Saturday 28 July 2012

Reading of Lyndy's trip to the US and the trip to Disneyland I wonder if they had been on Space Mountain and whether they still had to wait in a queue for 90 minutes to get on that ride. It was my favorite ride but was only able to go on there twice cos the total wait time was over 3 hours!!! But in spite of my wide travels across the USA I had never been to the north-west (eg Montana, Yellowstone, etc) therefore could not compare notes! LOL! And speaking of their trip to Yellowstone, I thought to mention that Yellowstone is on top of a dormant volcano but just not terribly high compared to the area it covers, and many scientists are predicting that anytime soon the volcano could blow its top wiping out the whole national park and affecting a wide area of that part of America with dense ash clouds, etc, it would be an utter catastrophe, the worst disaster in US history WHEN it happens, its not IF it happens but WHEN. It could happen tomorrow or it may not happen for 100 years, but it apparently has happened a long time ago and is due to happen again. I am glad it didn't happen while Lyndy was there!!!! hehe!!!

I also see noticing one of the pixs being of a gas (petrol) station the fuel is still very cheap in the US even if not as cheap as back in 1998. But allowing for the conversion rate from gallons to litres it is equivalent to about 90c/litre. Here in Perth we are paying aroung $1.40-$1.50/litre!!! And the exchange rate can't be blamed cos the Aussie dollar is now virtually the same as the US dollar. Back in 1998 it was about 60c to the US dollar.

Anyway back to my more mundane existence....  here the pixs of the new driveway as promised. How sad it is that my life is so boring that something like a new driveway courtesy of the council is deemed worthy to be included on this blog.  My current life is so depressingly boring, being reduced to nothing more than a home nurse for a partner whose condition seems to be getting no better, indeed there is no end in sight. It all can be traced back to that fateful night back in 1980 when I saw that UFO, it was that sighting that changed my life and its direction. Most contactees (those who experienced UFO and ET contact, and I experienced both) either end up in the looney bins or join religious cults. Since I had already been in a kind of a "looney bin" at age 5 or so I took the other option - religion. And look where it has gotten me....... I wish I had a Tardis and could go back to 1980 all over again. Anyway......

Today is Tisha B'Av, and Sally's sores has indeed taken a turn for the worst. The leaks have turned into a torrent, you could actually see the fluid dripping out like a tap. Previously it was merely just oozing out more like a slow leak. And the color has changed, from nearly clear with a slight yellow tinge to bright yellow!! Now I am a Physicist and not a Medical Practitioner so I wouldn't know what the color changes means, but being on Tisha B'Av my feeling is it cannot be a good sign.

So far nothing else has happened yet today but then the day is not yet over.

Here's the pixs of the driveway taken early morning before sunrise - must be a good camera phone cos it turned up remarkably bright. But it was another clear day turning out to be sunny once again, the drought on the west coast continues...........

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