Thursday 12 July 2012

Welcome to Friday the 13th! Me superstitious?.... nah.... as three black cats walked across my path this morning, having to walk under a ladder to get to the fridge at work, and me dropping a mirror from one of the science kits watching it smash into a zillion pieces on the concrete floor! haha!! Indeed Friday the 13th holds no fear for me, indeed I normally look forward to such a day.

As for the three weeks however, well many would call me superstitious in regards to the three weeks. However we make an important distinction. The superstitions we are familiar with such as those associated with Friday the 13th are based on mythologies and false traditions. Friday the 13th combines two elements that are considered "unlucky" in western traditions - Friday and the number 13. Friday is considered unlucky because of the Christian mythology of Jesus death occurring on a Friday hence is why they we have the "Good Friday" holiday associated with Easter. But if we look at the facts based on the records of the Jewish calendar we in fact arrive at the conclusion the Jesus' death occurred on a Wednesday not a Friday and not very many of us would consider Wednesday to be particularly "unlucky". And as for the number 13, there are Christian mythologies associated with that number. However under Kaballah numerology 13 is certainly not considered unlucky. Indeed there are 13 tribes of Israel, and well opinions vary as to whether the Jews have been particularly "unlucky" or not but I'd consider them to be very lucky - there are still Jews on this planet in spite of several attempts by enemies through the ages to wipe the race from the face of this planet - most other races under such persecution would have been wiped out a long time ago!!!

The three weeks however are based on facts. The destruction of the Temples are facts of history and amazingly both Temples were destroyed on the same lunar date though six centuries apart. And the calamities befalling Jews during the three weeks are all verifiable through historical data by simple correlation between the Roman calendar dates and the Hebrew calendar. It is this same correlation that establishes the record of the calamities befalling myself during this three week period. Sally does not agree with me, she says I am superstitious and all this is a whole load of baloney but that is her opinion and I respect her right to be wrong! I know my own life more than anyone else on this planet. No one has lived my life for me so no one has the right to judge me on my views of the three weeks and my life's calamities.

With this in mind the football tipping, and it seems to be shaping up as very much a "three weeks" tipping nightmare with several matches that can go either way including the Friday night match tonight when we have to nominate our points variance - to tip not only the winner but the winning margin. Carlton and North Melbourne are difficult to separate with even expert tipsters divided on who is likely to win. I have gone with North Melbourne and nominated a low points variance so even if Carlton wins my already catastrophic variance score won't be too much more catastrophic. The Magpies match is also hard to pick but I decided to remain loyal to my beloved team. And as for Essendon.... hmmmmm..... well perhaps Essendon is expected to win this one but based on last week's performance.... well..... I will stick with Essendon this time even if I may live to regret it!! But yes it is one of those times where if anything can go wrong it will and I could really bomb out badly in the tipping!! If this happens I blame it on the three weeks!! But if luck is on my side and I get a good score, well I just put it down to Friday the 13th!! - I call that my lucky day!!

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