Sunday 24 March 2013

Sally in hospital

Here with some rather shocking news..... Sally is in hospital and in some kind of coma and not expected to survive.... basically the infections from her sores had entered her blood stream and so her vital organs are shutting down.... but as I say where there is life there is hope, and so she could survive this but even if she does it will be several weeks in hospital....

Last Friday was my last day at work before my two weeks leave that would take in Passover.... then Saturday Sally fell asleep which I didn't think too unusual as she often sleeps all day. She had been suffering pain from her sores but was otherwise OK apart from some nausea and weakness. She had been taking some pills for the upset tummy and the pills made her drowsy so I thought that was all that it is when she fell asleep on Saturday, just the effects of the pills. Now I was on leave I was about to take her off the pills so she could recover long enough for me to get her out of the chair to change the sheets and dress her sores as well as allow her to go to the loo. Anyway she woke up once or twice during Saturday but fell back to sleep.... and she kept on sleeping through the night.

Then Sunday morning I woke up and she was still asleep, however her eyes were open and rather glazed, she had vomited through the night, and I could not wake her, she didn't respond to me. However she was still breathing relatively normally so I thought she'd be OK..... I called Emergency and the ambulance came pretty well straight away with lights flashing!! The paramedics couldn't wake her either so they transported her straight to Charlie Gardiners hospital. After I cleaned up a bit and had a bite to eat I wandered up to the hospital, I expected her to be awake by now, and just as so many times before, I just rock up to the ER unit, ask to see her, they tell me the bay number in the ER unit and let me through the door.....

However I knew something was up when instead of just letting me through the door to ER, someone came and escorted me to a room marked "relatives" and sorted chit chat with me..... then the doc and nurse came in.... they told me that Sally was very seriously ill, still unconscious, and indeed she is not expected to survive!! They gave me the usual spiel about available support services for me and asked if i have family members here.... I had my cell phone with me so was able to call a couple of family members and it ended up that most of the family members on this side of the continent came up to the hospital.

I finally went in to see Sally..... what a sight it was with all kinds of tubes etc connected to her.... and so begun a long day as various docs and surgeons discussed options and going out their way to keep me informed.... by now the other family members had arrived..... At first they were going to do surgery on her sores to clear the dead tissue and hence minimise the infections and give her a fighting chance to survive..... then it was decided that she was in such a weakened state that the surgery would likely kill her so decided against it. This was a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't.... she would likely die from the effects of the infections on her vital organs which evidentally included her brain hence why she was in this coma, but then the surgery designed to minimise the infections would also kill her!! I ended up having to sign the papers to the effect that if her heart gives up they would not try to resuscitate it as apparently that is likely to kill her..... so all they are doing is feeding her morphine to kill the pain and make her comfortable while they wait for her to die.

By the end of the day she was eventually transferred up to the general ward where she always had gone to when she was in hospital. They offered the services of a priest to read the last rites.... i at first refused.... i mean she MIGHT still somehow survive this!!!.... but then after a while I accepted the offer, so a priest would come whenever figuring it would be what Sally wanted.

Ironically today is Passover day, the day Jesus died, so it would be ironic if Sally passed away also on this day!!!! But this is early morning, and I hadn't heard from the hospital so I assume Sally is still alive. I told them to call me even at 3AM if she does give up the ghost. So at this point all plans are set in motion for me to go up and see her this morning for a little bit..... then again in the evening...... Something deep down inside me expects her to survive, whether it is just a vain hope borne of grief or something else remains to be seen. The next few days will be critical, if she gets through the next few days she will likely survive this but will be several more weeks in hospital, a long hard road to recovery.....

How ironic... first my mother died.... then given most likely scenario my wife now dies.... and just like with mother, they are basically waiting for Sally to die.......

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