Thursday 22 August 2013

The Fight for recovery

OK.... I now have six days worth of the cold/flu and cough meds, and I thrown a sickie from work today and will throw another sickie tomorrow as you can take up to two consecutive days off work without needing a doctor's note. Then with the weekend that gives me four days to recover at least sufficiently to enable me to live life again. Today marks a whole week since coming down with this bug, that in itself a most depressing thought as I usually recover within three days. Nevertheless I have six days of high strength meds, and if I don't see any improvement by then.... well.......

The days have been sunny and warm all week, but the nights very cold which is not helping me in regards to this nasty bug. I need sleep-in time until the day's temps becomes reasonably tolerable. I hate winter on many counts, the cold nights, the long dark nights, and all these nasty bugs, flu, colds and other nasty diseases. The only good thing is rain but we don't get much of that these days.

At this stage I still intend going for my walk on Saturday but am playing it by ear on several counts. Saturday will be the 3rd day I will have been on these meds, and I would hope for some improvement by then. The rest of me feel reasonably OK, just my head and my bloody chest, though it feels it hasn't gone deeply into my chest, just enough for this dreadful cough. The cough is worse at night and keeps me awake, it is not so bad during the day, only more occasional during the day. So will see how I feel, but unless I am utterly half-dead on Saturday I will go for at least a little walk.

The other factor is the weather. They expect rain on Saturday but at this stage the forecast reads "a few late isolated showers" which is usually what we mean by "rain" in this city!! LOL!! it rarely rains more than just a few showers here and there!! And they're not expected until late afternoon, so should still be able to go for my walk in the early afternoon as I usually do. But is is why I have my weather app including radar on the phone.

Meanwhile other news..... well we have Fathers Day coming up, being the 1st Sunday of Sept in Australia not in June as is elsewhere in the world, and well I hate Fathers Day with a passion, a part of my tormented existence that has been my childhood. But it looks like I will have dodged the bullet of family gatherings on this occasion. I learned through Debra that step-father Pasco has just gone on vacation overseas, indeed to Thailand, and the duration of the vacation is to be about three weeks. This places his return to be AFTER Fathers Day. So no need to endure family gatherings on that tormented day, that Sunday will be spent like every other Sunday - alone and doing my tasks.

The next potentially tormented day is my birthday, and with the Sun now in Virgo, well it is coming up soon. I had never celebrated my birthday since Mother's death, being preoccupied with Sally's health and care requirements probably had a lot to do with it. Now with Sally gone to join Mother it remains to be seen if anyone offers to celebrate my birthday with afternoon dinner or a barbecue, however, I be perfectly happy if the day passes without anything out of the ordinary. This year the day coincides with the Jewish holidays so I will be off work on vacation leave. Unfortunately I can't afford to go away anywhere especially since I don't know if I will have to move out in October, and since the lease ends at the end of October I am unlikely to find out anytime before my birthday whether I will have to move out.

Uh well.... as they say.... such is life.....

Anyway.... a random song from the 1970s..... music was my escape hatch during the years of hell.....

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