Wednesday 28 March 2012

This is mall-rat day being payday though these days with the economic strain due to bandages and other medical issues with Sally we will have to implement austerity measures comparable to that of Greece, especially in the food dept as there is really nowhere else we can cut back without major inconvenience.

However the script for the antibiotics arrived yesterday, so went to the chemist to get it, we get pensioner discounts since Sally is on a pension. So I went to get the pills only to find on arrival back at home that it contains gluten, and Sally being a celiac (sp) among other things cannot tolerate gluten. So had to take it back to the chemist who was happy to exchange it for a gluten-free version, and he put it on the computer that Sally is a celiac so make sure to not dispense meds that has gluten in it. Anyway she will wait until Saturday, the start of my 4-weeks leave, before taking them in case of severe allergic reactions as she is allergic to some forms of antibiotics. But for the time being there is a glimmer of hope that the antibiotics would help clear the sores, so at least a lot less bandages, then can work on resurrecting our financial situation from the dead.

Uhhh time to put in the rest of the football tips.... of course Sydney won last week, that was a no brainer. The rest of the tipping is not so easy..... everyone says the Maggies are going to lose, but being a loyal supporter I am going to stick my neck out and tip them. Essendon and N.Melbourne a toss of the coin, they're both pretty hopeless..... ooooops!!!... sorry!!! hehe!!!!..... hmmmmm..... and the Weasels... I mean West Coast Eagles.... suppose I should tip them, they haven't been doing too bad..... but the 1st round is always a toughie when it comes to tipping, you can't go on last year's forms, and you really can't go on the pre-season comp form as they never field their usual teams anyway, they experiment and try different things, and the game conditions are different anyway..... we shall see how it all pans out by the end of the weekend.....

Haven't posted any pixs lately so here's a few... dragons and fantasy pixs... yeah I like dragons and fantasy in general, my escape from reality..... wouldn't you like a dragon for a pet... I would... hehe

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