Tuesday 24 July 2012

The saga of the footpath takes more twists during this cursed 3rd week of the three weeks. As stated in yesterday's blog I took the bus in to work today in case they decided to pour the concrete and block access to my driveway for however long it takes for the concrete to dry. But discovered another problem. The need for me to pick up my order of bandages etc TODAY. Silver Chains never provides us with enough bandages and tape, indeed there are days when they don't provide anything at all to get us through the days to their next visit. So we have to provide our own bandages and tapes. And they don't provide the protection sheets that would prevent the fluids from Sally's sores from ruining the chair, so we have to provide our own. This is why we spend $350 or more per fortnite on such supplies hence our life and other priorities are permanently on hold as there is no end in sight to the sores. We order all three items from a medical supply place less than a mile from where I work. So to save on the delivery charge I call in after work to pick them up. And last night we used the last of the bandages so I will need to pick up more today. Problem is I am on foot, and though the place is within walking distance from work, there is simply no way I could carry the large box back to work. Also the box would be too big for carrying on the bus. But I will have to pick up the delivery TODAY, there is no other option. So we have a couple of possible scenarios....

Scenario 1 - They have not started work on the path, or the path hasn't reached our house. Therefore I will take the bus home, then immediately get the car out and travel back to the place. It will be peak hour traffic but for the most part the traffic would be in the opposite direction as I would be traveling towards the city. As long as I get there before 5PM closing time all will be OK.

Scenario 2 - Work had started on the footpath outside our house and our driveway is blocked to vehicular access. This is where I will need to utilize the more expensive taxi option.There are two basic options.

Option 1 - Take taxi to the place, pick up order, then have taxi to drop me back at my workplace, then retrieve only a couple of items which is needed for tonight, leave the box with the rest of the items in my office at work, then take bus back home.

Advantage - Cheaper as it is less than a mile between my work place and the medical supplies place.

Disadvantage - It will take me longer before I reach home. Likely to be dark when I finally reach home. Don't like traveling on public transport in the dark. Dinner will be late, takeout option not available as there are no takeout joints within walking distance of home and don't like walking in the dark anyway. Late start to changing bandages, making it a late night all round.

Option 2 - Take taxi to the place then straight back home.

Advantage - Home quicker, indeed almost as quick as if I drove myself though the taxi is unlikely to know the traffic shortcuts options and won't take them as he would seek to maximize the fare. The whole package will be home with me. Evening routines relatively normal.

Disadvantage - Far more expensive as it is 5 miles back to home as opposed to only a mile to work.

However in spite of more inconveniences I would take Option 1 should Scenario 2 takes place. We have flexi time at work, so can stay up later and come into work later the next day. It remains to be seen what will happen.........

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