Sunday 4 June 2017

Holiday Weekend !!!!

Here currently in the midst of a holiday weekend in Western Australia, tomorrow being "Western Australia Day", the birth of this state. It is also what would have been my wife's birthday. Oh yes Western Australia Day weekend will be forever linked to my wife's birthday which always fell near this particular holiday weekend. My wife was definitely a typical Gemini.

This past week my life it seems, or at least my immediate plans, were on hold. All focus was on for one of those infernal property inspections, a part of life living in rental properties. The inspection was scheduled for yesterday. Being of Virgoan energies I keep my little apartment clean and tidy anyway, and have very little clutter. However anxiety is in the DNA of Virgos so spent all of this past week making sure the apartment was absolutely spotless, probably more than what I needed. Once again the landlord was most impressed with the cleanliness of the property, apparently the previous tenant was not so clean. The previous tenant must not have been a Virgo!!!!

Now that is over I can get on with life again. I went to ecstatic dancing last night to work off some of this pent up anxiety from the past week. So before we go any further, let's see what my very accurate cards say for this week........

My cards for this very energetic new week.....

-4 of Cups - Satiation - Feeling good about completing something. Satisfaction in accomplishment. Being content and satisfied. Fulfilment. Success achieved and our worth being recognized.

-Ace of Swords - Problem - Finding perfect solution to tricky problem. Cutting through chaotic mess and making right decisions. Relying on logic and reason in a situation. Need for quick and intelligent decision. Logic must prevail.

-15 - Big Bold Vision - Time to dream big. We may have no idea about how it will manifest or whether it is even possible in current circumstances. Breaking out of 3D limitation and trust the universe. Either expansion of a current vision or a whole new vision. Trust our intuition, synchronicities will abound.

Summary - Hmmmm.... interesting kind of draw. There are always tricky problems marking my life!! I think however it refers to my Peru trip as this is my current energy focus. During this month I will deal with such tricky problems as to how to fit in all what I want to do in Peru within the limitations of both finances and available vacation credits. However once I make the bookings this month, this will be a very satisfying achievement!!

The Oracle ties in with this. That is not be afraid to dream big, and to trust my intuition in regards to what I am to do in Peru even if it seems impossible due to current circumstances. It will all work out as it supposed to.


Speaking of Peru..... review of the catastrophic month of May. Well it turned out to be not quite so catastrophic, my Virgoan persistence and determination seems to have paid off. Despite the huge expenses of the Heart Specialist appointments and the car rego payments I still managed to save more money than expected towards my trip. This month of June should be much more fruitful bar any unforeseen circumstances. I have only my utility bills which is less than half of what I was paying at my previous abode, and my monthly phone\internet expenses which is also about half of what I was paying under the infernal Telstra. So it's down to my groceries, food expenses and petrol. By the last week of June I should have a better idea of what I can afford or not afford to do while in Peru, what tours I could safely afford, and etc. I think my main problem will be my limited leave credits that I have available moreso than any financial limitations. I really have only three weeks available to me for my Peru adventures!! So have to fit in the tours and activities within the three weeks without overdoing it, will need rest days and days to just explore on my own. This will also include travel time, at least two days each way, a consequence of living in the most isolated city on Earth!!! I should then be able to make my bookings for the air tickets, the tours, etc. Good thing about the tour prices is that lodgings, food and pretty well most other things are included in the price. Meanwhile I have more hard work in keeping to my budget for these next few weeks, but for the most part the planetary alignments are more favorable in June.

Now starting this weekend I should be able to commence the very large task of going through my surplus possessions, furniture, etc with the aim of emptying out my storage unit thus save even more money for my trips. Though by the time I get the storage unit emptied and thus cease my rental of it, it be for my next trip AFTER Peru!!!!! This is the legacy of my bower bird wife who seems to have the knack of accumulating stuff and hoarding stuff. You wouldn't believe what I have in my storage unit, there be items you probably never heard of before!!!! She'd collect EVERYTHING, even things that I didn't think exist!!!! So have to start recycling them, giving away to charities, and free-cycling or "pay it forward" to others.

Meanwhile having fun with my new phone internet plan with Optus which includes free streaming of videos from Netflix and Stan, that is, you can play the videos without using up the data allocation. Both video sites offers the first month free then it is only about $12 per month after that. I will decided on just one of them, and I pretty well know which one I will go with - Netflix - it has more movies and shows available such as "The Originals" which is one of my fav shows. There is also free music streaming with my phone plan, so I am going with Spotify which gives three months free then only about $11 per month after that. And there is such a huge variety of songs available, including music that I like, which tends to be music that is not normally played on commercial radio stations - the "underground" or rare music, the indies music, and other such "alternative" music. And the phone plan itself is 33% less than what I was paying under Telstra which doesn't offer any of these freebies.

That's about it for significant news for this week.........

The hazards of driving in America..... always having to remember to bring spare change with me !!

The real reason why FaceBook is so popular ;)

City of Perth parking inspectors ;) ;)

Meanwhile at a govt dept near you......

Nah don't want to get rid of my spirits either ;) ;)

That's life !!!!!!
Meanwhile at a Western Australian govt department........

I can relate ;) hehe

When I order a pizza at my local pizza parlor..... probably more often than I should ;) ;)

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