Sunday 1 July 2012

Last week I wrote about what appears to be the inevitable eviction from our rental house. I hope this is not a bad omen of things to come but this morning at work we learned that we have been given an eviction notice from our current premises!! We have until December to find a new warehouse and new offices!! It would seem that evictions are the topic of the month for this cursed month of July, or the cursed lunar month of Tammuz!!

However while there is a housing crisis, there is  not a warehouse/office crisis. In these hard economic times with businesses going out of business and others cutting back I would imagine warehouse owners would be falling over backwards to give us leases of their warehouses!! It is just a matter of finding a suitable warehouse for our needs in a reasonable location. And I don't have to deal with the stresses and logistics of finding a warehouse/office complex and arranging for moving the huge number of items that we have stored here! The headache is left to the management and they are paid to deal with such headaches!!!! Nevertheless my workload will have increased. I have already been handed the task of doing a stock take of the contents of our warehouse - at least the area of my responsibility - the Post Compulsory Schools section, that is, Years 11 & 12.

The reason behind our eviction notice. Departmental changes and shuffling!! We have been a part of the Department of Training and Workforce Development, and our warehouse is currently housed on the premises of this Department. However the govt in their wisdom or lack thereof decided to split the departments, and our area to be now under the Department of Education. So I have effectively been transferred to another department though my physical location remained the same as does my salary, position title, etc. The only changes up until now being my work email address and new work computer!! This happened a few months ago, and we were told initially that we would not be moving. But you know, never trust what the govt says!! We all knew instinctively that we would be moving to another premises, and our suspicions had been confirmed this very morning!!!! Ironically I am back to where I started - I first started my tenure as a govt employee at the Department of Education, this was close to 22 years ago now!!!

Football tipping, and this has  been a good weekend. Yet another win by the Magpies *yawn* hehe.... and I managed to pick 8 winners from 9. I think it was North Melbourne that threw the spanner into the works. Uh well, at least 8 is a good score!!

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