Friday 29 March 2013

Arranging the funeral

Being Good Friday yesterday was a quiet day, did not go to the shops since there were no shops open, though later that day I did go to the convenience store for a couple of items. I kept myself busy in the morning by doing some yardwork in the front yard, mowing lawns, edgings, etc, all done with powered machinery. Gone are the days of me doing the edges with simply an axe as I had done so in my childhood, the whipper snipper makes is so much quicker and easier. Today is Saturday and being our rostered watering day I will have to remember to water the garden tonight. It rained the night before Sally's passing but as usual in this part of the world it hasn't rained since and indeed it is warming up again into the 30s C (90s F).

In spite of being Good Friday the funeral director did come by my place to deal with formalities, Debra came cos she is doing the arranging of the funeral, and Pasco cos he is footing the bill until I can eventually pay him back. So it was just mainly formalities, getting details for the death certificate and signing various papers. They won't be able to get a hold of her body until the docs at the hospital complete their formalities, declare the cause of death, etc. And being Easter weekend that won't be happening until Tuesday. Then a coffin will need to be made up. And he will have to see whether she can be cremated, there is some chance she will be too large to be cremated but won't really know until he can see the body and take measurements. She has lost quite a lot of weight over the two years of her sickness so am hopeful she comes under the weight limit for cremation. So until all that is established no funeral date can be set. I did place a notice in the paper which should appear in today's edition. There was no paper yesterday being Good Friday. Unfortunately the online version couldn't be done, probably cos my notice is a bit fancy with graphics etc, it costed me a fortune but it's not every day one's wife falls off the perch!! But in this day and age you'd think there can be an online version even with the graphics, but i guess not everyone is up with the times. So will have to be content with me scanning a copy and posting it in tomorrow's blog. It is still 5am so no shops open yet.

Anyway back to football!! We have three matches today. This afternoon Western Bulldogs and Brisbane, then tonight it is Greater Westerns and Sydney, and Gold Coast and St Kilda. So hopefully my tipping record currently in a very sick state will have improved by then.

Easter Sunday I will be at mother's old house for lunch. Pasco is usually at Augusta but didn't go this year due to Sally's passing away, so for the first time in a long time we be having family gathering for Easter. it will be kinda surreal being without Sally, even though for the past two years she couldn't accompany me to any family gatherings due to her health conditions. But this time there will be two widowers at the house - Pasco and myself !!!!!!!!!!

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