Friday 30 August 2013

Round 23 - The end is near......

The last round of the season and them Weavils still thinks they can make the Finals at Essendon's expense!! In desperate need of Weavil reality check here. According to the Football experts here, this is what needs to happen for the Weavils to make it into the Finals..... The list below ALL must occur.....

1.Weavils must beat Crows by at least 80 points
2.The Puddy Cats must beat the Lions
3. Port Power must beat Carlton
4.The Skippies must beat the Maggies!!!!!

Now No.4 simply will NOT happen!!! The Maggies are a champion team and they WILL win the Premiership!!! hehe!!!! But then No.1 to 3 won't happen either!!! No way the Crows will let the Weavils get 80 points in front, the Weavils themselves are incapable of such a feat!!! Indeed I pick the Crows to WIN!!!! The Puddy Cats should account for the Blues, and well Carlton could win but am going with the Power. So lets put it this way, it is more likely that the Syrian conflict will be resolved by diplomatic means than it is for the Weavils to make the Finals!!! So in spite of Weavils fans delusions, there will be no Weavils in the Finals.

Now tonight's match.... Top 4 clash with the Hawks against the Swanees..... and well a toss of the coin but will go with the Hawks I think. Should be a top match either way.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Not a good week.....

Well in spite of the high strength meds my cold/flu had gotten worse over the past week and weekend. I took the two days off work on Thursday and Friday, and stayed home all weekend, I was too sick to go for any walks. I was unable to do any chores aside from the laundry. This sickness had really set me back and messed up my plans big time. This had set me back in a lot of other ways too. After several weeks of getting my life back together again, I descended back down into depression and suicidal thoughts - I was going to kill myself if this sickness doesn't improve soon.

Furthermore I have to go back to work Monday regardless of how I feel cos one can only take two days off without a doc's note, and I have no GP that I can go to. Barbara in Tasmania did call me over the weekend, she calls me more often now that Sally is out of the picture LOL. When I told her about my lack of a doc, she said she'd check with her other friends in Perth, one being a former shrink, and see if there be a good GP I can go to who takes new patients. Meanwhile I have no GP.

Anyway the first two days back at work coincided with the last two days of my course of the meds, and *touch wood* I seemed to have turned the corner, was feeling slightly better on Monday in spite of having to go to work, and better still on Tuesday. Now my sinus and throat is all clear, now just this damned cough. Those reporting similar illness have said the cough stayed for about a month or more. What a horrible thought!! Over the weekend I am going to have to source some decent cough meds, there is no way I am going to contend with this cough for a whole month!! But aside from the cough at least I feel a bit better.

However I have a lot of catching up to do, and woe betide the person whom I gotten this bug from. If I find who it was, there will be curses and hexes sent without mercy to that person!!

Top priority this weekend will have to be the yard. The front lawn looks like a jungle, I will have to rake the leaves, mow the lawn, and whipper snipper the edges. Then I will have to start on the back yard. It's going to leave me exhausted but I have no choice. Each time it rains the weeds grow like wildfire, and it is only doing at least one of the yard each weekend that keeps them at bay. But thanks to this damned sickness I had not been able to do the yard at all for two weeks, and so now it seems I have a monster loose, the weeds are everywhere, and it is going to take a lot to get them back under control. I don't think I be going for my walk on Saturday cos the weather is expected to be stormy. But with Sunday expected to be clearer that is probably when I will do the yard work. It will mean nothing else will get done, but I will be on leave from work in a couple of weeks so can catch up on everything else. With potentially only two more months at this place before I have to move out, I desperately need to catch up on things. I couldn't afford to get sick!!!!!!

What else been happening..... well due to the sickness my life has been on hold, and as I said, I am back to square one on many counts. It being Father's Day on Sunday but with Pasco being away in Thailand there be no family gatherings. Even if there were, I'd call in sick, cos I really need to get the yard done, there can't be any more delays.

I guess that is it..... I end with a song from my favorite musical, a story I can relate to in many ways....

Sunday 25 August 2013

Round 22 - So close yet so far

Two of the matches went as expected even if the Lions almost spoiled their lead!! It was the Saints who spoiled this party, I guess being a Sunday one would think a Saint would win! LOL!!

Well with seven points for this round I did manage to jump a spot to 7th place, however I am a full point outside of the six, so for me to finish in the six in the last round I would have to gain two points to also account for my variance, and that is extremely unlikely. Nevertheless 7th spot is better than I thought I would, and I guess the challenge is to hold on to 7th spot after the last round.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Round 22 - Many a fate sealed

Many a fate being sealed in this round, such as, the Weavils will not be participating in the Finals regardless of what happens to Essendon, and the Hawks will be in the top 2. My fate unfortunately has been sealed a long time before this, I have five points so far but even if tomorrow turns out to be perfect it will be too little too late.....

So results now are purely academic..... what will tomorrow bring....

The Saints and the Suns, and with solar flares happening this weekend, I probably tip the Suns.

The Giants and the Tigers, well one would thing the Tigers should win that one, but what "should" happen doesn't always happen.

The Lions and the Bulldogs.... hmmmm..... I guess the Lions but could be close.......

Friday 23 August 2013

Round 22 - Football 101 for Weavils

Ohhhhh the Maggies.... yeeeee haaaaa!!!!!!......

Well with the twists and turns of the Essendon saga it seems they may lose their points afterall, but for those Weavils it is not gonna matter, cos they're not gonna make it into the Finals anyway!!!! The Maggies made sure of that in no uncertain terms!!!!

This really made my night!!!!  Barbecue Weavils for dinner!!!! What a match!!!! What a thrashing!!!! This is HOW you play football Weavils!!!! This is HOW to qualify for the Finals Weavils!!!! Shove that up your little Weavil arses!!!!!! hahahaah!!!!!!!

Now for tomorrows matches.....

The Crows against the Demons..... I guess one should say that the Crows are the logical choice here.

The Hawks should have Skippies for dinner.....

The Puddy Cats and the Swanees.... well.... ummm...... toss the coin for that one.

The Blues and those poor ole Bombers.... hmmmmm...... they all say the Blues will win but you never know what a wounded beast will do when backed into a corner seemingly nowhere to go.

Lastly the battle of the Port cities..... I think the Dockers should come out on top here.

Round 22 - Time for some karma Maggies style !!

How low can a Weavil go.... suggesting they would make it into the Finals on the back of the misfortune of another, thinking that Essendon would lose their points so the Weavils would just sail into the Finals as if it was their divine right to do so! No such luck Weavils!! It seems Essendon will be given more time to deal with the charges so there won't be any sanctions prior to the Finals, in other words, they are not going to lose their points for this season! That means no Weavils in the Finals!!!!!

Now time for a Weavil reality check, and what better team to deliver this reality check than the Maggies!!!!!! Ohhhh yes.... the Maggies who actually EARNED their way into the Finals by playing a superior brand of football and winning more games - alien abductions notwithstanding!!!! But no there can't be any alien abductions this time!! Justice must be done!! Weavils must be given a reality check!! And well since I have nothing to lose since there is no way I will be back into the top 6, I am going for a high points variance for this one - the Maggies not only just to win, but to thrash them Weavils and show them a thing or two!!! This match I am looking forward to...... hahahahaha.......

Thursday 22 August 2013

The Fight for recovery

OK.... I now have six days worth of the cold/flu and cough meds, and I thrown a sickie from work today and will throw another sickie tomorrow as you can take up to two consecutive days off work without needing a doctor's note. Then with the weekend that gives me four days to recover at least sufficiently to enable me to live life again. Today marks a whole week since coming down with this bug, that in itself a most depressing thought as I usually recover within three days. Nevertheless I have six days of high strength meds, and if I don't see any improvement by then.... well.......

The days have been sunny and warm all week, but the nights very cold which is not helping me in regards to this nasty bug. I need sleep-in time until the day's temps becomes reasonably tolerable. I hate winter on many counts, the cold nights, the long dark nights, and all these nasty bugs, flu, colds and other nasty diseases. The only good thing is rain but we don't get much of that these days.

At this stage I still intend going for my walk on Saturday but am playing it by ear on several counts. Saturday will be the 3rd day I will have been on these meds, and I would hope for some improvement by then. The rest of me feel reasonably OK, just my head and my bloody chest, though it feels it hasn't gone deeply into my chest, just enough for this dreadful cough. The cough is worse at night and keeps me awake, it is not so bad during the day, only more occasional during the day. So will see how I feel, but unless I am utterly half-dead on Saturday I will go for at least a little walk.

The other factor is the weather. They expect rain on Saturday but at this stage the forecast reads "a few late isolated showers" which is usually what we mean by "rain" in this city!! LOL!! it rarely rains more than just a few showers here and there!! And they're not expected until late afternoon, so should still be able to go for my walk in the early afternoon as I usually do. But is is why I have my weather app including radar on the phone.

Meanwhile other news..... well we have Fathers Day coming up, being the 1st Sunday of Sept in Australia not in June as is elsewhere in the world, and well I hate Fathers Day with a passion, a part of my tormented existence that has been my childhood. But it looks like I will have dodged the bullet of family gatherings on this occasion. I learned through Debra that step-father Pasco has just gone on vacation overseas, indeed to Thailand, and the duration of the vacation is to be about three weeks. This places his return to be AFTER Fathers Day. So no need to endure family gatherings on that tormented day, that Sunday will be spent like every other Sunday - alone and doing my tasks.

The next potentially tormented day is my birthday, and with the Sun now in Virgo, well it is coming up soon. I had never celebrated my birthday since Mother's death, being preoccupied with Sally's health and care requirements probably had a lot to do with it. Now with Sally gone to join Mother it remains to be seen if anyone offers to celebrate my birthday with afternoon dinner or a barbecue, however, I be perfectly happy if the day passes without anything out of the ordinary. This year the day coincides with the Jewish holidays so I will be off work on vacation leave. Unfortunately I can't afford to go away anywhere especially since I don't know if I will have to move out in October, and since the lease ends at the end of October I am unlikely to find out anytime before my birthday whether I will have to move out.

Uh well.... as they say.... such is life.....

Anyway.... a random song from the 1970s..... music was my escape hatch during the years of hell.....

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Winter Blues.....

Right now I am feeling rather miserable, depressed, even slightly suicidal.... this sinus infection is utterly getting me down especially since it seems to be going to my chest which means the cough coming on. I can handle the sore throat and the headache, I just take codeine for them and it pretty well goes away. I can handle the runny nose or even the blocked nose, I just have plenty of handkerchiefs on hand. But I simply cannot handle the cough, I hate the cough with a passion, it is the most disruptive of the cold symptoms, and even the strongest cough medicines does not quench it 100%. I heard someone at work saying that there are some nasty strains going around and someone had the cough for two months!!! I am telling you now, if I am faced with the prospect of having a cough for two months I swear to every god and goddess that I will kill myself. I prefer death to being afflicted with the cough for two months!!

The sinus infection came on me on Thursday so I threw a sickie on Friday in the hope I may recover from it, and felt better for a while. I still went for my walk on Saturday though didn't walk too far, but the weather was reasonable, showers around but none fell on me during my walk. This time I was at Churchmans Brook dam for my walk. The infection seemed to get a little worse on Sunday probably cos of the walk so I took it as easy as possible, not doing any yard work nor cooking, not even going to the shops. I just did my laundry and some light cleaning with the steam mop which makes it so much easier. The groceries were due to be delivered on Sunday morning as I decided to start doing online ordering. This included some grog from the liquor store attached to the supermarket, this represented the first time I had alcohol in the house. I couldn't have any with Sally cos she was allergic to it. Tragically I haven't been able to have any of it yet cos of the drugs I am taking for this damned cold.

I thought about taking another sickie on Monday since we can take a maximum of two consecutive sickies without needing a doctor's note. And since I am currently without a family GP then I'd be in trouble if I need more than two days off. It is difficult to find a new GP as many of them does not take new patients. It is the legacy of the two years of hell that our former doc had taken us of his books, as due to Sally's immobility we could not get to the doc, and it is next to impossible to get back with him as he hasn't been taking new patients for several years.

Anyway I thought about taking my 2nd sickie on Monday, but when I woke up on Monday morning I decided I was well enough to come to work as it seemed the sinus was clearing up. However by Tuesday it seemed to getting worse again and I feared it may be going to my chest - the worst possible scenario for common colds. So I ordered by mail some of those "day/night" flu pills, indeed a large box of them as they have been effective before, and ordering online sure beats the queues at the chemist.

I have now been going to work for the past three days but with this dreadful cough taking hold I feel like death warmed over. What I feared most it seems is coming to pass, the infection is going to my chest, and I feel dreadfully depressed and somewhat suicidal. With the help of these meds this is going to have to improve soon otherwise I will be taking drastic measures. I will not be living with this for two months!!!!!!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Round 21 - More points lower rank

Well just as I thought would happen, the Bulldogs match spoiled today's party, denying me that vital 3rd point. Overall I scored more points that last week, indeed a total of 7 points, however, I dropped a spot down to 8th spot.

So with a top 6 finish now out of the question, I look to other possible joys. And next week will be one such potential joy - the Weavils given another reality check this time at the hands of the Maggies!!!!!!.... especially after what they said after last week's thrashing!!!! It is now mathematically impossible for the Weavils to make it into the top 8, yet they have the audacity to suggest that they can still make it into the Finals!!! That is, if the Bombers lose their points, the Weavils can still make it into the top 8!!!! Well it is now up to the Maggies to put such outrageous thoughts to rest. Them Weavils needs another thrashing, and the Maggies are just the team to do it!!!! grrrrrrrrrr........ go Maggies for next Friday night !!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 17 August 2013

Round 21 - Weavils just desserts

Not a good start to my Saturday with the Blues spoiling my party with their win over the Tigers. However Port Power soon made amends by beating the Suns in spite of the solar flares! haha!  Poor ole Bombers just can't take a trick huh, the Skippies making a meal of them. And the Lions prevailed over the Giants as expected.

My biggest pleasure however were the Weavils getting utterly annihilated by them Puddy Cats, they had very nice Weavils for dinner!! It is said that Transperth always follow the Weavils matches when they play at Pattersons and they bring their bus schedules forward by 30 minutes cos the Weavils fans leaves early when the Weavils are not winning. On this occasion they probably brought forward the schedules by an hour!! haha!!! Ya see Weavils fans are such cry-babies, like little school kiddies, they spit the dummy and walk off in a huff when things doesn't go their way!! So instead of sticking by their team all the way to the end, they spit the dummy and leave the grounds early. Their excuse is to "beat the rush", only that they leaving early ends up in a rush especially when the Weavils are getting thrashed!! Yeah but after all their talk of winning a Premiership and saying they can still make the finals if the Bombers loses their points, it was about time someone brought them crashing down to earth!! That is, to win a Premiership you actually have to PLAY football, not just turn up, act like dandies and expect the ball to simply come to them, then blame it on injuries if they don't win. Well this really made my day when them Weavils got utterly thrashed and annihilated! I wonder if they will talk about winning a Premiership now!!!! hahaha!!!!!

Now for today's matches. Unless there are upsets I should get two points out of today. The Dockers should send the Demons back to hell, and the Swanees should do the same to the Saints!! haha!! The Bulldogs and Crows match however, that one could go either way. Probably the Crows as slight favorites, but being at home to the Bulldogs gives them a fighting chance. This match will likely to be the reason why I will be denied a perfect Sunday round.

Friday 16 August 2013

Round 21 - Hmmmm not quite as expected

Ohhh those Maggies.... my plan didn't quite work. I picked the Hawks so the Maggies would win, but it didn't happen that way, the Hawks won.... but it was a reasonably close match so didn't suffer too much with the points variance.

Now with three out of five matches expected to be reasonably close it remains to be seen how the day will pan out......

The Tigers and the Blues, and I suppose the Tigers are a little more likely to come out on top.

Port and the Suns, yeah that I count as a potentially close match, and with solar flares happening right now, I wouldn't be surprised if the Suns win.... in any case, the winner will be whom I didn't pick.

The Bombers and the Kangaroos..... hard to say what will happen here. The Bombers has been so demoralised lately but at the same time, you know what they say about a caged lion backed into a corner...... hmmmmm....... either way this one.....

The Weavils and the Puddy Cats.... a lot of people are counting this as a close match.... dunno about that. The Weavils still thinks they will win the premiership, it is up to the Puddy Cats to give them Weavils a reality check and to not depend on the Bombers losing points to get into the Finals!!!

Lastly.... the Lions and the Giants..... Lions likely to be Giant-killers.......

Round 21 - The Maggies and the Hawks

With much trepidation given my luck or lack thereof I enter into the tipping of Round 21. The Hawks are sitting pretty on top while the Maggies seem to be hitting top form. Makes for a tough encounter expected to be close. Now given my destiny of bad luck, in these close matches I tip against the team whom I want to win, so since I want the Maggies to win I will tip the Hawks..... me and my convoluted logic! lol!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Car back on track

Here it has been a rather depressing few days stemming from last week's football tipping results when EVERY close match went against me causing me to drop down the rankings out of prize contention. On some occasions I manage to get perhaps two or even three on a good week of the close matches, a few times I'd get NONE of the close matches, but I have NEVER gotten all of the close matches. Prior to last week I somehow managed to get into 6th spot which is the minimum for the prizes so if I could have gotten a couple of the close matches I could have stayed in 6th, however, that didn't happen, I gotten none of the close matches so I dropped out of the six. I therefore believe that bad luck is my destiny and am destined never to win anything at all. So I have been sliding back down to my usual depressive state.......

The one bright spot of the last few days is my car. With the alarm system finally fixed and so true to my car insurance, the next thing was to have it serviced for the first time in three years. It happened that Sally's friend Sylvia had buzzed me an email checking to see how I am doing, and when I told her about the car, she informs me that she knows of a mechanic friend and suggested I go with him. Since I wasn't sure who I would go with, I took her advice. Sylvia booked it for me, and yesterday she came a picked up the car then I took the bus to work.

Later that night when the car came back I learned that I was apparently perilously close to death. The brakes were in bad shape and the fluid leaking, and it was that close to empty meaning I'd have no brakes!! So he replaced the brakes and given me the drum from the old brakes so I could see for myself, and it did look very nasty!! And here I was driving to work every day, going to the shops, etc, and more recently, driving up into the hills for my walks!! That's probably why I had such bad luck in the football, we each have a quota of luck in life, mine is a very small quota, and it was all used up with the car!!

Well considering the car hadn't seen the inside of a mechanic's shop for three years it didn't need that much done to it, and it is not gonna cost me nearly as much as I thought. I did speculate that the brakes probably needed replacing, and I was right there. Now all it needs to be done are the wheel balancing, a transmission service, and the radiator flush - the latter could wait until closer to summer. So in the grand scheme of things, I have gotten off rather lightly with the car. I thought it would need much more done to it than those three things. But then, these Nissan Pulsars are good little cars!!

Now for some music.......

This song is how I feel in regards to the football tipping competition and my place in it......

Sunday 11 August 2013

Round 20 - Total Catastrophe

I have come to the conclusion that bad luck in regards to competitions is my destiny, that I will never win neither major nor minor prizes, that I will always fail. It is a destiny that is written into the laws of the universe therefore it cannot be broken. It is a destiny I must accept.

With a catastrophic four point loss this round I am back down to 7th spot. With three more rounds to go the end cannot come soon enough. Enough said !!

Saturday 10 August 2013

Round 20 - Oh Those Maggies!!!!!

A bright spot among a day of tipping chaos, the Maggies win, unexpected by most.... ohhhh yes the Maggies are back!!!

Now for today's matches.... hmmmmm...... given and "me" and "luck" are mutually exclusive when it comes to competitions, tipping, prize money, etc, am not holding out much hope given that two of the three matches could go either way, and even the final match is not assured.

Essendon and the Weavils..... well have to say, hope the Bombers win that one. Those Weavils will think they will have it easy given all the turmoils with the Bombers, they need a reality check !!

The Crows and the Skippies..... hard one to pick, could go either way, probably the team I pick will lose lol.

Last but not least, one would think the Dockers would surely account for the Giants, but stranger things has happened. Indeed I won't be surprised if the Giants do win.

Friday 9 August 2013

Round 20 - A Hawkish Start hehe

Oh yes the Hawks didn't let me down last night, just didn't nominated quite enough points for the variance, but not too bad, about 11 points added to my total.....

So what for today?.....

Tigers and the Lions, the two big Puddy Cats fighting, and when Puddy Cats fights the results can be nasty..... the Lions likely to come out 2nd best in this clash.

Another Puddy Cat... a domesticated one against the dwellers of the Port, this Puddy cat may be looking for some fish but will instead feed on the Powers

The Blues.... hmmmm not so sure.... going with probability theory, the Blues over the Bulldogs

Sydney and the Maggies..... ooohhhhh...... hmmmmm...... could be a decision I will regret......

The Suns over the Demons, and with them solar flares happening today, I say the Suns should prevail.

Round 20 - The Hawks tonight

Here just got back after a busy but relatively satisfying day which I will share in a separate blog over the weekend......

Round 20 just fixin to begin..... Hawks against the Saints, and well them Hawks did slip up unexpectedly but on this occasion I don't think even divine guidance will help the Saints here. I hope I am correct here, having also nominated a reasonable points variance. I guess I am about to find out the wisdom of my decisions here......

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Getting the car fixed

Ohhhh what drama in regards to the car alarm clicker. Monday after work I went down to the car alarm shop only to find much to my annoyance that it is no longer there!!! Either it was a recent more or they haven't bothered updating their website. But then neither the nor google earth have been updated either, so much have been in the last few months, or whenever the yellow pages gets updated. So I would have to call them afterall, something I don't like doing. I thought they may have gone out of business which would have left me totally stuck cos I wasn't sure if another company with different brands would be able to fix it!! panic! panic! panic! Such changes not good for a Virgo!! It would explain why they ignored my email!! Well it was too late to call them that night....

So the next evening after work I called them.... and finally was able to get hold of someone, but as per usual had a hard time getting through to them what I was trying to say!!!! When they finally understood what I was trying to say, they turn around and tell me that they can't fix it cos the remote control actually belonged to Nissan, and all the car alarm company did was "upgrade" it from a locking device to an alarm device. So I  would have to contact Nissan!! Hmmmmm....... confused but anyway...... in hindsight I do vaguely remember that the remote control did come with the car when we bought it, and it was just a central locking device.... so the alarm installation was just an "upgrade".... and all this time I thought the clicker belonged to the car alarm company!!

I found the nearest Nissan dealer and called them, and they were far more helpful. After giving the model details of the car the guy looked it up on the computer and assured me that they do have the item in stock!! Then he told me how much it is going to cost to have the clicker replaced!! The clicker itself, just a little device with perhaps $10 worth of electronic.... well perhaps $20 now with inflation, but akin to what you can get from Dick's Smith, plus a bit of plastic with four buttons.... that tiny little device is gonna cost me approx $150!!!!!!! Now at Dick Smiths you can get far more complex remote controls for TVs etc with far more buttons and more electronics for only $30-$50 - I checked online!! So WHY would this little remote control device with only four buttons cost me $150!!!????..... well no other reason but that it is car related, and anything to do with cars they can get away with charging you an arm and a leg cos people expect to pay a lot for things to do with cars!!! The technology between car remotes and TV remotes are virtually identical, but one costs $150 while the other costs only $30-$50 depending on the particular model !!!!!!

And that is not all.... next is the device needs to be synchronised or tuned-in to the car, it is exactly the same as tuning the radio to a particular station - setting the device to receive the same frequency of radiation as the car. It's a procedure that should take no longer than 5-10 minutes. And for this privilege they will charge another approx $150!!! This makes a total outlay of $300 just to get my door controls and alarm back!! However it is a necessity given that if I have to move out there is a 99.9% chance that the car will be in less secure settings, that is, no secure garage. Furthermore my insurance policy states that the car is alarmed, so if anything happens to my car and the alarm wasn't working then I may not get the insurance payout!! Now just imagine someone had a radio and wanted it tuned to 96FM but you need a special screwdriver to work the tuner and I have the screwdriver while the person does not. So I charge him $150 to tune his radio to 96FM, something that takes me only a minute or two!!!! I'd be accused of highway robbery for such a high price!! Well that is akin to having the new remote tuned in to my car, but again because it is to do with cars, they can get away with such high charges - people expects to pay high prices for anything to do with cars!!!!

Anyway.... all whinging aside..... I have the car booked in for this Friday at the Nissan workshop to have my remote control replaced and installed, so hopefully if all goes well, I will finally have my car alarm back in working order!!!! Just in time for this weekend!!!

The weather.... well this is turning out to be a wet ole start to August.... not complaining at all.... I love it when it rains, especially at night. Prior to August we were in the 2nd driest winter on record, but now we are currently in only the 4th driest winter on record!! And according to the forecast it looks like rain, ranging from "showers" to "rain periods" until early next week. So will have to wait and see if I will go for my walk this Saturday, I will probably go unless it rains all day. Just "a few showers" won't stop me. The rain seems to be bringing warmer temperatures especially at night, indeed it has been almost balmy. That I definitely not complaining about!!!!

Hmmm..... I think that is all for now......

Let's see if I can find a car related music vid...... oooh yes this is one of my all time fav songs, the stuff of my teen fantasy..... still a teen at heart heheheeh....... hahaha........ if it was Julie asking me the question at the last part of the song I would immediately say... YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!!.... and I wouldn't regret it ever...... *sigh*.....

Sunday 4 August 2013

Back on my computer.... yay!!!!!!

Oh yes I finally back on my wonderful computer!!! When I took out the old cooling system I saw why it had seized up!! The radiator part, which looks like and works the same way as a car radiator, that is, water being cooled by means of a fan as it filters through a grille. Well it was totally and utterly clogged with five years worth of dust!! That means no air was getting through. So what happened was the same thing that happens when a car radiator gets clogged up, it overheats and seizes up. Only that unlike the car engine, the computer "engine" that is the CPU has a fail-safe mechanism, it shuts down automatically when the temperature rises to a certain value, therefore preventing damage. Anyway I had installed the new cooling system, and now my computer is purring like a kitten!!

This capped off a reasonably good weekend. On Saturday as I planned I drove up to Mundaring Weir and I went for my walk. On this occasion I was happy to see that you can now walk across the top of the weir. The last time I was there, which was last year while Sally was in hospital, you couldn't walk across the top cos they had it blocked due to maintenance work. Evidently the maintenance work was now completed. So I parked at the south side of the weir, they still have the ice cream van there but since I am not into soft serve ice cream I didn't purchase anything from there. I walked across the top of the weir then up a few flight of stairs to the top carpark which was currently blocked off due to more maintenance work!! Then I walked down to the bottom to where the O'Connor museum is, which was closed "until further notice", then back up the other side back to my car. In spite of the years of hell I was still amazingly fit, was a little out of breath but not much, I soon recovered once I was back in my car. And it was quite hot in the sun, almost like spring.

Then that evening.... would ya believe.... I gotten a msg from Julie!! She was staying down in Albany which is her home town. Typical Gemini, she just decided to take off to Albany and was fixin to txt me only to discover she hadn't my number! But having spent 14 years with a Gemini I should know..... before Sally got sick this is what she would do..... she'd say to me, let's go for a drive somewhere... anywhere!!!!.... Me a Virgo much prefer to plan these things, but not Gemini Sally, she was far more spontaneous. She may not have believed in Astrology due to her religious faith but it doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not, it still happens, the energies still manifests. It is not just a matter of faith nor suggestivity. Sally was a typical Gemini, and the fact we stayed together for 14 years proves that Geminis and Virgos can get on together just fine!! Spontaneous Gemini and plan-ahead Virgo!! hehe!! Well I must say, hearing from Julie did make my day, it was my hilight.

Now today was very busy!! As usual I was up before dawn, and as soon as it got light enough I began the task of replacing the cooling system on my computer. I did this in Sally's old craft room, I took over her desk and turned it into a work bench for computer repairs! Then before I went to put back my computer I began to vacuum my computer room with the new vacuum cleaner, it was in dire need of vacuuming. But about half way through the vacuum cleaner suddenly cut out!! I thought.... oh no!!!! It had f-cked up already!!! It was only a cheapie but I thought it would last a bit longer than that!!!! I was rather peeved!!! grrrrrrr..... I thought perhaps the motor cut our when it gets too hot, a lot of electric motors these days does that, just cut out when it gets too hot, a safety measure I guess. But I had been operating the machine for only 30 minutes so I thought it was awefully soon to be overheated. However it is one of those bagless machines, instead of a bag the debris is simply filtered through a series of filters and collects in a container. And cos my room was so dusty, the container soon filled up, and I guess it was why it overheated. So I went to clean out the filters and the container..... and prepared for my trip to the shops. Much to my delight, the vacuum cleaner was back in operation, so I finished the rest of my room, then I got ready to go to the shops.

So I gotten my groceries for the week.... then I went to mow the lawns.... well the weeds anyway. Weeds are drought proof and due to the recent rains they grew like wildfire!! I have more weeds than lawns!! So I went to mow the weeds both front and back. By the time I was finished, it was close enough to evening..... and so it capped off a reasonably good weekend. It was clear, sunny and quite warm all weekend, but according to the ever optimistic weather bureau, it is expected to rain for most of the week starting with tomorrow..... hmmmmm...... we shall see if this comes to pass..... I hope it does, I feel so much better when it rains..... but it remains to be seen.....

Now I have my computer back, I can now bore you with my musical tastes...... this one is most appropriate given the work I had done on my computer..... this was back in the 1980's when I just had my Commodore 64..... amazing how far we had come in the computer age since those dim dark days.......!!!!!

Round 19 - Those Maggies !!!!!!!

hehehe... ahahah.... Good ole Collingwood forever..... haha..... Maggies are back in town!!!! hahaha..... uhhhh sorry.... but it was a pretty good win if I must say so myself..... indeed it was annihilation.... a massacre.... hehehe..... yeah you should always pick the Maggies!!!!!!

The Maggies cake walk... uhhhh I mean.... pretty good win.... over them Bombers capped off a good day for me, all three of my picks coming up with the goods, albeit at the last minute as far as Port Adelaide goes, I thought I was headed for a miss on that one..... but it seems good fortunes abounds at this time.... a 4-point win to the Power.

So I ended up with 7 points for this round. OMG!!! I am in the top six!! How did I manage to jag that!!!!? Probably cos no one else picked the Maggies, and well I probably wouldn't have picked them either except that they were playing the Bombers so I HAD to pick the Maggies!!! haha!!!! So I am back into 6th spot and actually gained a point on the leader, now only 2 points behind the leader. I am on 121, the leader has 123. The next three are on 122, and I am one of three on 121, only my nemesis the points variance that is keeping me from rising even higher to 5th, but by the same token, it is my points variance that is keeping me in prize money contention rather than 7th spot.

Hmmmmm..... we shall see how Round 20 pans out and see if I can hold onto 6th spot.... still four more rounds to go.....

Saturday 3 August 2013

Round 19 - Better than I thought !!

Round 19 and I actually managed to score four points for the day. Even the Weavils were kind to me as I did actually picked them, a decision that I thought would regret but not on this occasion. Of course it was them Tigers that threw the spanner into the works, I don't think anyone expected them to beat them high flying Hawks!! But yes luck was definitely on my side today as the other four matches could have gone either way!! Should have bought a lotto ticket! LOL!

Sunday however could be a different story. Let's use my Virgo analytics for Sunday's matches....

The Bulldogs against the Swanees..... well the Swans are expected to win that one, but then, that is what we said about the Hawks!!

Next a Crow Eater derby - Adelaide against their cross town rivals the Port Power. Could be a close one here but one would think Port Power should come out on top.

Last but not least..... the Maggies against the Bombers...... hmmmmm..... very interesting..... yeah the Bombers has gone through a lot in the past week and they do have a lot of support from the fans..... but I just have to go with the Maggies.... sorry but.... yeah.... the Maggies for me !!!!!

Friday 2 August 2013

Round 19 Things are looking very grim.....

A bad Friday night results usually means a bad round in the football, and this Friday result is very bad in both the score and the points variance. So let's see what football catastrophes awaits me during the Saturday matches and why it will be a good thing that I will be at Mundaring......

Giants and the Demons.... the battle for the wooden spoon and a match that can go either way. Will the Giants score their first win of the season, or will the Demons prevail? No team goes for a season without a win so one would think that this is the Giant's best chance of scoring such a win. Well with luck deserting me, whatever team I pick here will end up being beaten......

Hawthorn and the Tigers..... well the Hawks should win, but then that is what I thought for the puddy cats and that clearly didn't happen......

The Weavils and the Suns.... hmmmmm.... given that the Weavils always messes me up, this match is another that could go either way. The Weavils have players coming back from injuries, and it is always their excuse when they lose - having players out with injuries. So the Weavils could very well win that one, but then, they usually don't play so well at Pattersons. Them Suns could very well win this one. Whatever, whoever I pick here is sure to lose out...... It is very possible I will still be without a point after this match.

The Blues against the Dockers..... this one quite evenly matched as well in my view even if the Dockers are a way up the ladder. It's a Blue's home match and I won't be surprised if they prevail over the Dockers.

Lastly the Lions against the Saints..... hmmmm..... another match that could go either way..... It's up at the Gabba which may perhaps give the Lions an edge.....

I haven't said who I picked for any of these five matches lest I jinx them in some way. This is the case of any points I manage to score will be bonuses...... not expecting a good football day..... as I say, it is a good thing that I will be at Mundaring!!!!!

Weekend Plans

This little laptop has its quirk and is rather difficult to work with, nevertheless, there are some things I feel needed sharing here.... it also means you are spared my weird taste in music, this laptop has no sound, and it probably wouldn't be much good on YouTube anyway, so no vids for now......

So much happening now that I have my tax check, things are moving forward albeit not quite what I expected, however we just adapt to whatever chaos the universe throws at us.....

Foremost on my mind is the very real possibility of having to move out in October, and with the housing crisis of no end in sight I will never be ready to move out, but the tax check will make me more ready than originally thought. For example due to two to three years of neglect consequent of the energies expenditure of being Sally's almost-sole carer, the house is very badly in need of a clean and tidy up. And with a vacuum cleaner that has less suction than a wet sponge and probably the first vacuum cleaner used by the dinosaurs, the task of cleaning house seems an insurmountable challenge. And you know how it is with landlords, they like their houses spotless otherwise they subtract from one's bond. So the cleaning equipment were seriously in need of an upgrade.

First thing I ordered for myself a steam cleaning system from one of those TV shopping channels. We have two such channels here and Sally was forever watching them, and on occasion she'd say - uhhh that'd be great to have!!! However the medical expenses, bandages, etc, making any such purchases is about as feasible as buying a plot of land on planet Mars. But the steam cleaner had always caught my eye..... so well with my tax check, guess what? I gotten back onto the shopping channel and ordered for myself such a system which includes a steam mop, a hand held steam cleaner, and a few other bits and pieces designed to make the task of cleaning house that much easier. They even claim to be able to clean the oven, which does seem plausible, although not many has seen my oven which probably has been cleaned only once in three years!!!! LOL!!!!

Then I went to the shops and bought myself some new pjs since my current ones has more holes than swiss cheese and has holes where it shouldn't have holes! LOL! And also bought myself a new vacuum cleaner. It was a cheap one since the better ones are rather pricey but can't spend too much money if I have to move out. But hopefully this vacuum cleaner will last at least long enough to get me through until I have to move out. And if it turns out I don't have to move out, then I will upgrade to a better vacuum cleaner.

I still haven't heard from the car alarm company but am not surprised. I used the email contact system as I am far better able explain things by email or letter than over the phone or by talking, but 99% of companies ignores the emails. This company is who installed the alarm and I can't really go anywhere else, and they have only one shop in the whole of Perth and it is a bit of a hike away in Canning Vale, sorta in Mother's neck of the wood except instead of going right from the Freeway you go left instead. However paying them a visit is what I must do. People tends to fob me off on the phone which is why I hate speaking on it and try to avoid it. But if I go there in person they can't very well ignore me and I am more likely to get answers, and in the extreme case of a nyet then there are other car alarm companies even if it means I have to have the whole system re-installed. My car needs an alarm system, especially if I have to move out, cos 99.99% chance the next place won't have a secure garage nor any secure parking - assuming that I am able to find a place. So anyway Monday is the tentative day I will pay the car alarm company a visit but it is dependent on if I can get my computer up and going so I can google-earth the location so to figure out the best way to get there and what the place looks like - it be hopeless to try google-earth on this laptop.

Another thing I realised however is that this is now August. This means next month is September and since this is 2013 it follows that I turn a most decidedly ancient 50 years of age. It feels like I was born back in the dinosaur era. OK I realise that one's age is simply a measure of the number of revolutions the planet has made around the sun since one's birth, and that this numerical value will differ on different planets. However by anyone's language it is of a high numerical value here on planet earth. OK it is not as high as it will be on Venus and Mercury, nevertheless, it is very high!! Furthermore it seems longevity is not in our family genes. I am too young to remember when Nana died, but I do know that Poppa was barely in his 70s when he fell of the perch back in 1985 so I am guessing Nana would have been similarly young or younger, she passed away a few years prior. And of course Mother was a very young 68 when she died. Not sure how it is on Dad's side of the family but at least on Mother's side we don't live very long. This means that I am significantly more than half way through my life, and I have probably only 20 more years of my life remaining. I have been married to Sally for close to 15 years yet I remember meeting her on that Texas street corner like it was yesterday! So with that in perspective, 20 years is not a long time!!!!

So am seriously needing to make the best of the short time that I have left on this planet. And with my tax check I feel things are definitely moving forward. Therefore starting this weekend I will go for a short drive somewhere and go for a walk, try to keep myself active. This is of course weather permitting, but in this part of the world, weather usually permits. It doesn't usually rain, and when it does rain it is usually only for a short time. I do need to lose a little weight. I am not ready to change my eating habit but getting out more and walking more will help. I have been off my bike for over three years now. My bike needs a service, but until I know whether I have to move out or not, I don't want to spend too much extra money, so I just make do with walking more for now. This weekend on the Saturday tomorrow I will probably drive up to Mundaring Weir and go for a walk. As usual the weather will be clear and indeed somewhat warm.

My water cooler has arrived so on Sunday I will take my computer apart and fix it. I will also need to mow the front lawn as the weeds are growing like wildfire again. Also really need to make more lasagne for my lunches, but probably won't get everything done. So the lawn and my computer are top priorities.

Now just to watch TV for the rest of the evening as I don't do too much on this laptop.... and tomorrow, being Saturday,  plan for my little trip up to Mundaring Weir......

So we shall see how this weekend pans out, which seems destined to be a lot more than just the football results!!!

Round 19 Skippies and them Puddy Cats

Trying to do this from Sally's old laptop which has its quirks....

Now into August the end of the football season approaches rapidly as I enter another tipping round with some trepidation. First up for tonight are the Skippies against them Puddy Cats, and hopefully there be no upsets here as I nominated a reasonable points variance to go to the Puddy Cats. Hopefully they will be enjoying some kangaroo meat tonight - just like what Mother fed her puddy cat all those years ago!! hahaha!!!!