Wednesday 19 February 2014

Interesting Times......

Well I did survive Valentine's Day though not unscathed, I have the scars to prove it, both physical and in my soul......

Once we gotten through Valentine's Day the weekend did improve markedly, especially Sunday. One of my colleagues at work told me about the markets at Morley which is only about 10 mins from my place cos apparently there's an organics shop there. My colleagues may think I am weird but they are helpful ;) And I am looking for other organics shops cos there's not many of them here, and the food range is often limited. So far I am on organics fruits and veges, and also organics free range eggs.

So in spite of Mercury's retrograde where I normally don't do anything new, I decided I'd visit the markets on Sunday..... well just getting over Valentine's Day I figure I needed something to take my mind off things.

It seems everyone likes to go shopping on Sundays, the markets were so busy, it took me a while to even find a parking spot, somewhere over yonder about a 3-day's hike from the complex. Then as soon as I walked in the door the first thing I saw was a CRYSTALS shop!!!! Oooohhhhh yes.... crystal shops to me is akin to candy shops for chocoholics.... and well I am a chocoholic but I still choose a crystal shop!!!! So of course I went inside for a look and saw an extensive range of different crystals, the small pebble-size specimens suitable for carrying around with me as I already do with my existing crystals, and well you know me, I am always needing more crystals. You can NEVER have enough crystals!! I just so love my crystals!!

Then I looked around for larger crystals, saw a large piece of quartz for about $40, about the size of one of my medium size rocks.... then my eye immediately was drawn to some large figurines of wolves, about 10 to 12 inches high!! Me and my wolves, I am indeed the wolf. If you see my avatar about the place, such as on Instagram and FaceBook, it is a wolf with a woman - the wolf is ME, the woman is my angel or guide. My spirit name is Wandering Wolf. So anything wolf I love, and there was this one particular statue of TWO wolves - as soon as I saw it, I KNEW that I just NEEDED to have it!!!! That one was about $70.

But me being the cautious Virgo..... I wandered away from the shop and walked around the place..... I saw a SECOND crystals shop!!!!!..... so there are TWO crystals shops at those markets..... and then came to the food section..... the organics shop was a disappointment, it was so tiny that it barely qualified as a "shop" and there were no veges, all they had were various herbs and nuts, not what I needed at this time.

So back to the crystal shop and I picked out three more crystals. The Rose Quartz known as the love stone, I don't know why I chose THAT one but I did - it is good for healing hurt emotions and to attract love, healing and calmness. So for whatever reason I chose that one. Then the blue Agate, blue being my fav color, and this one assists in speaking the truth, spiritual growth, and enhances perception, concentration, analytical abilities.... And then the Tourmalinated Quartz - a grounding stone, strengthens our energy fields against external environmental forces - hopefully including Mercury's retrograde!!!!! Harmonizes my chakras and dissolving destructive patterns - like self harm I suppose!!

Then those twin wolves..... I grabbed it!!!! And they gave me a 30% discount, it was apparently a clearance sale. That was a nice bonus. I still blew the budget but it was worth while!!! Now they take pride of place on my Pleiadean shrine. So I have both my kins on my shrine - the dolphins and the wolves.

So WHY did I choose the TWIN wolves rather than the single ones..... well I was immediately drawn to the twins, like some unseen force guiding me to them, it wasn't me who said I must have them, it was a voice inside me!!!! Souls from my star seeds groups on FaceBook said that it was because I am really looking for a soul mate or twin flame..... OK I will admit this much..... it would be nice to have a companion here in my city, a close friend, someone I can share with..... but no romance, no lover......

Well it must have been those new crystals..... with three extra crystals now in my little carry pouch, now very full, I could not fit another one in, so nine crystals in total..... But for the last three days my colleagues at work have been coming to me about questions on ETs, and spiritual topics, reincarnation, etc...... And usually they come to me only about once per month!!!! It was like I give them information, and it takes them a month to digest what I said, before they come to me with more questions. But the last three days, EVERY day of those three days, they came to me with questions!!! Hmmmmmmm........

And well yesterday was the half-way point of Mercury's retrograde when the planet is at its highest speed, and things has been very chaotic, but it hasn't affected me as much emotionally as it usually does...... there are other planetary things happening, I share a lot of Astrology stuff on FaceBook which automatically posts also to Twitter.... very interesting times energetically.......

Then something else very interesting happened this week..... the 2nd of my old penpals came across my FaceBook profile and added me. At first I didn't know who she was, and I thought that she was just another of the scammers that occasionally adds me - they add me then wants a date and she asks for my email addy, which I do NOT give out, and so at that point they get deleted. But I give everyone a chance,  and when I gotten a personal msg from this lady, I thought, here we go again, another scammer!!!! But I was pleasantly surprised. She instead told me that she was one of my old penfriends, and she did NOT ask me for an email addy!! I don't remember this one but then why else would she say she was an old penfriend if she wasn't so? I remember the first penpal to contact me cos she was one of the first four - those I DO remember, Mary, Tine, Tracy and Paula, and it was Mary from the east coast who contacted me!! But after the first four, I had upwards of 40 to 50 penpals at the same time, they kept me busy, and well it was in the days before the Internet and email, so was all snail mail. And I certainly don't remember them all, only a small few of them. But anyway, I now have TWO former penfriends. The 2nd penpal was originally from Mauritius and now lives in Italy. I know I did have quite a few penpals from Mauritius, these being from one of the penpal clubs I joined back in those days, this one for some reason had a lot of penpals in Mauritius so I wrote to lots of them - most of them just wanted to find a rich Westerner to marry so to gain entry to a rich country, but there were some genuine souls among these. I do use my real name on FaceBook with the aim of attracting childhood friends and long lost rellies - well neither have come to me, but now just the two old penfriends - and this 2nd one seem to remember a lot more about me than I do of her!!!! All of my other FaceBook friends are from my star seeds groups and other spiritual people who liked my profile.

This penpal was from 20 years ago which places her in the early 1990s - before I met Sally - well Sally made me get rid of my penpals when we got married, probably cos they were all females! LOL! But yeah, this one was in the years just before I went to America and met Sally. Also it was just when the Internet became available, and I had just gotten onto the Internet. But snail mail was still the communication medium of choice, especially since email was wholly text based, no pictures, no graphics, it was all very simple text and quite cumbersome. Oh those were the days........

Now these days one hardly hears of snail mail, and I highly doubt that penpal clubs even exists anyome. Everyone connects through FaceBook and other related mediums - Twitter, Instagram, etc - and if we see someone we like, we just send add requests and so instant friends. Of course all of my FaceBook friends shares things in common with me, most of them being as weird as I am! LOL! But yes, FaceBook is the new "penpal club" if ya wanna put it that way.

Technology often has this effect, it kills the former ways - and well the Internet have killed the snail mail, well not totally but it is in it's terminal phase hence is why Australia Post is wanting to cut back on mail delivery to just three days per week!!! It's cos no one writes letters any more, it is all email, FaceBook, etc.....

Well back in the 1980s, other technological changes have killed the old ways. Up until then one of the medium of choice was the radio, and we'd listen to songs on the radio, and many of the radio disc jockeys became stars in their own right. Then the VCR came out in the late 1970s and became popular through the 80's, and so everyone had video recorders, Video Hits started to appear on TV, and we were all watching videos in preference to the radio...... and so hence this song of choice...... Video Killed The Radio Star...... ENJOY!!!!!

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