Sunday 31 March 2013

April already

Uhhhh April already, and it happens to be the last day of Passover although Orthodox Jews often add an extra day for tomorrow. The Jewish tradition of adding an extra day to holidays dates back to the times when the lunar months were set by the priests in Jerusalem. The first crescent of the moon is the first of the month and is the reference point by which the holidays are set. When they observe the first crescent of the moon, messengers would be sent out to the various towns and villages in Israel declaring the new month, however it took them two days to reach the towns further away. So to ensure the correct days of the holidays are observed, they observed them over two days to cover for this possible discrepancy. Nowadays we live in the age of instant communications, computer calculations of lunar cycles, and indeed the Jewish calendar is set on a 19-year cycle as this is the cycle of the lunar phases against the solar cycle, they coincide every 19 years. However Jews being Jews like to keep their traditions in commemoration of days gone by so they continue with the tradition of observing holidays over two days - except for Yom Kippur since not many would be expected to fast for two days straight!!

I think Sally's spirit woke me up this morning, well I was laying awake for a while but this prompted me to get out of bed, a large knocking sound from INSIDE my bedroom which discounts any possible prowler activity outside or the house "just settling", it was a loud knocking sound on the dresser table located in the bedroom, followed by other sounds coming from the living room where Sally spent all her time. Being 5am and still dark one could say it was a burglar, but I always sleep with the lights on for this very reason - ghosts!!!! It soon became obvious there was no burglar!! Sally would leave the TV on all night as she slept in her recliner, so I leave the TV on all night and set it to mute when I go to bed, and also a night light in the laundry room near where the toilet is, and a memorial candle burning in my computer room surrounded by crystals, so have plenty of light around. Sometimes the flame of the candle would flicker wildly almost to the point of being blown out in spite of no wind, no fans and no windows being open!! Also a very distinct face of a woman with long hair appears in one of the crystals.  I often receive visits from mother, she'd be trying to tidy my computer room by occasionally moving objects. Indeed I am not the only one to experience mother's presence. Debra shared that she often find 5c coins in places where they weren't there before, that is because apparently mother would always tell her to pick up 5c coins as it is a sign of good luck. So whenever Debra feels down she would always find 5c coins in places where they didn't appear before, or just in her travels such as going to the shops. But for me, mother would be forever tidying my bedroom back in my childhood and in later years when I lived with her at different times. So that is how her spirit manifests to me. I felt Sally's spirit has visited once or twice in this past week, trying to figure out if it is Sally or mother, but there seems no doubt that this morning it was Sally!! This is no April fool's joke. Ghosts and spirits are real, I have been experiencing them since the early days of my childhood. Sometimes they are the souls of those who passed away, sometimes they are just of the many classes of spirit beings that exists in the various realms of other dimensions.

Yesterday was reasonably OK, me going to mother's old house for dinner, and Debra gave me some Lindt chocolates which were mother's favorite chocolates. In the past for this reason I would never eat Lindt chocolates, I would just pass them onto Sally. But now Sally is gone the emotional energy dynamics are different, and indeed I will be eating those chocolates, I already had some last night. Surprisingly Pasco did give up the pay TV subscription and so there was no football showing. The football on free to air TV are often delayed telecasts, part of the tribulations of living on the isolated west coast in different time zones!! I thought with mother gone Pasco would have more disposable income but then he has Justin and Mandy living with him while they wait for their new house to be finished being built, they would take up money too although Justin does have a job. In any case pay TV are way expensive, and these days you can get just about any TV shows online, you just have to know where to look, and me being on a huge monthly 750gig data plan for less than $150 including the landline phone, I have plenty of bandwidth to use up on streaming vids and TV shows online!! I have two screens attached to my computer, one is used for the online TV shows allowing me to watch them while I do my other stuff online on the other screen. Anyway, as I said, I did come prepared with my tablet and had my AFL app going, it meant everyone else was bugging me for scores updates as a few of the others are also in office tipping comps. Up until then Debra hadn't picked any team correctly so I guess I should have been thankful that I at least picked two up until then. But then she picked the Maggies too so should be a bit happier. I somehow managed to pick both matches correctly giving me a more respectable 4-8 result with only one match to go that being played today. It was a barbecue with sausages, steak, marinated drummettes onions, potato salad and green salad. And being warm and sunny we ate outside where the barbecue is located.

So that was pretty well my day yesterday..... today will be quiet, won't be doing much, and won't be going to the shops except to the local deli that is within walking distance, they may hopefully have easter eggs at discount prices. Another sunny day, it never rains here LOL.... well it did rain that night just before Sally passed away but it hadn't rained since and is getting hot again.

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