Sunday 21 May 2017

Time For Moving Forward

With both Venus and Mercury moving out of their shadows within this past week, energies are definitely shifting and I am now able to move forward with my plans. First let me explain about planets moving out of their shadows. When a planet goes into retrograde, the planet appears to be moving backwards against the background of the stars. When the planet turns and start moving forward again, it moves back through the area of the sky in which the retrograde took place, thus the planet is moving through its shadow, which often still activates the energies of the retrograde. Once the planet moves past the point where its retrograde commenced, the planet moves out of shadow. This is what happened with Venus and Mercury this past week. This has been the Mercury retrograde from Hell with many calamities befalling me during this period, and the catastrophic effects on my Peru savings plan. Now that Mercury has moved out of its shadow, I definitely feel energies have lifted, and I can start moving forward with my plans again, and my savings plan should start to improve. My Tarot readings seems to confirm this........

My cards for this new week with Venus and Mercury out of their retrograde shadows...

-XIX - The Sun - Happiness - A time of great joy and happiness from within. Celebrating everything from small pleasures to grand accomplishments. Inner connection to the light showing everything in its best context. Positive force annihilating the negativity that have oppressed up until now.

-39 - Free From Judgement, Free To Love - The nurturing mothering type who cares unconditionally for life, the environment, indeed for Mother Gaia. Time to receive some care, nurture one's self. A solution to a pressing problem being in gestation and about to be manifested. Connection to Mother Gaia.

Summary - Perhaps my best draw yet. The Tarot being the same one drawn the previous week. Two consecutive draws of a card serves to emphasise the energies of the card, in this instance most happily, the better times ahead with my plans now moving forward.

The Oracle is the card drawn for the first time, often emphasising a new beginning, this being in resonance with the energies of this week. This it seems relates to my calling for Mother Gaia, and now being able to move ahead with plans in regards to my calling, including my upcoming Peru trip.

So I have started to move forward on some of my plans. Firstly I ordered a new phone on a new plan with a different telco. It's the latest S8+ phone, it's bigger than my current phone, and have the same data allowance, however it is 30% cheaper!!!! This will really help with my Peru savings plan. My current phone no longer works, well can still make calls but the internet functions on it no longer works so need a new phone. I will keep my old number, the new telco will arrange for my number to be transferred over from my old telco thus shutting down my old account, so the phone number will be the same. Now just waiting for me to be approved. My credit rating should be fine, the only potential problem could be that I recently moved house less than six months ago. Apparently moving house does affect the credit rating. It shouldn't do, it is one of those strange rules of society. I mean, they still know where I am, I still had to give my current address, and provide ID, so it's not as if they don't know where I am. But for some unexplained reason, one's credit rating is affected by moving house. We all move house at some time, none of us stay in one place forever, but credit companies doesn't like it when you move house!!! So if I don't get approved for this plan, the only reason would be cos I moved house less than six months ago, well actually it is just on six months. Anyway I will know in a couple of days whether I be getting a new phone or not.

Next I began my first tentative steps on the huge task of clearing out of my storage unit my surplus possessions, much of it legacy of my bower bird wife who would hoard items. I have countless furniture and other items because of her, all in my storage unit which I am renting each month. Most of the items I will give away via "pay it forward" sites. "Pay it forward" refers to giving away items or services for free as a way of cultivating favourable karma. And well it's a lot easier and less stressful than selling items. The little money I may get for them is not worth the hassle, and sometimes it takes weeks even months to sell a single item. So far less stressful and quicker to simply "pay it forward". Even so I have so much items in my storage unit that it will probably take me until my Peru trip to clear them all out and thus give up my rental unit which will save me even more money - for my next trip AFTER Peru!!!!!!

Speaking of my Peru trip, well May is proving to be a catastrophic month for my savings plan with my Heart Specialist appointments, car rego and other major expenses hitting hard. However once into June with no more major expenses, I should be able to move forward with this as well. I've now given up the idea of getting a fridge anytime before my Peru trip, this catastrophic month with the Mercury's retrograde from Hell have sealed my fate there. So focus is on getting my savings plan back on track, which should happen in June. I hope to be making my bookings by the end of June, indeed it is important that I be making my bookings by the end of June. July will herald the dreaded "The Three Weeks", a Jewish period of mourning for the destruction of the Temple, when calamities often befalls the Jews, and me who have been a Jew in a past life. So to book any trips during The Three Weeks is asking for catastrophic trouble. Then in August, Mercury will begin its retrograde once again, and this is also a catastrophic time for making any bookings or other plans for any trips. And I am looking to October for my Peru trip, so need to book three months in advance for the discount air tickets and lodgings etc. So I have until the end of June, and depending on how much I managed to save by then, this will determine the composition of my Peru trip, what tours I be going on, places to visit within Peru. I will at least be visiting the mystical Lake Titcana, I already have funds for a tour of the lake in addition to the air ticket. And of course the famous Macchu Picchu, I would like to go on the hike up the "Sacred Valley" up to Macchu Picchu over several days but it is rather expensive. However if all goes well I should be able to save the funds for this hike by the end of June, or at least enough to put down a deposit by the end of June. I would also like to visit the Nazca Lines but that is also expensive, and well it will depend on how much I managed to save by the end of June and try to predict if I have enough time to save the rest of the money by the time I need to book that particular tour. I also will need to renew my passport which will be expensive. My current passport expires April next year, and a lot of places won't let you travel if your passport is six months from expiry. Well October is seven months but being of Virgoan energy I do get anxious about these things, so I will play it safe and renew my passport before my Peru trip. I will be going to Peru, it is just a matter of what I will be doing in Peru, how long I be staying there for, and whether I be able to take the Nazca Lines tour in addition to the other two tours.

Now for my quirky sense of humor..... my growing collection of cartoons........

In reference to the recent controversy in America about a passenger being forcibly dragged off a plane due to overbooking. Airlines routinely allows flights to be overbooked to mitigate against cancellations. They try to predict how many will cancel their bookings and hope it is enough to cover for the overbooking. But sometimes they get it wrong and so normally calls for volunteers to sacrifice their seats and go on the next flight, but if not enough volunteers then passengers gets selected at random to be taken off the flight and to go on the next available flight. Anyway...... with this in mind, enjoy this cartoon......

In reference to all those puddy cats pixs that you always see on FaceBook ;)

Wrong choice of words!!!!!!

How they used to do Twitter......

Never get your hopes up too high..... a Virgo lesson !!!!!!

Of course statistically you're more likely to die on the roads on your way to the airport than you are in a plane after boarding it at the airport - especially on Perth's roads!!!!!!!

hehe..... ;)

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