Thursday 20 February 2014

Mystery Solved!!!!!

Ok this couldn't wait for my normal next week's blog..... but it finally dawned on me as to WHO was this penpal of mine who contacted me through FaceBook on Tuesday!!!

The reason I didn't recognise her nor remember her was because she is now using her Mauritian name. Back in the days when she was my penfriend she used her English name. The common denominator was her surname, she used the same surname, and something in me did feel that the surname was strangely familiar. Then it clicked!!! Light bulb time!!! The other thing which hit the nail on the head for me was this "prayer" that I apparently sent to her, and she still has this "prayer". Well our penfriendship happened during my Christian years when I was involved with the church, but even so, I was not normally in the habit of sending "prayers" to my penfriends..... unless they asked for it!!!! Then it all came together in a massive bright flash!!!!!

I know EXACTLY WHO SHE IS!!!!!!!!

She is indeed my one and only convert to Christianity, and the "prayer" is the salvation prayer that one utters to become a Christian. Now regular readers of my blog will know or SHOULD know my viewpoints on various aspects of Christianity including that of evangelism - that basically I don't believe in it!! I don't believe in street preaching, or the practice of trying to "win souls for Christ" or variation thereof. I often ran into problems, cos while the churches I attend often talked about "winning souls for Christ", evangelising, and seeking volunteers for evangelism, I was never been able to be enthused about this. It really didn't strike me as being correct or even ethical. Religion should be an individual's free choice, one should not be coerced into adopting a particular religion.

And it turns out that most religions holds this same viewpoint, most religions does not actively seek converts. Christianity and Islam are the only two religions to actively seek converts. Not even Jews seeks converts, indeed, a Rabbi is often instructed to reject a potential convert three times before finally accepting his request. And indeed most other religions does not encourage conversion to it. Some may give lectures or information sessions but these are purely for the purpose of giving information, perhaps a certain viewpoint on a current issue, but almost never for gaining converts. It is up to the individual to ask and seek out members of the religion if one wants to convert to it, and in most cases, the individual is often asked to take time to consider his choice, the implications of his choice is explained to him, and possibly asked to come back later after a period of consideration. Christianity however, as soon as someone even looks like he is wanting to convert to it, the poor unfortunate individual is jumped upon and practically forced into the conversion, the case of sooner the better, and hey presto, we have another "soul saved for Jesus"!!!

Of course the fact that I never really believed in Hell did have something to do with my reluctance to evangelism. I had always believed in reincarnation in one form or another, or at the very least, that the soul is resurrected to another Earthly life where he would be given another chance to learn about the religion - or as in the case of Kabbalah, if one doesn't fulfil his purpose in God, the soul splinters off into two after death, and is given another life on this planet to be given the chance to fulfil his purpose, and so one, until he finally succeeds several lifetimes later. These days I adopt more that of Eastern Mysticism, that is, we simply move into an endless cycle of reincarnations where the particular life depends on our karma from previous lives, until our souls finally evolves to divinity or nirvana.

Anyway back to my penpal in question..... how was it that I converted her to Christianity when I didn't believe in it?? Well she fulfiled one crucial qualification that I had not seen anyone else in any church or evangelistic crusade fulfil - she ASKED for it on her own accord.

This is how it happened...... in one of my letter writings I just happened to mention to her that I am a Christian and I attend church regularly. I said that to many of my penpals. Many of them were of other religions, Hindu, Buddhist, even Islam, so I just said that I was Christian. And so in passing I mentioned this to this particular penfriend.

I was quite shocked however when she wrote back to me, and she ASKED me how SHE could become a Christian. Now I did not say that she NEEDED to be a Christian, I did not say anything about Heaven or Hell, nor the need to be "saved". I simply just mentioned to her that I am a Christian, just like others tells me she is Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. Indeed I never "evangelised' her. She simply came back to me and ASKED me how she could become a Christian.

And well so I told her..... I sent her the "Prayer of Salvation", what some refers to as "The Sinners Prayer", because in Christianity we believed that to become a Christian was as simple as saying this particular prayer. Then I told her that if she did say this prayer, then she should find a church to attend.

Much to my utter shock, she wrote back to me telling me that she did indeed say this prayer, and that she was now attending a Roman Catholic church!!!! Well Mauritius being a former French colony where nearly everyone speaks French in addition to the native tongue, well it would be a mostly Catholic country, most Christian churches being  Roman Catholic. So it was odds on that she would pick a Roman Catholic church as her church of choice. Meanwhile I was into this Charismatic Renewal church, could not have been any more different to a Roman Catholic church if we tried - nevertheless, we did believe that most of the denominational churches including Roman Catholics are genuine Christian churches, so it didn't matter where she attended a Roman Catholic nor Baptist, Anglican, Lutheran, or whatever else, as long as it was a "recognised" "Christian" church - Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and other cults did not qualify and were not "recognised" "Christian" churches. Anyway..... I sorta was shocked and thinking.... OMG!!! What have I done!!!!! I had led to a soul being converted to Christianity!!!!! And while everyone at my church was absolutely ecstatic about this, I for some reason was not so sure..... but it happened..... she became a Christian, and well it was HER choice, it was HER who ASKED for it, I did not influence that decision.

And well from what I can gather, she is STILL a devout Christian, she was still referring to this "prayer" I sent her, and she msg me on FaceBook that the "prayer" would be "forever" in her heart - in other words, she is a devout Christian for ever!!

Now.... for the Geographically challenged among us, let me tell ya.... Mauritius is a little tropical island out in the midst of the Indian Ocean, closer to Africa than it is to Australia, indeed less than 1000 miles from the African coast and in the tropics but below the equator, just in the southern hemisphere. And it is only a little island, indeed it is less than the size of the area of metropolitan Perth!!! Well comparable to the size of the metropolitan area of Perth but a little smaller. So it is not a big island nevertheless remarkably diverse with high mountains in the middle and tropical beaches all around. It was formerly a French colony so still have a lot of French influence though it is now independent. Most people speak French in addition to the native tongue. A fascinating place, the people being a mix of Indian and African descent, thus are mostly brown skinned and quite exotic. Mauritian woman are really incredibly beautiful, often petite, with exotic long black hair, black eyes and brown skin. And well that was why I liked having Mauritian penpals back in my testosterone-charged younger years, well in the 80s and early 90s anyway, well before my trip to America and meeting Sally!! A lot of them just wanted to marry a rich Westerner to gain entry to a rich country - hence Australia - but not all of them. I wouldn't say Mauritius is a 3rd world country as such, it is indeed a tourist island, a lot of rich tourists from Europe especially France goes to Mauritius for vacation, there are a lot of exotic resorts on the island, and so due to the tourist dollar - or Franc as the case may be - actually I think the currency is Rupees the same as India - but whatever, there seems a reasonable amount of it thrown around by rich tourists, so it kinda filters down, and while native Mauritians are not rich, they are certainly for the most part not in abject poverty compared to, lets say, African countries. Nevertheless, there are still many who seeks to emigrate to richer countries such as Australia, hence a lot of them "fall in love" with me.

"Tina" however, that was the English name she used, was it appeared one of the genuine ones. She had told me that after over 20 years she still has all of my letters and photos that I sent to her as well as the "prayer". She was it turns out my penfriend from the early to mid 1980s, we lost contact probably near the time Barbara came into my life, it was well before I went to America and met Sally, so closer to 30 years rather than 20 years, but at least 20 years anyway. And I DID like her, she was my favorite penpal at the time, incredibly beautiful even more so than the average Mauritian who are beautiful to begin with, but Tina was really something else, utterly mesmerising, most gorgeous long dark hair, doll-like body, and mesmerizing eyes that just casts spells..... oh yes, she was like an exotic dark goddess!!!!!.... and I must say from her recent pixs on Facebook, age has been VERY kind to her, she is just as beautiful!!!!! Now I find that hard to believe that she kept all of my letters and photos, my usual Virgo analytics kicks in, what saved my arse during those nightmare months of  seeking a partner through online date sites only to be confronted with scammers!! I am very cautious about these things, being typically a Virgo. It is why we are no good at relationships, we are TOO "careful" and TOO analytical. And well if I had a girlfriend from somewhere and we lost contact, I would have given up on her well before the 20 years elapsed!! But the fact that she also mentioned the "prayer" is what sorta convinced me that she was telling the truth, in which case I find it.... um.... most flattering in a way..... and well she MUST have still remembered me, cos it was HER who searched for me on FaceBook and found me!!! I didn't remember her at first, indeed in all of 20 years I practically forgot about her!!!! But it seemed that she remembered me!!!!

Another thing is..... I haven't figured nor gotten around to asking her yet..... but she still uses the same surname. This means, she either was never married, or she gotten married then divorced and reverted to her maiden name. Mauritians being very traditional women and usually not wealthy, it seemed a stretch that she remained unmarried for this long!!!! Most marry for economical reasons aside from pure tradition. Single women in such cultures are virtually unheard of. However Tina seems to be doing very well for herself as she is actually currently living in Italy. I am yet to figure out or ask her HOW she came to be in Italy - maybe it was through marriage, but since rich Westerners often take advantage of such women and economically abuse them, that is, does not give them any financial independence, she would have to stay married or be virtually destitute in a foreign country. But it seems she is not currently married. She would not have tried to look for me if she was married, as Westerners are often very possessive and does not allow these women any friends especially male friends. Tina does not seem to fit any of these criteria, she seems quite independent and quite obviously not married, at least not currently married. So just HOW she managed to set up house in Italy, well watch this space. She is certainly an intelligent woman, not your typical dumb bimbo who wants a man simply for economic reason!!! And if she did want a man for such reason, she would not have waited 20 years for me, nor kept my letters or photos nevermind the prayer, nor search for me 20 years later!!! Indeed if anything she probably has more money that I have!!!! Uhhhh my Virgo analytics again..... *sigh*

Furthermore, she wants me to come visit her, to meet her!! Doesn't sound like what an already married woman would say. Well obviously I am not quite in a position to do so, still recovering financially from dealing with Sally's death, and saving my pennies in case I have to move out. But she seems keen to get back together with me. She had never asked me for money nor displayed any of the other signs of a scammer, and besides, scammers does not keep one's letters and photos for 20 years!!! So I am GUARDEDLY (typical Virgo!!!!) certain that she is genuine.

But just one sticking point...... I have moved on spiritually, and I am a star seed. So any "soul mate" or "twin flame" of mine will also have to be a star seed. Now star seeds are not a religion, it is not something that you can "become". You can't wake up one morning and decided that you want to be a star seed hence to become a star seed. You are either a star seed or not a star seed. It is akin to saying, you are either a woman or not a woman, or either a particular race, let's say, Negro or not a Negro. It is a matter of soul origin. If you were born in Australia then you are an Australian. So if your soul is incarnated from the other stars or planets as ET races then you are a star seed. That is what makes a star seed a star seed - soul origin. So this little matter will have to be cleared up. I will not be partner with anyone who is NOT a star seed or at the very least other related soul groups such as Indigos, Crystals, Earth Angels, etc......

Nevertheless I learned from a young age that there is no such creature as "coincidence". And Tina did come to me right in the middle of Mercury's retrograde. As well as communication issues, during Mercury's retrograde we are often confronted with our karmic consequences from the past, or issues from the past coming back to haunt us. And hence the matter of Tina's conversion to Christianity which was MY fault!!!! It's not that I would ever talk her out of it nor discourage her convictions of the Christian faith!! We are not into converting anyone. It is wholly HER choice as to what pathway she chooses to tread. Nevertheless it would be obvious to her from my FaceBook profile that I have definitely moved on spiritually, especially that she is now added as one of my friends on FaceBook. She will have come across the idea of "star seed", aware of my ET contacts, as well as my belief in Astrology and other forms of spirituality. So just how this will pan out in the next few days and weeks remains to be seen...... hmmmmmmm...... so many questions unanswered..... so many things that doesn't seem to make sense...... but be patient..... it will all be cleared up bit by bit.... it will all make sense eventually.......

Yet another weird twist in the weirdness that is my life..... *sigh*

Anyway.... let's have a song from the 1980s near the time I was corresponding with Tina..... this one I like and sorta fits the situation at the time..... NOT now!!!! haha!!!!... but AT THE TIME!!!!!!.... true..... honest..... hehehehe.......

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