Sunday 4 August 2013

Back on my computer.... yay!!!!!!

Oh yes I finally back on my wonderful computer!!! When I took out the old cooling system I saw why it had seized up!! The radiator part, which looks like and works the same way as a car radiator, that is, water being cooled by means of a fan as it filters through a grille. Well it was totally and utterly clogged with five years worth of dust!! That means no air was getting through. So what happened was the same thing that happens when a car radiator gets clogged up, it overheats and seizes up. Only that unlike the car engine, the computer "engine" that is the CPU has a fail-safe mechanism, it shuts down automatically when the temperature rises to a certain value, therefore preventing damage. Anyway I had installed the new cooling system, and now my computer is purring like a kitten!!

This capped off a reasonably good weekend. On Saturday as I planned I drove up to Mundaring Weir and I went for my walk. On this occasion I was happy to see that you can now walk across the top of the weir. The last time I was there, which was last year while Sally was in hospital, you couldn't walk across the top cos they had it blocked due to maintenance work. Evidently the maintenance work was now completed. So I parked at the south side of the weir, they still have the ice cream van there but since I am not into soft serve ice cream I didn't purchase anything from there. I walked across the top of the weir then up a few flight of stairs to the top carpark which was currently blocked off due to more maintenance work!! Then I walked down to the bottom to where the O'Connor museum is, which was closed "until further notice", then back up the other side back to my car. In spite of the years of hell I was still amazingly fit, was a little out of breath but not much, I soon recovered once I was back in my car. And it was quite hot in the sun, almost like spring.

Then that evening.... would ya believe.... I gotten a msg from Julie!! She was staying down in Albany which is her home town. Typical Gemini, she just decided to take off to Albany and was fixin to txt me only to discover she hadn't my number! But having spent 14 years with a Gemini I should know..... before Sally got sick this is what she would do..... she'd say to me, let's go for a drive somewhere... anywhere!!!!.... Me a Virgo much prefer to plan these things, but not Gemini Sally, she was far more spontaneous. She may not have believed in Astrology due to her religious faith but it doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not, it still happens, the energies still manifests. It is not just a matter of faith nor suggestivity. Sally was a typical Gemini, and the fact we stayed together for 14 years proves that Geminis and Virgos can get on together just fine!! Spontaneous Gemini and plan-ahead Virgo!! hehe!! Well I must say, hearing from Julie did make my day, it was my hilight.

Now today was very busy!! As usual I was up before dawn, and as soon as it got light enough I began the task of replacing the cooling system on my computer. I did this in Sally's old craft room, I took over her desk and turned it into a work bench for computer repairs! Then before I went to put back my computer I began to vacuum my computer room with the new vacuum cleaner, it was in dire need of vacuuming. But about half way through the vacuum cleaner suddenly cut out!! I thought.... oh no!!!! It had f-cked up already!!! It was only a cheapie but I thought it would last a bit longer than that!!!! I was rather peeved!!! grrrrrrr..... I thought perhaps the motor cut our when it gets too hot, a lot of electric motors these days does that, just cut out when it gets too hot, a safety measure I guess. But I had been operating the machine for only 30 minutes so I thought it was awefully soon to be overheated. However it is one of those bagless machines, instead of a bag the debris is simply filtered through a series of filters and collects in a container. And cos my room was so dusty, the container soon filled up, and I guess it was why it overheated. So I went to clean out the filters and the container..... and prepared for my trip to the shops. Much to my delight, the vacuum cleaner was back in operation, so I finished the rest of my room, then I got ready to go to the shops.

So I gotten my groceries for the week.... then I went to mow the lawns.... well the weeds anyway. Weeds are drought proof and due to the recent rains they grew like wildfire!! I have more weeds than lawns!! So I went to mow the weeds both front and back. By the time I was finished, it was close enough to evening..... and so it capped off a reasonably good weekend. It was clear, sunny and quite warm all weekend, but according to the ever optimistic weather bureau, it is expected to rain for most of the week starting with tomorrow..... hmmmmm...... we shall see if this comes to pass..... I hope it does, I feel so much better when it rains..... but it remains to be seen.....

Now I have my computer back, I can now bore you with my musical tastes...... this one is most appropriate given the work I had done on my computer..... this was back in the 1980's when I just had my Commodore 64..... amazing how far we had come in the computer age since those dim dark days.......!!!!!

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