Sunday 28 May 2017

Galactic Connections

The highlight of this past week was the Galactic Encounter event I went to last night, one of the best things I ever did. OK I know I am weird. I guess it is comforting to know there are people in Perth as weird as I am, I was with a few of them last night.

So the idea of this event. It is for star seeds. We first go into meditation to connect with our ET kins, then we head to the beach and watch for the UFOs. It is what some of us star seeds do. The UFOs are our ships, our star kins inside, and well we connect with them. And it did happen. We did see many UFOs.

OK I know this is weird, so let me try to explain what led to this. I was invite to this event on FaceBook, and it was held last Saturday night at a beach near Hillaries in the northern suburbs. So I felt compelled to attend though this is the first time I attended such an event. Being a Virgo I get nervous about attending events for the first time. However I felt I was being CALLED to attend, as if my star kins were calling me. My landlord scheduled the three-monthly property inspection last Saturday but something cropped up so he called to rescheduled the inspection for the following Saturday. This allowed me to concentrate my energies on attending this event. I went for my walk earlier, and worked out how long it would take for me to get to the location of the event, using Google maps to work out the best route, and making sure I have blankets, pillows, and plenty of warm clothing cos it was going to be cold!!!!!

So when I finally arrived at the park near the beach you couldn't miss the group!! There were large figurines of ETs and crystals within a circle of glow sticks. Nada was the facilitator, and though she is my "friend" on FaceBook, we never met before in person, yet as soon as she saw me coming from a distance she KNEW it was me!!!! I didn't even tell her that I was actually going to come to the event, I only said I would think about coming. But she expected me, she "knew" I would be coming. I was surprised she recognised me underneath my hat and very warm woollies and glasses!!! But she has this sixth sense, she is a very intuitive woman, and she is a Contactee, she has been with ETs and up inside the ships. Well I have too, I am also a Contactee and have been aboard my ship. I know, weird, but there were at least 20 of us at the event, we are all star seeds, and we all have had contacts with ETs. In other words, they are as weird as I am!!!!!

A star seed is someone who have spent past lives in other star systems, indeed we originate from other star systems, and have been incarnated on Planet Earth for a purpose. So since we come from other star systems in our past lives, it makes perfect sense that we have our relatives on the other star systems. That is, the ETs. So we have star parents and star kins, and they are in their ships, that is, the UFOs. Every star seed have had UFO experiences, these are visitations from our star kins. I have had my first UFO experience back in 1980, and have had a lot more since then. Also we have actually had contacts with these ETs. Most star seeds are also Contactees, and many of us has been aboard the ships. And we have been sent to Planet Earth, incarnated as humans so to fulfil a mission on this planet. That is the basic idea of being a star seed.

So at this event all of us are star seeds, all from the various star systems, such as the Andromeda Galaxy, Sirius, Lyra, Arcturus, and of course the Pleiades. Readers of this blog will know that I am from Taygeta in the Pleiades star system. Nada is from the Sirius star system, and she is akin to a priestess, she helps us to connect with our star kins, hence why she organises these events.

We first began with a meditation session, gathered in a circle around the crystals and ET figurines. Nada led us through the meditation where we went on a shamanic journey to the stars, that is basically, astral travel. Our bodies may have been at the park, but our spirits went into the stars, we visited the mothership and various other places, and I went back to Taygeta, and there was also a healing session on one of the ships, and received our "light languages" which are basically the languages of ETs. No the ETs does not speak in English, they have their own language. Most communicate through telepathy, nevertheless, they have their own languages. And many of us star seeds are given these languages. I do speak some of these other languages. Yes I know, very weird, but really not much different to the Christians "speaking in tongues".

Then we walked down to the beach and set ourselves up with the circle of the glow sticks and the ET figurines and crystals. By then it was dark, so we looked up at the stars. Nada performed the invocation to ask for the ships to appear, and she told us that there are ETs around us protecting us. That I already knew, I can also feel it when there are ETs around, I sometimes sense them during my walks, or when doing other things. Anyway it wasn't long before some action!!! The UFOs really did appear, we all saw them with our own eyes. They appear mostly as moving points of lights, but also a orbs, and flashes of light beams as if they are shining down at us. Of course many would say these are just satellites, however, these lights were sometimes moving from side to side, many were changing colours, appearing and disappearing, and doing other things which satellites does not do!!!! These ships represents our kins, and of course my ship appeared among them.

Up until now most of my contacts with my ET kins has been on my own. For many years I didn't know there were other star seeds in Perth. I have known other star seeds from elsewhere in the world, in America, the UK, Europe and other countries, and even on the east coast. It was only more recently I came to know about star seeds in Perth. And last night represented the first time I met with some of these other star seeds for the purpose of connecting with our star kins together. There is something magical about being with other star seeds. It is literally like a family get together.

Now my cards for this coming week.......

My cards for this new week with May ending and June beginning.....

-4 of Pentacles - Caution - Having achieve good success but afraid of losing it. Being overly cautious. Much emphasis on money, denying one's self even small expenses. Fear of losing my gains and avoiding taking risks.

-10 - Releasing Allegiances - Time to let go of another and hold onto one's self. Letting go of the lower frequencies of past habits and relationships, and entering into higher frequencies. Taking the lessons from the past into the new higher energies. Spending time alone during this changeover, nurturing one's self, healing. Confirmation that the work on one's self is bearing fruit. Ready to embrace change.

Summary - Hmmmm a very interesting draw!!! The Tarot is a very Virgo kind of card. We Virgos are very cautious creatures, taking risks is anathema to Virgos. Given the catastrophic challenges of this past month I am tending to be very cautious with my finances, something I need to work on as we enter into June where the celestial energies points to more prosperous times.

The Oracle confirms exactly what I have been going through these past few weeks. Due to the catastrophic incidences at the beginning of 2017 I have been spending much time very much like a hermit, I hadn't been going to any groups or events, and just spending time alone. Evidently this has been beneficial although it had been motivated by pain. Last night's outing to Galactic Encounter has been my first time at an event since January, and this is the highest frequency event I've attended since my Lemurian DNA Activation event back in early 2016. This Oracle seems to confirm I need to step away from the lower frequencies and embrace these higher frequencies. It just remains to be seen exactly how this will play out.


Now all set up with my new phone, it's the latest S8+ device, bigger than my previous phone, it is practically a tablet. However my current plan with Optus with the superior larger phone and same data allowance is 33% cheaper than my old plan with Telstra. Furthermore with my current plan I get free streaming of TV shows and movies through Netflix and Stan, that is, we can watch these shows online without having our data allocations used up. So I signed up for both of them, each has a one month free trial, and after that it is only about $10-$12 per month for unlimited movies that we can watch on my laptop, tablet and phone. So far Netflix is looking better, they have "The Originals" while Stan does not. I love "The Originals", its a show with vampires, werewolves and witches. So just based on that I will probably end up cancelling my Stan subscription before the end of the trial period and go with Netflix, however, it's early days yet. I have until the 3rd week of June to make my final decision. I am very happy with my new phone, it is brilliant. Oh yes my number is still the same, I was able to use the same number for my new service, and Optus did all the hard work of shutting down my Telstra account on my behalf and having the number transferred over.

Now I will just make sure my data roaming is switched off before going on my next overseas trip!! These days you don't need data roaming. Most lodgings overseas, even the cheap ones, has free wi fi. Most of the airports has free wi fi, indeed many of the shops, malls, restaurants, and indeed many tourist attractions overseas has free wi fi connections. This makes the very expensive data roaming virtually obsolete.

With June upon us I can really get back on track with my Peru savings plan after the catastrophic month of May. There are no large expenses expected in June. I have only my utilities which are much cheaper since moving into my new abode. Being in an apartment we don't pay for water. The electricity bill is less than half of what I was paying before at the house, and the gas bill is even less. This is one of the reason why I moved into an apartment. Also my total internet expenses are about half of what I was paying before when adding my home wireless and my phone plan together. I have really been able to significantly cut my expenses of these main services that I regularly use. This really have helped get me through May, and will really help me with my savings plan until I get to Peru in October.

By the end of June I will have made bookings for my Peru trip. By then, with my savings plan back on track, I should have a better idea of what I will be able to afford to do in Peru, which tours I be able to go on, etc.

Last but not least, the legal situation with the previous landlord. As it is said, no news is good news. There has been absolutely no word from either the landlord nor anyone from the legal profession since I wrote back to him basically calling him bluff on his threat of legal action against me. He has no leg to stand on, so am just getting on with my life. The curse is on him, karma will come back upon him in due time. Of course there is always the possibility I may eventually hear from him, but am not holding my breath. My life must go on.

My "success" or lack thereof with women.......

Bureaucracy in Australia.....

There has to be a lesson in this...... ;)

Infrastructure spending in Australia......

Now for the important stuff essential for running a department....... ;)

;) hehe.....

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