Tuesday 10 July 2012

Day 4 of the 3 weeks and something of a "miracle" had happened..... well I don't know if "miracle"is quite the right term, but let's say, extraordinary at least.

Yesterday I lamented the fact that I had left my approx $20 worth of chocolates, cookies and other sweets at work. I was so certain that I would come into work this morning to find that the resident rats population will have helped themselves to this unexpected free meal at my expense. I was most shocked yet pleasantly surprised to find that my precious supply of sweets was totally and utterly untouched, not so much of even a nibble mark!! This was in spite of the fact that the bag was open and it was on the bottom shelf. On every other occasion in the past when I accidentally left food at work, just a single chocolate bar or packet of cookies, the rats had ALWAYS helped themselves to the meal overnight much to my lament!! This is even when I leave the food item on the higher shelves or even in my desk drawers - the rats climb up the space behind the drawers to get at my food.

Now I am scratching my head as to why the rats had apparently left my bag of food alone!! Perhaps they decided to go on diets and cut out on sweets or chocolates!! Or perhaps it was the weather, it rained a lot last night, and perhaps they hibernate when it is raining?? Or.... clutching at straws.... even the solar flares, cos in the past few days there has been particularly severe solar flares which explains the intermittent computer problems I have been experiencing. As I say, I am a physicist not a biologist, so though I understand about the recent alleged discovery of the Higgs-Boson particle - the so-called "god" particle, I have very little understanding of animal behavior especially rodent's behavior - all I knew or THOUGHT I knew is that leaving food behind at the warehouse is an open invitation to a free meal for its resident rats population!!! Why this didn't occur this time around is utterly beyond my scope of understanding, nevertheless, I am grateful for it. I take it as a reprieve and I certainly will do my best not to repeat the mistake - leaving my bag of sweets behind at work - for I may not be so lucky the next time around!!!!

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