Saturday 1 February 2014


I didn't do my usual blog last Wednesday cos I was busy compiling an Energy Report to cover the New Moon and other important planetary events. Me and New Moons often does not get on together, I often suffer the worse of my depression during New Moons, and this time it has been worse cos of several other factors such as the fact that the Moon was also closest to Earth at this time thus intensifying the energies, and Mercury's impending retrograde next week. Mercury's retrograde which lasts for about three weeks and happens about three times each year are also times of chaotic energies and depression for me. And to make things worse, Mother's birthday falls towards the end of this upcoming retrograde. Mother would have been just 72.... *sigh*

Also it didn't help that on the day the first shark was shot under Barnett's cull policy, I suffered the worst toothache since the Exmouth trip in 2009 when the high energy beams from the "UFO towers", the communications towers near Exmouth, affected my fillings. Also suffered blocked ear on that day, and was indeed the first day of my bout of depression.

Anyway with Lammas happening this weekend, or more specifically, Sunday 2 Feb, I suppose this is a good time for a blog.

SO let's recap from my last blog.... just after my wonderful excursion into Fremantle. My crystals has been working wonders in spite of the chaotic energies. While some are placed on my Pleiadean shrine, there are some that I carry around with me and take to work much to the amusement of my colleagues! LOL! Two of the crystals are Emeralds which among other things are good for depression, and well I hadn't self harmed myself during this current episode. Of course with Mercury's retrograde coming up I am far from out of the woods.

My ever evolving eating habits, it has been changing with virtually no effort from me. Certainly no will power involved here, just going with the flow with the increasing vibrations. I am now at the point where I eat only steamed vegies for my dinner, and I don't even miss the pizza that I used to have. It's not to say I will never have pizza again, indeed I do not ever use the word "never" when it comes to what I eat or don't eat. But at this time, it is veges only, usually a choice between potatoes, pumpkin, broccoli, squash, carrot, cauliflower, etc. And of course all organics. And with pumpkins I eat the seeds, that was after one of my star kins on FaceBook posted info on pumpkin seeds giving an impressive list of nutrients and benefits contained in the seeds. Of course most people throw out the seeds when preparing pumpkin. Even my health conscious Mother threw out the seeds, probably because she figured none of us would eat the seeds, but then Mother was never on FaceBook LOL. Mother was a bit of a Luddite when it comes to computers, it took us years to convince her to get a cell phone and I think the only reason why she ended up with a cell phone was to help with her part time job cooking at camps at the request of Marlene. I for a long time did eat the skin with the pumpkin for I knew that has a lot of nutrients in them. So now I eat everything in a pumpkin, seeds and skin and all. Another thing I discovered with organics is that the potatoes are unwashed. I think this is because chemicals are used in the washing of potatoes, and well "organic" means just that - "organic" meaning free from any chemical treatments whatsoever. But they taste better anyway, indeed organics in general tastes better. Soon I will be evolving to other organic products aside from veges, I just have to source other organics shops and seeing what else is available.

So anyway, my dinner these days consists of steamed veggies, and with a serve of chocolate icecream for dessert. It is full cream icecream. My goal is not to lose weight, so I am not going for "low fat" or anything like that, though I am also leaning towards low salt items and I no longer add salt to any of my foods. But the key is "high vibrations" rather than "low fat" or "low" anything else. Veges are high vibration foods, and organic veges are even higher vibrations as they are produced only by natural forces with no chemical help.

The other meals.... just a banana for breakfast, and that is after my walks on weekends. But meat is not totally off the menu. During the week it is a piece of grilled chicken, still with the skin as again it is not about "low fat" and the skin does have nutrients in them. Sometimes the chicken is replaced by fish. Also I am finishing off my last batch of lasagne that I had baked for myself during my September vacation intending it to be used for my lunches at work. But I am finding that I can only eat half of the quantity that I used to eat, my body simply doesn't crave it any more, I just don't want to waste it. So it is taking me a while to finish it off. So my complete lunch diet is a choice between a small piece of lasagne, a piece of grilled chicken, or a piece of fish usually Baramundi cos I just LOVE Baramundi.

And I still do allow myself treats but even then I usually don't need as much, just a couple of small candy bars - Kit Kat, those koala caramellos, Mars bars, or something similar. I am down to one or two cans of soda and occasionally a beer at dinner time. Usually one can of soda, but sometimes two when it is hot and I finish doing yard work. This is down from three cans of soda during winter and up to 5 or 6 cans of soda during the hot days.

During my walk this morning my shoes gave up the ghost, one of them losing it's sole, this happened just into my return leg so had to walk a fair distance with sole-less shoes, rather painful but at least I made it back. So today I went to the mall for new shoes. I never get shoes with laces cos the laces would be forever coming undone and I'd be tripping over them. My old pair had velcro straps. My new pair well I thought I try out the new elastic strap thingy, which effectively holds the shoes in place on the foot. It felt comfortable enough in the store, but of course the big test will come during my next walk which is a wee bit further than just up and down an aisle in a dept store.

Now we have Lammas upon us, and rather than me trying to explain in detail about the holiday, I give a link....

Paganism and Wicca being rather interchangeable. The theme for Lammas is the fruits of the harvest, mostly wheat, barley, corn, etc. Hence I bought some corn and bread products for dressing up my Pleiadean shrine in time for Lammas. Also a good excuse for drinking beer since it is a barley product, the website above even says so. Most religions does not forbid alcohol consumption, only Christianity and Islam. Even Jews are allowed alcohol. Though I do understand that monks of eastern faiths such as Buddhism also abstain from alcohol. These holidays follows the seasons and solar cycles, therefore, we celebrate them at opposite times in the Southern Hemisphere. It would be Imbolc in the Northern Hemisphere, the same as Ground Hog Day in the USA - all these holidays are related. Imbolc marks the end of winter, while Lammas marks the end of summer. Paganism is the only faith that celebrates holidays at opposite times of the year in opposite hemispheres, these holidays evolving out of the seasonal and sun cycles rather than given by decree. The holidays of other religions are given by decree and/or important anniversaries. For example the Jewish holidays were given by decree in the Torah or marked by important anniversaries in Jewish history, and Christian holidays were given by decree by the Catholic church and in all but one occasion replaces the Pagan holidays, however, all tied to the Vatican in the Northern Hemisphere which is why we all celebrate Xmas in December worldwide.

Last but not least.... my wonderful star seeds groups and soul kins on my FaceBook account. I did lament that I was the only star seed in this isolated little city of Perth. Not so any longer. Last week I received an add request from a lady also in Perth, my first local friend on FaceBook. It turns out she is also a star seed!!! Awesome!!!! Only that she is already married..... dang!!!!! Uhhhh only joking!! I was never looking for a partner, not since getting out of the catastrophe that was the dating scene. I have since decided that I am called to be single, as given by my spirit name Wandering Wolf, forever a wanderer, never to find a place to settle, therefore never finding a partner. I feel I will be better able to fulfill my calling on planet Earth by remaining single. But it is awesome to finally find another star seed here in Perth. Being married she is not so free so probably unlikely I would ever meet her, well you know what married life does to ya! LOL! Nevertheless to have a star kin so close by is a bonus.

Unrelated to the above but also on FaceBook I came across a site on one of my star seeds groups. This being "The Galactic Goddess Sacred Symbols of the Stars", and soon found she was based in Australia, on the east coast like everyone else! LOL! But was rather surprised that this woman is actually coming all the way to this little isolated city of Perth for some workshops!! I must admit I do balk at attending any groups on my own which is the main reason why I hadn't attended any spiritual groups though I do know of others being held around Perth. But this particular group is the first star-seed or ET orientated group that I came across that is going to be held in Perth, and am not even sure whether this will be an one-off meeting or will become a regular meeting (though it is billed as a "weekly" meeting), afterall this woman is only just visiting Perth, she lives on the east coast like everyone else of spirituality in Australia! LOL! Nevertheless the case for me to attend this group is somewhat stronger in spite of the prospect of being on my lonesome, and I am not at all good at meeting new people nor making new friends. The first meeting is set for 13 February and is at Woodlands which is just up the road from my place so no excuse there. And being on a Thursday night it doesn't clash with "American Horror Story" on Monday nights and "The Originals" on Wednesday nights (sheeze I am hopeless aren't I LOL). However it falls within Mercury's retrograde which is often the worst time for me, when I get most depressed, and won't be in the mood for meeting new people. Being a planet for communications, the retrograde of Mercury hilights communication problems and upsets, so seems likely to throw a spanner into the works when it comes to being with new people. If these meetings do become weekly then I don't have to come to the first one, I will simply wait until Mercury turns direct again. I know not everyone is affected by these planetary energies but I am a very energy sensitive souls, these energies affects me more than most other people, even other star seeds. And yes it is only $15 to attend, not expensive at all. Some people charges an arm and a leg for these events!! Furthermore she is apparently holding a 3-day workshop also here in sunny Perth from March 21. This one a bit more pricey, about $400 for the full 3-day course, probably beyond my budget when I am trying to save my pennies for moving house, however, I DO have the money in my savings even if it is allocated for future house moving expenses, so it's not an object really. I will just have to see how I feel about this. Considering the lack of star-seed orientated events in Perth this could be almost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They're after a $100 deposit to secure a spot..... well if I am meant to go then the universe will nudge me to make the commitment while there are still spots available..... also I still have not heard from the landlord as to whether I will be evicted or not.... so will have to wait and see what happens there..... but all things happens in the universe in due time.....

Now tonight's video.... dedicated to one of my home star systems and the origins of my ET contacts, The Pleiades, often known as The Seven Sisters..... This is called "Dance Of The Seven Sisters" by Deya Dova.

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