Sunday 4 March 2012

This my first shot at this so it will start off simple and grow more complicated as I get the feel of this.....

Sunday March 4, today was sunny as usual and 36C or 97F. This a holiday weekend but no holiday for me as it is hard work being carer for Sally, I change her bandages on her legs each evening as her sores are weeping, evidentally Staph infection. Silver Chains nurse comes three days per week to change her bandages and check on the progress of her sores. There seem to be slight improvement but it looks like I will be changing bandages every evening for a long while yet. This on top of her other care issues, I am basically full time carer for her when I am not at work.

Tomorrow is big junk collection day, so I spent some of today clearing out unwanted junk from the shed, old furniture and defunked items, and placing them on the verge for the council to collect with the bobcat sometimes this week. Before this there are always trollers, as the saying goes, one man's junk is another man's treasure, so we have trollers going through the junk heaps retrieving items that they think could use. We often have up to 90% of our junk being taken away by trollers before the council comes along.

Anyway that is about it for today..... I am glad for the day off work tomorrow though it be no holiday for me, it just means I don't need to be up so early and be at work.

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