Tuesday 13 March 2012

Another day at work, and being a Wednesday the carers and nurse from Silver Chains comes out to visit Sally and change her bandages. The expectation is that the bandages would not need to be changed until the next day, however, this is rarely the case. The nurse does not utilize the laws of Physics, and so the bandages invariable falls down her legs, so I always end up having to change them in the evening as I usually sacrificially do so.

When I do so, I utilize the laws of Physics. using the folds in the knee area to help keep the bandages in place so that they won't fall down. I have a high success rate but not 100% as Sally doesn't always agree to get into position. She is phobic about falling off the chair, the reason being that the last time she fell onto the floor she ended up in hospital cos the ambulance crew could not get her back up again, they tried for several hours before the firies came and with their larger equipment were able to get her onto a stretcher, and decided to take her to hospital for observation - where she ended up for six weeks. Due to her arthritis in her knees, you can't simply pull her back up again as you would normally a person from the ground as her knees would not support the extra forces involved. So getting her up from the floor is an almost impossible task. So she does all to avoid falling in the first place, and she freaks a bit when changing her bandages as sometimes she gets too close to the edge of the chair and afraid of falling to the ground.

Back a few years ago before Sally's lymphodema kicked in and was still reasonably mobile, we were ready to go out when she tripped and fell. Due to her arthritis in her knees, I couldn't just simply pull her back up again. Fortunately it happened in the bedroom, so I just got a whole load of bricks and pavings, and built a ramp up to the bed. She was then able to slide herself up the ramp with my help, and onto the bed. Once she was on the bed, she was able to get up again. I would usually help her up from the bed, nevertheless, was able to get up from the bed. She just can't get up from the ground, so does her best to avoid being on the ground in the first place. These days due to the effects of the lymphodema she can no longer sleep in the bed, she sleeps in the electric recliner in the living room. And if she falls, we would need to call for an ambulance, and more than likely be taken to hospital for observation, and likely to be kept in for several more weeks to get her swelling back down.

Not so hot today.... low 90s, low 30s celcius.

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