Wednesday 5 February 2014

Lonely Are The Star Seeds

Here tonight my more or less weekly blog while I wait for one of my fav TV shows to come on, aside from American Horror Story, I also love The Originals - a show about vampires ;) - OK it's the Pluto in my natal sign! LOL! - but I just so LOVE this show which comes on Wednesday nights - ie tonight!!

Anyway I got more stuff from DonateLife in regards to Sally's organ donations. Each year they do an honour board dedicated to organ donors within the past year, so was invited to have Sally's name on the board. Of course I am going to do this, just have to make sure I get the form back by the 28th this month, so I will make a point to do it this week. From what I can see it doesn't cost anything, but I'd have it done anyway.... Oh apparently the board is at Lake Monger.... hmmmm..... I have to find where it is, afterall, I go for my walks there.... perhaps it is indoors at one of the nearby buildings....

Now with the new names for the year there is some kind of ceremony on 13 April which I would soon get an invite. Not sure if I be going or not given last year's debacle of the dedication of a star when none of my earth family bothered to accept my invite to accompany me - only one acknowledged the invite, the rest of them just utterly ignored them. So regardless of whether I be going or not, I certainly will not bother sending invites to my earth family. They have made it quite clear by their actions that they want nothing to do with such things with me so I will not be wasting any more of my energies on them. I seem destined to be on my own if I do go, that I will have to be prepared for. Lonely indeed are the star seeds.

Speaking of things on my own.... this Galactic Goddess I was referring to previously who are holding courses and a workshop here in isolated city of Perth. Well they have a venue for the 3-day workshop in March, it will be in East Perth, not far from where I am. The places for the workshop are already half full, and I already have the money in the bank in my savings. So I just have to decide if I am up for going somewhere new on my own where I won't know any souls. With Mercury set to being it's retrograde tomorrow I will leave the decision until AFTER the end of Mercury's retrograde in about three weeks. Mercury deals with communication issues so things get muddled during it's retrograde and I don't always think clearly. Also it will give me a sign, if there are still spots available after Mercury's retrograde then perhaps it could be that I am meant to attend. It would be somewhat of a miracle given that it is already half full after being announced only a week ago. It must mean there are more spiritual people in Perth than I thought! LOL! Not necessarily star seeds, but these spiritual kind of stuff all tends to be inter-related, and though this IS a star-seed orientated thingy, one does not have to be a star seed to benefit from this. So basically if after three weeks there is still a spot for me, that may be taken as a sign that I am meant to be there. I shall see how things pans out three weeks from now when Mercury turns direct again.

On the jobs front, today it was announced that the print operations, who prints the booklets keeping my shelves stocked so to send out to students, are going to be privatised. Hence more staff that we come to know and love (LOL) will be gone from us. A few years ago when Barnett first got in, they tried to privatise my particular area, the warehouse, but it turned out to be too expensive, it worked out cheaper to keep us employed, hence is why I am still here today! But it won't stop them from trying again, especially since things has changed a bit. Last year the English dept went online leaving us with no books or materials to send out. This year the S&E dept (Geog, Economics, History) have gone online so nothing to send out there. But we still have the Maths, Science, and Arts plus a couple of minor courses that we still have stock for. And with school just started, I am still being kept very busy. But with more and more courses going online over the next few years, my days at my particular job are numbered. It is just a matter whether Barnett manages to pass laws allowing us to be sacked when our positions becomes redundant rather than simply redeployed elsewhere. In spite of having the numbers to pass these laws, the union and others managed to convince enough of them to "hold an enquiry" first, basically to determine if this is such a good idea. To me this is only delaying the inevitable especially with at least two more years of Barnett to survive, however, it shows there is still some hope.

If I do lose my job somewhere down the track, my plan to use the payout to travel the country and move to the east coast stands. One thing for certain is that I will have to move out for my rent is more than the dole check, so there is simply no way I will be able to stay in this house. And with the housing crisis here in Perth there are not many places that are any cheaper, and even at the cheapest it will be virtually the same as the dole check leaving me with nothing. Furthermore there is at least a 5-year waiting list for public housing in Perth, so that is also out of the question, I simply don't have 5 years to wait!!! So having even a flat on my own is out of the question on the dole check. Moving to a cheaper city will be a must, well since the dole check is the same rate regardless of where in the country I am so the only way to survive is to move to a cheaper city or larger country town, and even Sydney is cheaper than Perth, that is according to official data. Sydney is now only 2nd to Perth as being the most expensive city. When I last checked, its a choice between Brisbane and Hobart as being the cheapest cities, and well Brisbane has better weather, it doesn't get too cold, so Brisbane wins. I will truly be a nomad, and probably end up in a hippie commune which will suit me spiritually as well as being the only affordable option on the dole. And there are more spiritual people, indeed more star seeds, on the east coast. I would have to sell off my belongings in the storage space, for renting a storage space will be unsustainable on the dole, especially if I end up on the other side of the country, cos once I leave Perth I will never return again - and such a thought does not make me unhappy at all.

Anyway as they say I will cross the bridge when i come to it. Meanwhile I still have a job and likely to be in this job for quite a while yet, even if it seems all of the other sections around us are being sold off to private enterprise or abolished altogether!!!!

Now trying to figure out what vid to share here.... uhhhh something random..... one of my fav songs from the 70's cos it's one that Christians hated so therefore I liked it.... hehe... haha.....

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