Wednesday 31 May 2017

Football - Weevils Voodoo Doll Must Be Working !!!!!

Uhhhh my Weevils Voodoo Doll must be working!!!! The Weevils lost on their home ground against the Giants!!! They can't make any excuses this time!!! They can't say travel problems, they were right on their home territory on their hallowed turf. They can't say injuries, they may have had a couple of injuries but the Giants had HALF their team out with injuries yet they still managed to travel all that way from Sydney and beat them Weevils on their home ground!!! And they can't blame the weather, it was a dry sunny day with not a drop of rain in sight, in other words, typically Perth weather!!!! Well I suppose they can say they didn't have enough money to bribe the umpires, or the umpires let them down....... that is about all.There is just nothing like seeing the Weevils face reality check!!!! Very hard reality check!!!!! No sympathy from me!!!!! Haaaaaaaaa...........

And well I knew the Maggies would win, I mean, if they couldn't beat the Lions then probably time to adopt a new team!! But I did slid down the rankings a bit, well two spots down to 6th. Time will tell whether the curse of Chiron is starting to kick in........

So we have a split round now..... only six matches this week....... so let's try to see what universe I am in and gaze into my dusty old crystal ball........

Round starts early again..... Thursday night we have the Power at home to the Hawks who are expected to be zapped alive.

Friday more of a coin toss. Will the Crows pick the Cats alive, or will even as the Crows fly still a fair distance to the Cattery which may prove to be somewhat depleting for their energy levels.

Now on Saturday those poor ole Weevils has to travel again, oh what shock horror!!! Being made to travel again, just not fair huh!!!!.... *sarcasm lives*!!!!!! Haaaaaaa!!!! They're going to be very much Sun-baked as I put my Voodoo Doll to work again! The Gold Coast will be no paradise for Weevils.

Oh now the Bombers against them Giants. Not looking good for them black and reds. Would like to think they will be Giant-killers, but regretfully have to put my money on GWS.

Kangaroos and Tigers..... ummm..... hmmmm...... toss the coin, heads Kangaroos, tails Tigers.....

Last but not least, the Sunday match..... uhhhh the Maggies, well they do travel better than Weevils, but then ANYONE travels better than Weevils. Shall I stick by my rule, never pick the Maggies, or shall I back them to fly over the Dockers?? Depends which universe I am in at the time.........

Now for some comic relief........

I have a colleague like him, comes in to work even when half dead with the cold or flu...... freaks out the rest of my colleagues ;)

When I get those telemarketer calls.... fortunately my app picks them up and blocks them, but they still bug me and messes up what I'm doing on the phone.......

Oh what aspirations for them pathogens....... ;)

I can relate...... unfortunately so!!!!!

Yeah...... it does seem a waste ;)
Meanwhile back at the schools of my childhood.......

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