Wednesday 12 February 2014

Chaotic Energies

Now with Mercury's retrograde in full swing and the 2nd most depressive holiday coming up on Friday - Valentine's Day - energies will be very chaotic. The only saving grace is that the Full Moon falls on Valentines Day, well actually early the next morning here in Australia, but elsewhere in the world due to time zones it falls on Valentines Day, so hopefully it will help nullify the energies at least a little bit. Full Moons are normally good time for me when all other energies are equal. Only that Mercury's retrograde is 2nd only to "The Three Weeks" to the worst periods of time for me, and that is because there are never a Full Moon during "The Three Weeks".

Anyway here waffling on while I wait for "The Originals" to come on, my fav show about vampires ;).... I was so devastated last Monday, my top fav show "American Horror Story" is no longer on!!! whaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!..... but a saving grace is that "Supernatural" came back on, a show about all these dark angels..... hahaha.... you can blame the Pluto in my natal sign ;)

I am at present trying out my new computer configuration. Since acquiring my new 22" TV for my computer room I had been using it as a 2nd monitor for my computer when not using it as a TV. This is achieved by connecting the HDMI cable between my vid card and the TV. And since the image quality on the TV is much better than on my old monitor, I had been using it as my primary monitor.

Then in one of my brilliant flashes of inspiration that sometimes comes literally out of nowhere in the deepest depths of depression, an idea came to me..... what about my 50" flatscreen TV in the living room!!? It's relatively speaking an older TV, we've bought it with Sally's share of her father's estate after his death, which I think places it about 7 or 8 years ago. Nevertheless it IS a flatscreen, so I wondered if THAT can be connected to my computer? Way back in the dim dark past when I gotten my first computer back in the 1980s, my Commodore 64, I was able to connect that to our TV albeit with the now archaic video cables with I think four or five different plugs, nevertheless, it did work.

So I took a peek behind this 50" TV and indeed it also has a HDMI port! Awesome! So I started to imaging how awesome my weird star seeds vids on YouTube would look on the 50" screen, not to mention my vid games!!!

To cut a long story short, I brought my PC into the living room last night, and it is working wonders. Despite it's age the picture quality on the 50" is way better than my old monitor, even comparable to the new TV. Obviously it seems TVs are built to last longer than monitors. Only snag is my vid card which is pretty old by now has only one HDMI port, and for a minimum of $500 for a reasonable new vid card it will be a little while before I get a new one, until at least after I move house anyway cos of needing to save my pennies for moving expenses. But the larger size and better pix quality more than makes up for this shortcoming. And yes those weird star seeds vids that I watch does look way better on this 50" as well as my FaceBook pages.

But also this 50" TV also has a USB port so it seems I could record TV shows on here too. So indeed I can watch vids on either TVs. TV shows recorded onto my USB flash drive I can watch on my PC, and any vids I have on my PC I could copy onto the flash drive and watch it on either TVs, I probably watch it on the 50" TV which simply means just plugging the HDMI cable into the 22" TV if I want to go on FaceBook at the same time. Haaaaa sorry if I confused you! LOL! But I know what I am doing, one of the few things in life that I do know what I am doing in!! LOL!!

So what else is happening..... the other major news is my cousin, I may have shared a while ago that she now attends the same church group that I attended ten years ago. It seems hard to believe that she is all of 40 years of age now!! I still remember her as the pesky little girl who'd follow me around like a puppy dog when Mother invites her to spend our Augusta vacations with us. Anyway she is now as involved with this particular church group as I was ten years ago before Sally got sick. She said she was going to send me an invite to the group, and well that was a few weeks ago, so I thought she had given up on it, probably cos she might have seen my FaceBook page! LOL!

However just last week she txt me a msg inviting me to the home group meeting last Sunday, it was at someone's house and just 5 mins from my place. The snag was that with Mercury beginning it's retrograde I was so utterly depressed that I suffered my first upset tummy since starting on the pro-biotics. My tummy upsets are energy-related, that is, caused by emotions and energies. I hadn't eaten anything different to what I have been eating for the last six weeks, which tends to confirm this idea. And well, with Mercury the planet of communications starting its retrograde motion, it was not a good time to be meeting new people or even old acquaintances. So I sent my apologies but indicate my interest in attending in the future.

It turns out that the home group meets only once per month which places the next meeting to be AFTER the end of Mercury's retrograde as the planet retrogrades for "only" three weeks at a time. However she did inform me of other meetings hinting she would like to see me there. Seems pretty similar to ten years ago when Sally and I went - Friday night meetings each week, and Sunday meetings at the hall each fortnite. This is a unique group, their regular meetings seems to be Friday nights rather than Sundays, the Sunday meetings only twice per month. And after the Friday night meetings they adjourn to the Cafe in Northbridge that the group owns, Sally and I used to love our chips and gravy when we went there.

I did continue to go to church for a while AFTER my awakening, and it was really only because of Sally's health problems that we stopped attending. This particular group was the last church group we went to. Of course after the Awakening one takes a totally different perspective on things. Religion is a 3rd dimensional phenomenon, and rather being immersed in it, the awakened soul becomes more of a spectator, taking the good bits while ignoring the bits that doesn't resonate. It is no longer a total commitment, indeed, I don't even plan on any regular attendances, just more occasional, though it does depend on the vibes. I'd be just as well be at a Buddhist temple except I don't know any Buddhists! LOL! It just seems "coincidental" that my own cousin goes to the same place that I went to 10 years ago, and well as I say, there is no such creature as "coincidence".

Firstly however I have to survive Mercury's retrograde before making any decisions.

SO on this note I will share two vids. The first one is a humorous look at the terminology that we star seeds says and probably see some of them in my blogs. Me and my quirky sense of humor, I gotten a great laugh out of this video..... ENJOY.... hehehehe.....

The 2nd video is an awesome new music I discovered from one of my star seeds kins and I just utterly fell in love with this..... and well I do adore Joan of Arc, she was a Light Worker..... this is a Dutch group but the song is in English ;)..... anyway..... ENJOY!!!!

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