Wednesday 28 August 2013

Not a good week.....

Well in spite of the high strength meds my cold/flu had gotten worse over the past week and weekend. I took the two days off work on Thursday and Friday, and stayed home all weekend, I was too sick to go for any walks. I was unable to do any chores aside from the laundry. This sickness had really set me back and messed up my plans big time. This had set me back in a lot of other ways too. After several weeks of getting my life back together again, I descended back down into depression and suicidal thoughts - I was going to kill myself if this sickness doesn't improve soon.

Furthermore I have to go back to work Monday regardless of how I feel cos one can only take two days off without a doc's note, and I have no GP that I can go to. Barbara in Tasmania did call me over the weekend, she calls me more often now that Sally is out of the picture LOL. When I told her about my lack of a doc, she said she'd check with her other friends in Perth, one being a former shrink, and see if there be a good GP I can go to who takes new patients. Meanwhile I have no GP.

Anyway the first two days back at work coincided with the last two days of my course of the meds, and *touch wood* I seemed to have turned the corner, was feeling slightly better on Monday in spite of having to go to work, and better still on Tuesday. Now my sinus and throat is all clear, now just this damned cough. Those reporting similar illness have said the cough stayed for about a month or more. What a horrible thought!! Over the weekend I am going to have to source some decent cough meds, there is no way I am going to contend with this cough for a whole month!! But aside from the cough at least I feel a bit better.

However I have a lot of catching up to do, and woe betide the person whom I gotten this bug from. If I find who it was, there will be curses and hexes sent without mercy to that person!!

Top priority this weekend will have to be the yard. The front lawn looks like a jungle, I will have to rake the leaves, mow the lawn, and whipper snipper the edges. Then I will have to start on the back yard. It's going to leave me exhausted but I have no choice. Each time it rains the weeds grow like wildfire, and it is only doing at least one of the yard each weekend that keeps them at bay. But thanks to this damned sickness I had not been able to do the yard at all for two weeks, and so now it seems I have a monster loose, the weeds are everywhere, and it is going to take a lot to get them back under control. I don't think I be going for my walk on Saturday cos the weather is expected to be stormy. But with Sunday expected to be clearer that is probably when I will do the yard work. It will mean nothing else will get done, but I will be on leave from work in a couple of weeks so can catch up on everything else. With potentially only two more months at this place before I have to move out, I desperately need to catch up on things. I couldn't afford to get sick!!!!!!

What else been happening..... well due to the sickness my life has been on hold, and as I said, I am back to square one on many counts. It being Father's Day on Sunday but with Pasco being away in Thailand there be no family gatherings. Even if there were, I'd call in sick, cos I really need to get the yard done, there can't be any more delays.

I guess that is it..... I end with a song from my favorite musical, a story I can relate to in many ways....

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