Wednesday 14 August 2013

Car back on track

Here it has been a rather depressing few days stemming from last week's football tipping results when EVERY close match went against me causing me to drop down the rankings out of prize contention. On some occasions I manage to get perhaps two or even three on a good week of the close matches, a few times I'd get NONE of the close matches, but I have NEVER gotten all of the close matches. Prior to last week I somehow managed to get into 6th spot which is the minimum for the prizes so if I could have gotten a couple of the close matches I could have stayed in 6th, however, that didn't happen, I gotten none of the close matches so I dropped out of the six. I therefore believe that bad luck is my destiny and am destined never to win anything at all. So I have been sliding back down to my usual depressive state.......

The one bright spot of the last few days is my car. With the alarm system finally fixed and so true to my car insurance, the next thing was to have it serviced for the first time in three years. It happened that Sally's friend Sylvia had buzzed me an email checking to see how I am doing, and when I told her about the car, she informs me that she knows of a mechanic friend and suggested I go with him. Since I wasn't sure who I would go with, I took her advice. Sylvia booked it for me, and yesterday she came a picked up the car then I took the bus to work.

Later that night when the car came back I learned that I was apparently perilously close to death. The brakes were in bad shape and the fluid leaking, and it was that close to empty meaning I'd have no brakes!! So he replaced the brakes and given me the drum from the old brakes so I could see for myself, and it did look very nasty!! And here I was driving to work every day, going to the shops, etc, and more recently, driving up into the hills for my walks!! That's probably why I had such bad luck in the football, we each have a quota of luck in life, mine is a very small quota, and it was all used up with the car!!

Well considering the car hadn't seen the inside of a mechanic's shop for three years it didn't need that much done to it, and it is not gonna cost me nearly as much as I thought. I did speculate that the brakes probably needed replacing, and I was right there. Now all it needs to be done are the wheel balancing, a transmission service, and the radiator flush - the latter could wait until closer to summer. So in the grand scheme of things, I have gotten off rather lightly with the car. I thought it would need much more done to it than those three things. But then, these Nissan Pulsars are good little cars!!

Now for some music.......

This song is how I feel in regards to the football tipping competition and my place in it......

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