or phone, etc.

So as a new patient I just had to set up an account, that process was straight forward, oh the wonders of "big brother" and the Medicare card which seems to know everything about you ;). Now then to choose a GP. It turns out about half of them were booked up for a few days, but there were a few who had spots available the next day.

One that really caught my eye was a Dr Manasseh - uhhhhh JEWISH!!!! Manasseh is a Jewish name, indeed one of the tribes of Israel, being one of Joseph's sons in the Bible. It turned out to be a female GP which I see as another plus. Females tends to be more intuitive even in conventional medicine. The holistic GP I'm seeing in September is also female, a major plus in spirituality, females are generally more spiritual. But to even have this conventional GP as a female is a plus due to more intuitive skills - generally speaking. Of course the Jewish connection could just be her husband assuming she has one of those creatures. Nowadays you cannot make any assumptions. For all I know she could be as single as a wild flower. Nevertheless, a name like Manasseh strongly implies at least some Jewish connection. So I went with her and was able to book an appointment online for the next day. The system sent me an email confirmation, and later on an automated email reminder of the appointment.

Now my first intrepid trek out into the world since my hospital stay, wandering out into the big world out there..... or at least to the Medical Center. Since I am still banned from driving and bicycle riding, the bus is the transport option of choice. The Medical Center is on a bus route that is serviced by a bus every 15 minutes being on a major route. So my short walk to the bus stop near my house, and onto the bus for the Medical Center.

And I needed to wait only 30 minutes from the scheduled appointment time. With most GPs you wait for an hour due to their habits of overbooking, but here it was just a little under 30 minutes. And I have to say I was very impressed with the GP, she seemed to know what she was doing. She was also surprised that I had a heart attack!!! Indeed she said my cholesterol was not "that high" and should not have caused the heart attack.  Me being such a wonder to the medical profession!!! ;) Anyway to cut a long story short, she gave me script for a blood test in six weeks to see how my cholesterol level is after the meds had a chance to take effect.

So now back under the care of a GP. In addition, followup care from the hospital, they had me booked in to see a heart specialist in six weeks, and indeed that appointment is set for September 7.

But am most looking forward to seeing the holistic GP. She probably won't be surprised that I had a heart attack, she may likely to immediately pick up a spiritual cause, such as, my heart chakra being out of balance, or being an 8D soul from Taygeta..... and will recommend me to any of the many alternative healing modalities available at the center...... well the conventional medical community are at a total loss of why I suffered a heart attack, and they clutch as straws saying its my cholesterol level of 5, but even then some admit including my new GP that it was not "that high" and should not have caused the heart attack.

So my journey on this planet continues....... I almost gotten off this planet but not to be, I am meant to be around for a little while yet.........

My quirky sense of humor...... spiritual alternative or otherwise..... ;)

Believe it or not I do have a fairy patch in my garden ;)

A more "useful" miracle? hehe....

Just Google it ;)

That be my computer LOL ;)

Tuesday 21 July 2015

The Three Weeks - The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 6

Now home at long last after what seemed to be an eternity in hospital. It's been only four days but it felt more like four years!!! However my ordeal is far from over and I am certainly not out of danger. I am now regarded as "chronically ill". I would never have thought this would happen to me in a million years. My wife have always had chronic illness which simply got more and more over the years, but me!!!??? No way!!!! It goes to show that things can change in an instant even when leading a healthy active lifestyle.

One of the first things taught to me was the use of this spray. If I get chest pains then spray this substance once in my mouth. If the pain persists after five minutes then spray again. If the pain still doesn't go away after another five minutes then spray again and call Emergency.

Next thing is getting used to taking all these pills morning and night for at least the next 12 months. So I went from taking not even suppliments to being virtually a pill bottle. These pills being designed for various functions such as lower my cholesterol levels, thinning my blood so it won't clot and cause another heart attack, and lowering my blood pressure.

The biggest thing however is the days of 30kms walks and 80kms bicycle rides are now over, at least for a long time. I am off my beloved bicycle for at least six weeks. And for insurance purposes, I cannot drive for two weeks. I am off work for about another 10 days. The hospital has given me an activity plan which includes starting my walks twice daily for five whole minutes!! That's just three times or so around my back yard!! A far cry from my 5 hours walk along the river!! Each day as I am able I slowly add a minute or two each day to my walks, that is, just a couple more laps around my back yard!!

One of the first things I did was to take out ambulance cover which could easily be done online. I know from back in the days of my wife and dealing with her sickness that a Priority One trip costs about $900. My wife's trips to hospital would always be by ambulance but her trips were non-urgent so each trip would cost "only" $400. However I am destined for a $900 ambulance bill. I never took out ambulance cover cos I thought I'd never need it in a million years!! As it is said, Hindsight is a good teacher but it doesn't come with a Tardis.

So I took out ambulance cover which cost only about $70 for the year, so any subsequent Priority One trips won't cost me a single penny.... as long as I can survive without such a call out for the next seven days, the waiting period before the insurance kicks in.

Next to find a GP to manage my long road to recovery. I haven't been to a doc for over three years, since the days of my wife's health problems. The last GP we been to was a holistic GP, that is a qualified GP who also does alternative medicines such as herbals and essential oils. But it turns out he is no longer in practice. So I am currently trying to find another holistic GP, or failing that, at least a reasonable conventional GP.

So now a very long road to recovery..... this 8D Taygeta soul in now a much broken 3D body.... but my uncle is my inspiration. He suffered a heart attack over 30 years ago, he was just in his 40s, a bit younger than me when it happened. He hadn't suffered one since and is as fit and healthy as ever. So one CAN recover.... and recover I will.

The Three Weeks - The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 5

The day I go home!! Yay!!! Also New Moon day. Back during my hell years of carer for sick wife, during all of her many hospital stays, her admissions and discharges from hospital would always occur at the peak of the lunar cycles, either New Moons or Full Moons, ALWAYS without fail!! Her ultimate discharge, when she passed away in hospital, happened on a Full Moon. My admission to hospital happened at the start of the 2nd week of "The Three Weeks", and now it seems that my discharge would happen on a New Moon. I wonder if it will mean that my departure from this planet back to Taygeta would also occur on a New Moon ;)

Meanwhile the not so small matter of having the catheter removed! I was so nervous about that, but trying to think to myself, surely it MUST be easier to remove it than to insert it in the first place. The insertion was very traumatic and painful, so was saying to myself, surely it will be a lot easier to remove. I was also worried if they'd done any damage "down there" as this usually routine procedure was anything but "routine". One of the nurses did mention that I had experienced bleeding "down there" but also said it wasn't particularly unusual and that it had stopped.

Soon after dawn the time came soon enough for this infernal catheter to be removed, not a totally painless process but far more pleasant. There was this momentary shot of pain as the thing was removed in less than a second! Then total and utter relief!!! I was so glad it was removed! It bled a bit for a while but not for long.

Then one of the nurses told me about the "void of three" test. Sounds much like the wiccan "power of three". These nurses seemed like witches at times and I mean this in a POSITIVE sense. In this Christian culture, women are called witches in a derogatory sense, designed to insult them. But to me, when I call a woman a witch, it is truly a term of endearment, bestowing honor to her. And some of those nurses seemed to have magical touches in their care of me, they could easily have been witches, and I would just so love to be cared for by witches. So I found it quite funny when they mentioned "void of three" cos it sounded very much like "power of three" that witches refers to.

Anyway, the "void of three" test is what we have to do after the removal of the catheter to make sure everything works "down there" as it should. Basically to go pee three times, and after each time, the bladder is scanned to see if it was actually empty hence "void".

The docs came to visit me later that morning, and they did confirm that indeed I am ready to go home. Yay!!!!! Yee ha!!!!! Now the only thing between me and going home is this "void of three" test, so I began to drink lots of water!! ;) And I had my last meal at the hospital, lunchtime.

Later that afternoon I finally passed the "void of three", indeed it went very well for me! Yay!!! So now just to wait for my sister to come pick me up.... and I have to say, this was one occasion I was so glad to see my sister when she finally made it to the hospital.... and I was on my way home!!!

Now to settle back into life at home which is destined to be different to my life at home prior to my hospital admission.....

Sunday 19 July 2015

Best tipping result yet.

Well in what is something of a minor miracle I did manage to score 8 correct picks with only Adelaide throwing a spanner into the works. I knew the Maggies wouldn't win as much as I hate to admit it, but the season is about over for them, they're not even in the Top 8 now, and I don't think they'll get there with just I think about only 7 weeks or so remaining in the season. Yeah I know the supreme optimist for my Maggies LOL but I knew at the start of the season that it was not going to be our year, and well they did better than I expected for a bit, however they're really falling away now and I be surprised if pleasantly so if they manage to get back into the Top 8.

My 8 correct picks though something of a miracle is not totally unexpected as most of the favorites did win, and the close match of the round, the Power and Crows match with only 3 points in it went against me. There's probably a few who managed to jag all 9 correct picks, it was indeed it turned out an easy round to pick.

So for next week, the Maggies will play the Bulldogs who are playing well and in the top 8..... I reserve my pick until closer to the round ;)

Other news pretty well focused on my recovery from this highly unexpected turn in my health. Fit and healthy enough to walk 30 kms without needing to catch my breath to now barely being able to walk around my back yard for 5 minutes. It will be a long road to recovery. I'm off my beloved bicycle for six weeks, and not allowed to drive for two weeks, my insurance won't cover me if something happens while I am driving within two weeks especially if the doc said for me to avoid driving. The doc given me time off work until and including July 27 which is a Monday, this leaves me three days to take alternative transport to work aside from the car and the bicycle, it looks like being the bus. Fortunately the bus service takes me from just around the corner to just a block away from my work place. The Friday of that week will make it more than two weeks since my discharge from hospital so I be able to drive to work, means having to spend money on petrol which I was trying to avoid in the first place!!

As for my recovery process, the activity plan as given by the hospital, I start with a five minute walk twice each day. Fortunately my back yard is fairly large, so a five minute walk is basically about three laps around the yard. Then increase the time spent walking as I am able to, and am now on seven minutes walks around the yard. If all goes well the perhaps I be able to walk around one of our local parks, there are two of them within a short walking distance as I still won't be able to drive, but by then I be ready for a change of scenery.

Then all these pills I am on now for at least the next 12 months. Morning and evening I'm taking pills, all doing various things to help mitigate against a repeat of the heart episode, such as, keeping cholesterol low, keeping blood pressure low and thinning of the blood so it won't get clogged up at the sites of the stents. With my blood now permanently thin and low pressure it does make me dizzy at times if I do too much, hence the very slow rate of the hospital recovery plan, just a matter of my body getting used to it.

Last but not least..... contingency plan if a repeat episode occurs. It's unlikely I'd get another heart attack anytime soon if I do the right things, take my pills, and don't overdo things. They've given me this spray which I need to carry around with me when I'm out, and the plan is, if I have pain in my chest then spray this substance under my tongue and wait five minutes. If pain persists, give another spray and wait five minutes. If the pain still persists then call Emergency. This is designed to differentiate between the less serious angina attack which this substance will relieve, and an actual heart attack which will need medical intervention - a trip to the hospital.

Of course up until last Monday I thought I would never experience a heart attack, and indeed I thought the pain in my chest was just indigestion or perhaps a pulled muscle. I never dreamed it would be a heart attack, and the only reason why I called the Health Advice Hotline is cos the pain didn't seem to be going away so just needed to eliminate what I thought was a very unlikely possibility of a heart attack. I was surprised when they called the ambulance for me, and even then when the ambulance arrived I thought with their diagnostic equipment they be able to figure out it was something less serious than any heart related issues and was expecting them to tell me to just either go to a chemist for a pill and\or make a appointment with a GP. Well as it is said, the rest is history...... what I thought was the least likely of scenario actually happened.

Now its more like if it happened once then it could happen again, and so I am all too aware of every little niggles that may happen anywhere in the vicinity of my chest! Just have to tell myself two things. First, another heart attack is unlikely as long as I keep up with the pills and etc. Second, the pain in my chest that signals a heart attack is more than just a niggle, it is indeed quite unmistakable and usually accompanied by tightness in the chest, and any of the other symptoms that is listed among the hospital documentations that I received on discharge.

Anyway....... at least I'm still alive and kicking.......

Some light if quirky humor......

The Three Weeks - The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 4

I hardly ate a bite the first two days in hospital, due in part to being put on fasts at times, and the sheer trauma of the catheter episode. I simply was not hungry at all. And when I did eat it was just some salad sandwiches. On admission I was asked about any dietary and/or cultural requirements, and well I did say I am vegetarian, another thing which mystified the nurses - me still getting a heart attack in spite of being vegetarian!! However the nurses was very understanding, and at least one of them herself is also vegetarian. One time when the sandwiches were brought in to me, the nurse saw that a couple of the 1/4 slices had ham in it, so she insisted that she remove them from me and replace with another two 1/4 slices without meat. The nurses were really very nice to me and went out of their way to help me.

The evening of the 2nd day I was delivered my first real meal, which included some kind of vegetarian lasagna-type slice (without pasta) and an asparagus casserole, with some roasted veges, it all looked very nice..... except I simply was not hungry!! Still traumatised from the catheter episode, no longer in pain but traumatised. I did manage to eat a few bites just to taste it, and it did taste good, but I just couldn't eat most of it, no appetite whatsoever.

However by then I finally had the tube from my groin/leg taken out, and I was FINALLY able to move my legs, roll over, etc. Just now having to deal with this infernal catheter with the tube attached to a urine bag, that did limit my movement but I could still move a lot more than I was able to earlier with the tube in my groin/leg. How they took it out was interesting, considering it was directly in an artery, and due to the drugs, my blood was thin. So the nurse placed some kind of clamp on my leg. There was no pain involved in this whole process but I did feel the clamp, it was pressing hard on my leg. Then she took out the tube which I didn't even feel, she had to tell me that it was actually out now. The wound was dressed, and I had to lay still for another four hours, until the nurse checked it again and said.... FINALLY!!!!.... I can MOVE!!!! Me with ADHD (Attention Directed to Higher Dimensions) being most thankful!!!!

From midnight moving into the 3rd day I was back on a fast for the 2nd scheduled procedure to have another stent placed at my heart. Given the trauma from the catheter episode I was far more nervous about having the catheter removed during the day than the stent procedure. In fact if not for the catheter episode I would have been just fine. None of the procedures related to my heart condition, such as placements of stents in my heart, tube removal, etc, made me nervous at all, I was really at ease with these, virtually painless. It was a wee bit disconcerting when the doc came in to explain the procedure, and as per regulations, he had to inform me of the risks involved, then had to sign a form giving them the go ahead with the procedure. He mentioned that there is a slight risk of DEATH if something went wrong with it, but he said it was a very slight risk. OK then I may get to go back to Taygeta!! ;) Nevertheless I wasn't in the slightest worried about any possible complications.

After another fitful night of attempted sleep punctuated by my regular checks and constantly hooked up to the heart monitor, dawn finally came. The only reason why I knew that was via a clock in my room. There were no windows and so had no idea of the outside world, no sunshine or anything. There could have been a Hurricane raging and I would not have known about it!!

A while later the docs came in and informed me the procedure would not go ahead afterall. Apparently I was doing better than expected! I guess that's a good thing! Indeed my expected discharge date was brought forward from Friday to Thursday! Yay!!! Though it still seemed an eternity away!!! It was now Wednesday, the day before the New Moon. However he did say for that infernal catheter to remain in place until dawn the next day!!! arrrrrgh!!!!

The docs instructed me to start going for walks around the ward to "test my heart", and I was put onto a portable monitor so to carry around with me. I still also needed to carry the urine bag around with me. But basically to get out of bed for the first time in 3 days, to sit in the chair, stand up, and go for short walks. The nurse then took me for a walk around the ward, she was with me in case I fainted or fell over, but I was perfectly fine ;) And for the first time I saw daylight!!!!! The lucky souls whose rooms were next to windows. Mine was in the center part of the ward with no windows. Oh yes so good to see sunshine, and as per usual of Perth weather in mid-winter, sunny and no rain!!!!

And I had my first vegetarian meal that I could actually finished, feeling somewhat more relaxed in spite of the catheter. Each day they give a menu which I could choose from several choices of meals, and whether I want a "large" or "small" serve - I chose "small" since even at the best of times I eat like a mouse!

So looking forward to going home the next day, ironically on New Moon day, although still nervous about having the catheter removed.....

Saturday 18 July 2015

The Three Weeks - The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 3

Despite the rush to get me to hospital I still had the presence of mind to bring my crystals and talisman with me. Well they were in a bag that also had my wallet and house keys in it, so just had the paramedics to grab that bag to take with me in the ambulance. But for the first day or so I had no access to them cos of me having to lay still on my back.....

So by midday of Day 2 I was left with the terrifying choice of successfully doing a pee while in the impossible position of flat on my back or having the catheter inserted in where catheters nor any other foreign objects should be inserted!!!

And I couldn't pee to save my life. This was the first time in the hospital where I was really afraid. I was not afraid when I was first told I was suffering a heart attack. I was shocked!!! But not afraid. And I was not afraid in the operating theatre. A little apprehensive at first until they told me what was going to happen. Then I knew once the tube is inserted in my artery with the devices I would not feel a thing. It seemed rather... um.... "funny"... to know that there is actually a tube deep inside me doing its work on my heart.... and seeing videocams of my insides on the screens!!!!... but was not afraid. Indeed when I was in my little room the nurses were amazed at how calm I appeared to be. Indeed I was calm, I really was not afraid at all..... until the catheter episode!!!!

Then for the first time I was afraid.... very afraid!!!! They did pump some pain killing substance in but was effective only for the first little bit, not deeper down. Then the tube went in, and it was relatively painless until it hit "something" deeper down.... OUCH!!!! It was pain of magnitude 20 on a scale from 1 to 10, and my chest pain when I called Emergency was on a scale of just 5. I have a high pain threshhold. I don't feel it when I cut myself. I hardly feel needles going into my skin. But this pain was massive!!!! The nurses were surprised when I yelped in extreme pain. For most guys the feelings were simply "uncomfortable" without it being painful, for for me it was painful!!!

And to my horror the nurse couldn't go any deeper, and she couldn't get any urine out!!! This nurse was chosen for the exercise cos she was good at it, she had 100% success rate UNTIL ME!!!!! Trust ME to be the first failure!!! Must be being an 8D soul from Taygeta, my 3D human body would be slightly different!!!

Then a more senior nurse was summoned, and she would try it!!! NO!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!! Her success rate was 100%.... until ME!!!!! OUCH!!! Those medieval torture scenes that you see in movies seemed positively benign in comparison to what I was going through!!!!

So now time for the big guys.... the top nurse from the Urology dept. Up until now it was just the nursing staff in our CCU dept where this catheter exercise is normally routine even if not "comfortable" for the unfortunate males on the other end of this!!!! But for me it was positively torture, me and my 8D Taygeta soul living in a human body that changes slightly!!!!!

And well I don't know if it was some kind of omen, but the woman was dressed in BLACK. The nurses have their dark blue outfits with white, but this woman was dressed totally in BLACK!!! She even had black hair!!! Seemed VERY appropriate!!!! By now I was uttely petrified and I pleaded for NO MORE!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!!!!! And well normally if a patient is this traumatised then he'd get sedated, however, cos I'm a heart attack patient, they wouldn't sedate me cos of the risks involved.

Well she did have a specialised tube, it was thinner and designed for "difficult" cases like me. The tube actually expands once it was inserted and in place. However no less painful once it hit that spot!!!!!! The worst pain I ever felt. But apparently the tube was thin enough to penetrate past that point.... SUCCESS!!!!!! And I was so relieved to see the urine flowing through the tube, and there was no more pain. However she said for the device to remain in me for 24 hours.... so I'd be attached to a urine bag for 24 hours. But at least the worst was over.....

However given the trauma of the whole episode, I was rather anxious about having it removed when the time came.....

And I was scheduled for another "stent" procedure the next morning.....

Friday 17 July 2015

The Three Weeks - The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 2

The operating theatre which seems strangely similar to scenes from ET abductions with tubes entering the arteries giving implants, the "stents" were inserted to release the blockages in the arteries. Thereafter I was wheeled into a small room destined to be my home for the next four days where I'd be hooked up to a monitor 24/7. Like a scene from a cyborg movie I was hooked up by a seemingly endless array of wires. Then three entry points, one on one arm, the other two on the other arm, were created to make it easier for them to inject drugs into my system. There seemingly more drugs than in a pharma store. I'm sure there are perfectly viable natural/herbal alternatives but I was not in the position to argue my point! As it is said, while we live on a 3D planet we live by 3D rules, and there is this inbuilt desires that we have to remain on this familiar 3D planet as much as we like to go back to the higher dimensions. It's akin to Christians fighting tooth and nail to stay alive on planet Earth even though they claim to believe in a Heaven. It is known as survival instinct, this instinctive desire for us to remain alive on this planet. And well I have to say, I have this instinct too!!

I soon learned that I would have to remain laying on my back for several hours straight due to the effects of the blood thinning substances that was injected into me in the theatre. Where they cut into my groin goes straight into a major artery, and the blood was thinner, so any movement in the leg could be catastrophic with uncontrolled bleeding. So the deal was to test the blood each hour until the thinner drug wore off sufficiently which usually takes four hours or so. Then the tube is taken out and the wound dressed, then another four hours of laying still on my back until the wound had clotted sufficiently. Making it a total of eight hours or so, not good for one with ADHD!!! I find it hard to lay still for 8 minutes let alone 8 hours!!!!

In this instance they asked me if I still feel pain in my chest, and well considering they saved my life I thought I had better tell the truth which unbeknown to me at the time would lead me to a fate I wouldn't even trust on my enemies. I told them that indeed I still do feel pain in my chest albeit a lot less than previously. So in response they injected more drugs into my system, and they thought they would have to take me back to the theatre for more operations the next day, so they didn't remove the tube from my groin, hence I was destined to spend an agonising whole night laying still on my back!!!! Extreme mental torture for one with ADHD - Attention Directed to Higher Dimensions. I felt empathy for the poor souls with head injuries etc who has to lay in traction absolutely still for days on end!!!!

For me at least there was temporary relief - two pretty nurses rubbing my back ;) As long as I keep my leg straight I can roll over to my side. So at times as my back gets stiff from laying on my back for so long, the two nurses would roll me over and rub my back with deep heat oils - the only way I could get two pretty girls rubbing my back!!!!

The pain in my chest eventually cleared by dawn the next day, however, it would be replaced by sheer torture. This small matter of having to go pee, very awkward when laying on one's back. When such a moment of need arises, one of the nurses place the bottle in the appropriate spot, then the whole bed is tilted slightly, and well you attempt to go pee. Not many people can pee successfully on their back, not so critical when laying on the back for the normal 8 hours, but very critical for the much longer period as I was. The nurses gets worried when you don't pee for a long time, the bladder gets more and more full, expanding it to a too large size, which like a balloon can literally burst.

So there came a point the next day when the nurses told me to pee or have the catheter inserted into the most sensitive part of my 3D body!!!! CATHETER!!!! NO!!!!!!! It might have well been one of those medieval instruments of torture!!!! Just thinking about it makes me wince in pain!!!!

I was left with the terrifying choice! Pee or catheter!!!! OUCH!!!!!

Next the verdict.......

Thursday 16 July 2015

The Three Weeks - The Day that Changed my Life Forever - Part 1

The Day My Life Changed Forever - Part 1

At the start of what was destined to be a very intense week, the 2nd Week of "The Three Weeks", the week of the New Moon, I woke up early Monday morning with moderate pain in my chest which I thought was just heartburn or something, or a manifestation of my very out of balance heart chakra. It did cross my mind the small chance it could be my physical heart, but me being fit and healthy, a vegetarian, keeping active, etc, I thought surely not!! Furthermore the pain was in the middle of my chest, and even with my extremely limited knowledge of human anatomy, I thought the heart was off to one side of the chest. And I didn't have any other symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, etc, that one associates with heart problems. The pain went away after an hour and I went back to sleep.

I woke up to go to work and was feeling perfectly fine, so I went to work as usual. However at lunch time the pain came back, in the same spot in the center of my chest, it wasn't severe pain, but enough to grab my attention. I still didn't think much of it. So I rode my bicycle the 12kms back home still with this pain in my chest. When I got home I thought just to be on the safe side I better call the health line, well the pain wasn't going away, and while not severe it was distracting.

So I called the health advice line, described the pain, the lady on the other end asking me questions.... then she told me, she is going to call an ambulance!!!! What!!!???? Well I thought, she knew better than me, and well if it turned out to be nothing, which I thought it was nothing more than heartburn as from indigestion or something similar, I could just tell the paramedics that it was the health line that called you guys over.

Only five minutes later I heard the wailing sirens of an ambulance getting closer and closer, surely it wasn't for ME!!!!!! Indeed it was, ambulance with lights flashing was in my driveway a little over five minutes after the call.

The paramedics called me into the van and to take a seat in the van. They hooked me up to some device which I assumed checked the heart, and one of them sprayed a substance under my tongue. Not long after that, they pointed me to the stretcher in the van and told me to go lay down. Well thinking it was just another part of the testing or diagnosis, I went to lay down. Then they strapped me in, and told me, You're going to hospital!!! I thought..... WHAT!!!?????? They told me the machine picked up irregularities in my heart. And well I knew there are massive irregularities in my heart chakra but I don't think the machine would have picked up on those! LOL! It must have been my physical heart, that intricate design of muscle necessary to keep me in 3D on planet Earth.

Soon I was on my way to the hospital under Priority One, lights and sirens flashing, and everything!!! Hmmmmmm OK.... it wasn't long before we reached the hospital, and I was wheeled in straight into ER and into an intensive care bay. They hooked me up onto their machine, and.... one of the docs said to me, "You are experiencing a heart attack!!" I thought OMG WHAT!!!!??????? OK I think I'm in serious danger here!!!!

I didn't spend more than five minutes in the ER bay before I was wheeled upstairs to the CCU (Corony Care Unit) and straight into the operating theatre!!!! They were fixing to do emergency surgery on me!!!! Hmmmmm OK.... what is going to happen NOW!!!!!!!!???

They explained to me what was going to happen, and indeed I would remain awake during the whole process. What they do is do a small cut in my groin under local anesthetic, and insert a camera into my artery and all the way up into my heart where they found blockages - just like my heart chakra, many blockages!!!! Indeed I could see the screens above me, it sure was a mess in there inside me, as much as my chakras were in a mess!!!! Then they insert another tube and insert what they call a "stent", basically a steel spring-like device that works to unblock the arteries. The stent stays there for the rest of my 3D life on planet Earth. I ended up having FOUR of them inserted in my arteries around my heart!!!!

Then I was wheeled into what was destined to be my "home" for the next four days, a small room with a monitor that I would be hooked up to 24/7.

More later.......

Sunday 12 July 2015

Bomber Jinx and the 3rd Three Weeks incidence

I must have been jinxing the Bombers with the curse of Chiron..... each time I pick them they lose, and so now the week I did not pick them they win!!! The Chiron jinx almost worked for the Maggies. I didn't pick them cos I knew they wouldn't in, but it was a lot closer than I thought, they lost by only three points, I thought they would lose by more. I did somehow managed seven correct picks. I thought to call a temporary Eagles truce out of respect for Walsh but I still couldn't bring myself to pick them ;).... that was my only other miss. Next week is the Maggies Eagles match and well I would like to think the Maggies will win..... all things are possible especially in parallel universes.... maybe in one parallel universe the Maggies are on top of the ladder and hadn't lost any games..... as it can be said, all possible realities exists in parallel universes, and occasionally the veil becomes particularly thin, and we may enter into a parallel universe.... and the Maggies will win next week ;)

This week is going to be a tough week. Here now the 3rd incidence of "The Three Weeks"

Today I went to the mall to stock up on candle supplies for what will be a very intense New Moon week. I also bought other items, groceries, and a couple more of the steel drink containers in my process to replace the plastic containers.

Before I use the new containers I rinse them with hot water, and I leave them filled with hot water for a while. So I filled up both containers with hot water and left them on the sink for a while. Now I just come back to final wash out the containers and fill them with my filtered water when I noticed one of them was EMPTY!!!! Hmmmmm...... I was certain that I filled BOTH of them up.

Then I saw it was a bit wet on the sink in the vicinity of the containers. So I filled up the container again and I looked at the bottom there was water coming out in a squirt!!! Uhhhhh..... water is NOT supposed to come out in a squirt from the bottom!!!!! This brand new container has a bloody leak!!!!!!

Well it goes to show that one should not make purchases during "The Three Weeks", and well the containers are expensive compared to the plastic containers I previously used and am replacing but in the grand scheme of things they're not very expensive. And there is the greater issue of replacing the highly toxic plastic containers which can't wait three weeks. And the containers I bought last week were just fine. So in this instance it was a risk worth taking. And well only just one of the two containers had a leak.

So time to bring out my candles for the 3-candle ritual...... its good thing I bought extra candles!!!!!!!

As I said this week will be energetically a tough week due to the New Moon happening hence why I bought more candles. But another reason why it will be a tough week. This hell cursed weather!! It started to get freezing cold last Wednesday, and well it's school holidays so when I saw how freezing cold it will be the last two days of the week, I applied for and gotten the two days off work thinking it will warm up this week, afterall, it usually stays cold for a few days before it warms up. No such bloody luck!!!! It's going to stay freezing cold, 5 degrees or less, for at least another week, making it ten days of freezing cold weather which I am certain it be close to a record, and I can't take any more days off work!!!! It dropped to as low as -1 degrees last Thursday so was VERY glad I didn't have to go out to work!!!!

Dang! I hate winter so much!!! The only good thing about winter is the rain, but it never rains anymore. When we do get rain it is only a few showers for maybe a day. It warms up when it rains, it doesn't get freezing cold like 5 degrees. I am certain Perth has never been this cold before. In previous years we'd get such cold snaps but it would only last for a few days followed by more balmy conditions with rain. But now it never rains. We're looking at least ten days without rain hence freezing cold mornings. I am getting too old for this. If I ever lose my job I am moving to Queensland!!! I need to be somewhere warmer. The heat does not bother me. It can be 45 degrees and it wouldn't bother me. It is just the cold I cannot take. I wouldn't survive in a place like Melbourne or Hobart, and it almost seems Perth is getting almost as cold. It warms up during the day in the sun, but these early mornings when I have to go out and go to work, it is at the coldest part of the day that I have to commute to work, and there's no heating in the warehouse so it stays freezing cold all day, until I go home and by then it is nice and warm in the sun..... but as soon as the sun sets the temperature drops like a rock!! It's OK when I am at home, but it is just when I have to go out that I can't take it!!!! arrrrrgh!!!! So yes this 2nd week of "The Three Weeks" is going to be a very tough week!!!!

Me when I looked at this week's weather forecast....

How I'd celebrate when Spring finally arrives.....

Must not have been in the public sector with all those redundancies happening....

This probably shouldn't surprise me......

I'm more computer addict but I can relate ;) ;)

Saturday 11 July 2015

The Three Weeks - Week 1

It looks like so far my rituals described previously are making a difference. During this first week of "The Three Weeks" there has been just two relatively minor incidences, and the rituals possibly worked to lessen the impact of these incidences.

During my on-line life I often meet new Star Seeds. None in Perth, there are no Star Seeds in Perth, or if there are some they're not online. I have the one soul in York, otherwise, all the other Star Seeds are either on the east coast or overseas. And so to cut a long story short, I recently "met" another Star Seed, this one in Europe, and the friendship seemed very promising.

However there was it turned out a sting in the tail, which until now, was not entirely obvious. She is a member of the "Christ Consciousness" movement. It's basically the New Age version of Christianity, indeed known as "New Age Christians". Not all Star Seeds are enlightened like I am, that is, not subscribing to any organised religion but to seek one's own pathway in life, personal spirituality. For example, the rituals I have been talking about I've made up myself. I've gotten ideas about them from other sources, but I adapted them for my own situation with guidance from my Spirit guides. That is personal spirituality, and it is what many Star Seeds embraces, but not all of them. Many still subscribe to organised religion, and many of them embraces "Christ Consciousness".

I've known about "Christ Consciousness" for a long time, and have over the years struck up online friendships with a few from this movement, but the friendship would soon end, usually because of my differing viewpoints such as me embracing aspects of Paganism and the occult. One of the major differences between "Christ Consciousness" and traditional Christianity is that while the latter believes in the 2nd coming of Jesus, with Jesus physically returning to Earth to end Armageddon and World War III and establish the millennial "Kingdom of God" on this Earth, those in "Christ Consciousness" simply believes that rather than the physical return of Jesus, the world population will in one way or another embrace the teachings of Jesus emphasizing on love, peace, forgiveness, etc, eg "love thy enemy", and etc.... thus war, poverty, crime, etc would simply disappear and we enter into an "age of enlightenment". This would occur after some major catastrophe, such as World War III, climate change, worldwide economic collapse, or some other global catastrophe which would finally "wake up" humanity.

This sounds good, however, there is a sting in the tail. Christ Consciousness is nothing more than a rehash of Christianity, it is indeed a religion. And like all religions, they have sets of rules or laws which its followers must adhere to. Christ Consciousness doesn't believe in "Hell" as such, but those failing to keep the laws would experience karmic consequences in their next lifetimes.

Back to my new European friend, she kept on referring to this "The Law", even referring a website detailing this "The Law". It's just another rehash of Christian laws, and definitely not my thing, however, being an open kind of guy, I just accepted her beliefs, being her pathway. And our friendship blossomed, as akin to brother and sister, indeed we referred to each other as brother and sister, much like with my York friend.

However, a few days ago, during this 1st week of "The Three Weeks", she turned against me. I won't go into the gory details, but basically, she passed judgment on me for not keeping "The Law"..... and well the friendship ended. It was a shock that I didn't see coming. But it DID provide me with a whole new perspective on "Christ Consciousness", and indeed helped me to see that it is definitely NOT my scene.

Incidence Number 2 happened last night. I was on my way to my cousin's church, I go most Friday's and meet with my cousin. Well last night I was driving through an intersection with the green light facing me, and for some reason I was compelled to look around to the cross road. There I saw a car that was most definitely NOT going to stop in spite of the RED light facing it, indeed the car didn't even slow down!! It just careered straight through the intersection as if going through a green light!! It was only because I was compelled to look up the road and seeing the car in time for me to slow down that prevented me from becoming another car wreck statistic!! The errant car almost collected the car next to me in the other lane who was further across the intersection than I was, but SOMEHOW a collision was avoided! HOW the collision was avoided is beyond me, it must have been a miracle. Indeed all made it safely with no car wrecks. But just to think that had I not looked up the road I could have been in a car wreck!!!! Hmmmmm...... I've always known that I have a guardian angel, and it was not the first time she stepped in to save me ;)

Now as we move into the 2nd week of "The Three Weeks" things will be more intense, especially with the New Moon next week. Even many astrologers who knows nothing about Judaism predicts this New Moon to be particularly intense. On the Jewish calendar, this New Moon marks the more intense "9 Days of Av", the final nine days of The Three Weeks leading to Tisha B'Av, the day the Jewish Temples were destroyed. I will be stocking up on extra candles this weekend!!!!!

Some cartoons to lighten things up ;)

Many would say I'd win the vote too ;)

What I would do too ;)

I often ask the same question......

Those pesky salesmen !!!!

Sunday 5 July 2015

Tzom Tammuz and The Three Weeks

uhhhh that time of year again..... "The Three Weeks" relating to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temples..... which I now know to be a throwback to one of my past lives as a Jewish priest in the 2nd Temple.

Tzom Tammuz fell on this Saturday just gone, but as per Jewish tradition, since it is the Sabbath the observance of Tzom Tammuz is deferred until the following day. Either way, "The Three Weeks" began this weekend just passed. So far no incidences, but with Saturn retrograding into my 9th house, and Chiron beginning its retrograde in my Ascendant sign earlier this month, the incidences have already started, the most major so far being my bicycle wheel. I didn't go for any walks or bicycle rides this weekend, due to it being Tzom Tammuz, but I will be back on my bicycle ride next weekend.

Anyway here some steps I've taken to help minimize any incidences......

My Higher Self and my Cards

I do this every morning, and obviously this is valuable when confronting intense energy points such as "The Three Weeks", indeed many of the rituals I outline below stems from my morning chats with "My Higher Self". There are many ways to connect with one's Higher Self, I use the technique I learned from Celestial Temple. Basically I first light a candle on my pine table, the candle has three clear quarts crystal and a silver chain around it, and  by mind intent I create balls of white light by which I remove my ego or anything else not serving my highest good from strategic points of my chakra system. Then I connect with the "Central Sun" in the galaxy center, and the Earth's core.... and this makes me ready to connect with my Higher Self. We read my daily Astrological, my time line report and other energy reports together, then I draw my cards.

I have two card sets which represents the Pluto Uranus conjunction in my Sun sign in my natal chart. The Vampire Tarot represents the Pluto, the Sacred Rebels Oracle represent the Uranus. I shuffle each deck until one or more pops out, often flies out and falls to the floor as if by an unseen force!!! The cards are always spot on for the particular day or particular energies. After reading the cards I eat a piece of chocolate from a bowl also on the pine table.

Violet Flame Invocation

What I also learned from Celestial Temple and which resonates with me. In its most basic form, we invoke via intent of our mind a "Violet Flame" engulfing my whole body, then throughout my space, whether it be my office at work, or in my house, or where ever I am. It is similar to "White Light" invocation which I also perform, indeed I sometimes perform them together. And it DOES work wonders, it is not just one's imagination.

My Dragon Goddess

I have a figurine representing my Dragon Goddess which takes pride of place on my Sacred Space, but I often have it with me for many of my rituals. She is the "shadow side" of my Taygeta Guardian Twinkle, and while on this planet I work best with shadow sides due in part to the Pluto Uranus Chiron configuration in my natal chart, and just my life in general. My Dragon Goddess exists in 8D, and the figurine is nothing more than the 3D energy connect point with her, and well it is helpful for the connect during my rituals and my life in general.

3-Candle Ritual

Another thing I learned from Celestial Temple, and I added certain aspects to it. Basically I have sets of three tea-light candles placed at strategic locations through my house, some of them with three clear quartz crystals around them - I need to get more crystals eventually so all candles can be adorned with crystals.

I begin at my Sacred Space and symbollically "kiss" my Dragon Goddess, then I invoke Violet Flame and White Light around me. Then I begin to light the three candles around the house, beginning at my Sacred Space, and finishing with the candle set on my pine table in the living room which also has my cards and other crystals. As I light each set of the three candles I speak Light Languages over the candles.

As guided by My Higher Self, I do this ritual before sundown on days which incidences occurs during "The Three Weeks", and also at specific energy points such as Tzom Tammuz, Tisha B'Av, New Moons, and certain planetary configs. I perform the ritual usually an hour or so before sundown so the candles remains lit as the Sun sets and we move into the evening, which on the Jewish and other calendars actually represents the next day - the day begins and ends at sundown. I leave the candles lit until the wax is spent.

Bedtime Ritual

Overnight I usually leave my Dragon Goddess figurine on my Sacred Space which has a candle that is constantly lit 24/7. Indeed when one candle burns down to less than an inch, I use the flame to light the 2nd candle, and so on, thus ensuring that at least one candle is constantly lit.

However when I feel particularly restless or worried about something which affects my sleep, I bring my Dragon Goddess figurine to my bedside table, I place my crystals next to it, and a tea light candle which I light and leave burning all night until it is spent. This works wonders, I always sleep like a log when I do this ritual.

My Crystals

I have a set of crystals which I carry around with me during my travels, such as, when going to work, or to the shops, or during my walks and bicycle ride. These crystals I also use for some of the rituals above.

Celestial Temple tools

Since joining Celestial Temple last year I have acquired all these wonderful tools from them which works absolute wonders during such energy points as Mercury's retrograde and New Moon. This includes my Divine Blueprint ceremony files (basically to do with my natal chart) and my Soul Song. The monthly attunements, indeed the July atunements with the guided meditation and light languages seems especially appropriate for this period - including a talisman of my choice which was charged up during this particular shamanic journey, just what I needed to get me through this period and beyond!! And basically a whole heap of specific tools, light languages, etc. I keep some of the MP3 files on my phone so I can play them when I need them and am not at home on my computer.

Anyway...... I just LOVE this cartoon...... hehe ;)

Another Rule hehe...

In spite of this being the start of the dreaded "The Three Weeks" my tipping has actually improved with only two misses. The rule I adopted seemed to have paid off, never pick the Maggies, cos it ain't going to be our year. The match against Hawthorn being a case in point. But I DID pick the Bombers.... one of my two misses.... grrrrrrrrr...... maybe I need to adopt another rule, never pick the Bombers......

It was a shock about Adelaide coach Phil Walsh, it just goes to show that no matter who you are, you can still be knocked off at any time.  Football will never be the same again......

What else been happening in my mundane life..... It's school semester break now, so things will get quiet in my job.... thankfully! It's been really busy the past week, last week of school always busy. The teachers will be off work, but us mere mortals will still be working. Being so quiet I will take a day or so off work, probably later in the week when the temperature is forecast to drop to a bone chilling 2 degrees in the mornings! brrrrrrrr....... that is when I just want to stay in my warm bed, not to sleep but just to keep warm!!! Me and winter does not get on well together, especially when it is so freezing cold. It's ok when it rains, but it never rains much, not even in July, it is just freezing cold!!

Speaking of football teams.......

Our team plans ;)

Ancient times......

I know the feeling........