Friday 2 August 2013

Weekend Plans

This little laptop has its quirk and is rather difficult to work with, nevertheless, there are some things I feel needed sharing here.... it also means you are spared my weird taste in music, this laptop has no sound, and it probably wouldn't be much good on YouTube anyway, so no vids for now......

So much happening now that I have my tax check, things are moving forward albeit not quite what I expected, however we just adapt to whatever chaos the universe throws at us.....

Foremost on my mind is the very real possibility of having to move out in October, and with the housing crisis of no end in sight I will never be ready to move out, but the tax check will make me more ready than originally thought. For example due to two to three years of neglect consequent of the energies expenditure of being Sally's almost-sole carer, the house is very badly in need of a clean and tidy up. And with a vacuum cleaner that has less suction than a wet sponge and probably the first vacuum cleaner used by the dinosaurs, the task of cleaning house seems an insurmountable challenge. And you know how it is with landlords, they like their houses spotless otherwise they subtract from one's bond. So the cleaning equipment were seriously in need of an upgrade.

First thing I ordered for myself a steam cleaning system from one of those TV shopping channels. We have two such channels here and Sally was forever watching them, and on occasion she'd say - uhhh that'd be great to have!!! However the medical expenses, bandages, etc, making any such purchases is about as feasible as buying a plot of land on planet Mars. But the steam cleaner had always caught my eye..... so well with my tax check, guess what? I gotten back onto the shopping channel and ordered for myself such a system which includes a steam mop, a hand held steam cleaner, and a few other bits and pieces designed to make the task of cleaning house that much easier. They even claim to be able to clean the oven, which does seem plausible, although not many has seen my oven which probably has been cleaned only once in three years!!!! LOL!!!!

Then I went to the shops and bought myself some new pjs since my current ones has more holes than swiss cheese and has holes where it shouldn't have holes! LOL! And also bought myself a new vacuum cleaner. It was a cheap one since the better ones are rather pricey but can't spend too much money if I have to move out. But hopefully this vacuum cleaner will last at least long enough to get me through until I have to move out. And if it turns out I don't have to move out, then I will upgrade to a better vacuum cleaner.

I still haven't heard from the car alarm company but am not surprised. I used the email contact system as I am far better able explain things by email or letter than over the phone or by talking, but 99% of companies ignores the emails. This company is who installed the alarm and I can't really go anywhere else, and they have only one shop in the whole of Perth and it is a bit of a hike away in Canning Vale, sorta in Mother's neck of the wood except instead of going right from the Freeway you go left instead. However paying them a visit is what I must do. People tends to fob me off on the phone which is why I hate speaking on it and try to avoid it. But if I go there in person they can't very well ignore me and I am more likely to get answers, and in the extreme case of a nyet then there are other car alarm companies even if it means I have to have the whole system re-installed. My car needs an alarm system, especially if I have to move out, cos 99.99% chance the next place won't have a secure garage nor any secure parking - assuming that I am able to find a place. So anyway Monday is the tentative day I will pay the car alarm company a visit but it is dependent on if I can get my computer up and going so I can google-earth the location so to figure out the best way to get there and what the place looks like - it be hopeless to try google-earth on this laptop.

Another thing I realised however is that this is now August. This means next month is September and since this is 2013 it follows that I turn a most decidedly ancient 50 years of age. It feels like I was born back in the dinosaur era. OK I realise that one's age is simply a measure of the number of revolutions the planet has made around the sun since one's birth, and that this numerical value will differ on different planets. However by anyone's language it is of a high numerical value here on planet earth. OK it is not as high as it will be on Venus and Mercury, nevertheless, it is very high!! Furthermore it seems longevity is not in our family genes. I am too young to remember when Nana died, but I do know that Poppa was barely in his 70s when he fell of the perch back in 1985 so I am guessing Nana would have been similarly young or younger, she passed away a few years prior. And of course Mother was a very young 68 when she died. Not sure how it is on Dad's side of the family but at least on Mother's side we don't live very long. This means that I am significantly more than half way through my life, and I have probably only 20 more years of my life remaining. I have been married to Sally for close to 15 years yet I remember meeting her on that Texas street corner like it was yesterday! So with that in perspective, 20 years is not a long time!!!!

So am seriously needing to make the best of the short time that I have left on this planet. And with my tax check I feel things are definitely moving forward. Therefore starting this weekend I will go for a short drive somewhere and go for a walk, try to keep myself active. This is of course weather permitting, but in this part of the world, weather usually permits. It doesn't usually rain, and when it does rain it is usually only for a short time. I do need to lose a little weight. I am not ready to change my eating habit but getting out more and walking more will help. I have been off my bike for over three years now. My bike needs a service, but until I know whether I have to move out or not, I don't want to spend too much extra money, so I just make do with walking more for now. This weekend on the Saturday tomorrow I will probably drive up to Mundaring Weir and go for a walk. As usual the weather will be clear and indeed somewhat warm.

My water cooler has arrived so on Sunday I will take my computer apart and fix it. I will also need to mow the front lawn as the weeds are growing like wildfire again. Also really need to make more lasagne for my lunches, but probably won't get everything done. So the lawn and my computer are top priorities.

Now just to watch TV for the rest of the evening as I don't do too much on this laptop.... and tomorrow, being Saturday,  plan for my little trip up to Mundaring Weir......

So we shall see how this weekend pans out, which seems destined to be a lot more than just the football results!!!

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