Monday 19 March 2012

I have finally been approved for vacation leave from work for a month during April beginning the first week of April. In reality there is no vacation for me, this simply means I am not going to work for the month. With Sally being utterly housebound we cannot go on any vacations, not even day trips. She has not been able to attend any doc appts due to the fact she cannot get into the car due to the swellings in her legs. Even if the swellings were to go down, she is still too ill for even day trips, our only "outings" being to the clinic and the hospital. It is no wonder i spend so much time online, being online is the only way I get to see the world. This reminds me of the scenario of some sci fi writers, that in the future we will not physically travel anywhere, we will be confined to small cubicles for all of our lives, but we "experience" the world through virtual reality, basically a futuristic version of the Internet today. Maybe such sci fi writers also had a partner who was always ill and housebound so can never get to go out anywhere but spend time exploring the world online!! LOL!!

Of course Easter is the 1st weekend of April. Jewish Passover begins that Friday and runs for a week, actually 8 days. For that week we remove foods with yeast from our homes and we don't eat food with yeast (or other raising agents such as bicarb) for that week. Probably why they say Jews keeps strange customs! LOL! But due to Sally's condition we will not be able to go our anywhere for Passover, we will just have to do the best we can at home to remember the holidays.

Since we cannot go out anywhere for my vacation, we can always dream.......

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