Tuesday 25 February 2014

Chaos, Depression.... and Exotic Souls

I thought I do the blog tonight in spite of it being my rostered watering night so will have to duck out every 30 mins shifting sprinklers, etc..... tomorrow is a very depressive day, being Mother's birthday, she would have been a spritely young 72..... *sigh*..... it's going to be a tough day and will probably be emotionally exhausted by the evening..... so tonight is the night......

Firstly... update on "Tina" my "Mauritian princess" LOL... ummm yeah.... still trying to figure out what she had gotten up to in the intervening 30 years between our last contact as penfriends and our current contact as FaceBook friends. She doesn't give too much away on her FB profile except that she does apparently have a job, but then she had only set up her profile the day she first sent me an add request, so I was her only friend. So she must have Googled me and my name came up on my FaceBook page so she created hers so to contact me. Me the analytical Virgo thus figures that she probably doesn't have much to do with computers, not at least for recreational purposes, she more than likely uses computers as part as her job but little else. Of course it goes without saying that not everyone has a FaceBook account, I have known plenty of friends from other platforms who does not have FaceBook accounts, only that I don't use my real name on any other platform though three of them are linked - whatever I post on FaceBook is automatically sent to my Twitter account, and the pixs I take on my Instagram is automatically sent to both Twitter and FaceBook.

Anyway.... over the next few days she has managed to acquire additional friends on her FaceBook profile, about 15 in total at this stage, but seems to be mostly family and relatives, and no hint of any Hubby or even boyfriend past or present. It would utterly amaze me if she had gone for 30 years without ever getting married, especially of a woman from such a traditional background. I think it is more likely that she was married her current location in Italy, then somehow the marriage ended, but this theory still have holes in it. Indeed any of my theories has holes in it, nothing quite makes senses.

However I am 99.9% certain she is a genuine soul. She doesn't display the traits of a scammer, not back then, and not now. For example she never once asked me for money, not then, not now. Plenty of my other penfriends including the other Mauritians asked me for money, and even back then, those who asked for money were very quickly de-penfriended if you know what I mean. As I shared last year through my nightmarish experience with dating sites, I have figured out the common traits of scammers, that 100% of scammers displays at least 90% of these traits. Tina displays none of them. We have been penfriends for a number of years through the mid-1980s, up until Barbara came into my life. And well on this occasion it has been just a week since she sent me the add request on FaceBook, and at first I did think she was just a scammer as I didn't know her nor recognised her name, but it soon became obvious that she is no scammer but a long lost penfriend, only the 2nd to contact me!!!

But it just utterly amazes me that she has kept my photos and letters from our correspondences. It does make me think if she had attempted to look for me before. My FaceBook account is recent, well I had it for a while but it was only after Sally's death that I had it changed to my real name. However I did have a website in my name from the mid-1990s, mostly about a Christian spiritual phenomenon I was involved with at the time - "The Toronto Blessing" - and ironically it was how Sally found me. Well Sally was doing research on the Toronto Blessing, and when she searched for it online, my name came up only 2nd to the Toronto Church which the phenomena first manifested and that was why she invited me to her town during my America trip. And over the years the website grew, and it included accounts of my North America trip, and my marriage to Sally, indeed up until I took it offline last year, it had pixs and articles by Sally herself. I still have her articles, they are just not posted anywhere currently. I have thoughts of doing a tribute page for her but that is down the track a bit. So it does make me wonder if Tina attempted to find me before, and well if she saw that I was married, surely she would have given up on me then. She could never have predicted that I would lose Sally. Indeed ME have never predicted that I would lose Sally, for as bad as her health problems were, they were not terminal, and even the doctors expected her to eventually recover. They did warn that she needed to keep watch of her infections in case it turned septic which would kill her (and indeed that is what happened) but I never expected that to happen - I am still in shock at her death!! She simply should not have died!!! It was not like with Mother, we EXPECTED her to die cos her disease WAS terminal. But not Sally!!! We all fully expected her to recover. Uh well.... she didn't, she is no longer with us, and hence my current..... um.... predicament..... So... um.... I wonder if Tina had attempted to look for me previously.... again its not really making sense..... this is very sorely testing my Virgo analytics!!!!!!

And speaking of astrology.... it turns out Tine is the same age of me..... that I couldn't quite remember, I knew she was close to my age, but from her FaceBook profile she is indeed was born the same year as me, only a few months earlier!! Me and my older women!!! LOL!!! Even if she is only a few months older!!! LOL!!! So age has been VERY kind to her, I mean, you can certainly tell she is no longer the stunningly petite 20-something young lady, but she is still very much a stunner, she looked more in her 30s but then these ethnics types tends to hold their age very well, probably cos they eat more healthy, doesn't have so much western foods, and have generally healthier lifestyles. Another reason why I'd be amazed if she was never married!! Surely some other guy would have snapped her up well before now!!!! Mauritian women are stunningly beautiful to begin with, moreso in my opinion than even Philippinos or other Asian women, which is why me in my adrenalin charged youthful years, well the 1980s anyway, wrote to so many of them!!!!! OMG!!! I hope none of the others tracks me down!!!!! But even among other Mauritians, Tina was particularly stunning, its like my eyes popped out of my sockets when she sent me her photo oh those many years ago!!! I wish I kept it, like she apparently kept mine, nevertheless I do remember it like it was yesterday. It seemed she wanted me then, though I didn't quite realise it at the time, and well Barbara had put a stop to that...... but after 30 years she STILL wants me, she said I was her first boyfriend, and is wanting me to come over to see her..... seemingly indicating she is at least currently single..... but if she was married before how was she able to keep all of my photos and letters without her hubby knowing????? Again it is.... um..... not making sense..... well let's put it this way, it would be beyond utterly amazing if what she tells me is indeed true..... and well I have no reason to doubt her other than my Virgo cautiousness.... and as they say, Virgos are no good at relationships for this reason!!!!!!

Uhhhh what I was fixing to say..... She was born January 1963 just two days after what was destined to be the anniversary of Mother's death!!!! That in itself is a freaky coincidence, and as I say, there is no such creature as "coincidence"!!! This makes her a Sagittarius which according to conventional Astrology is INcompatible with Virgos!!!! However she is on the cusp with Aquarius while I am actually on the cusp with Libra.

My current feelings about her.... well I can't say there is anything particularly romantic as such in spite of our history. As stunningly beautiful as she is, I couldn't imagine her to be my wife. I am really looking for a more spiritual connection, a star seed or at the very least a similar soul group such as indigos or rainbows or even earth angel, since that I am apparently also an earth angel as well as a star seed. But then who am I to judge?? Ten years ago no one would have picked me to be a star seed. It is possible she could be such a soul, just not awakened yet, well not fully awake anyway. She does particularly love animals, even more so than humans, that is indicative of a higher vibrational soul. Animals are generally of higher vibrations than humans. And I am not sure how closely she follows my posts on my FaceBook profile, but significantly she did hit the "like" button on my posts about the unity of all religions - devout Christians simply doesn't believe in the unity of the religions, so it seems to indicate she has evolved spiritually since the day of her conversion - which as I shared was MY fault!!!! LOL!!!! In any case it has been only a week, so will just have to see how it all pans out....... I am open to anything really..... and well Sally started of as just an email buddy until that day I met her..... sooooo...... hmmmmmm....... maybe...........

Related to the above..... in a way.... well last weekend I noticed some intruders in my yard!!! I heard voices but at first I couldn't figure where they were coming from, so I thought it was just some of my neighbors though the voices seemed awefully close!!! Then I was shocked to see that there were some people sitting on my front porch!!! At first I thought they had mistaken my house for the one in the next street. We have two streets one block from each other with the same name, but one is a "Way" and the other is a "Place". This confuses the already easily confused postman, and I am forever getting mail that is meant for "Place", and on occasions I do get visitors who are looking for the "Place" house and mistaking my house for it!! However these people didn't attempt to contact me, that is, by knocking on the door or whatever, they were just sitting on the porch happily chatting away. A closer look revealed they were either of Indian or Islander descent, seem to be a family, hubby and wife, a baby and an older kid. So I thought perhaps they may have been Tina's relatives coming to see me!!!! Tine never made mention of relatives in Perth, but some of my other Mauritian penpals had relatives here in Perth - I guess makes sense cos Perth as very isolated as the city is, it is actually closest to Mauritius!!! However again they made no attempt to contact me, neither knocking on my door or anything else. And well I left them alone, they seemed harmless enough, I was just watching them through my window. A little while later a car came by, it pulled into my driveway, and the family gotten in....... Then just TODAY, when I came home for lunch, I was shocked to see this same family, this time sitting under my tree which is right next to one of my windows!!! This time they did see me pull into the driveway, and the man kinda smiled and waved at me..... I just pulled into the driveway to the side of the house, and went through my side door..... and a minute or two later they packed up and went across to the high density development across the road. Then it dawned on me!!!! They are the people who lived across the road!!! There is a complex of three units there, only the front one have a little lawn in front, the two at the back had next to no yard, and they lived in one of them. Hmmmmm I see..... the joys of multiculturalism.... these ethnics, especially Asians or Islanders, are far more social, and they probably think of nothing of treating one's front yard as communal property - just rather not so in Australia!!!! However, they appear to be harmless, and it's not like I spend my time sitting under the tree..... and if anything it would make my place even more secure, seeing a family sitting out the front would be more of a deterrent to any would-be burglar!! Therefore it is fine by me..... not sure if they realised this for they did rather hastily made an exit after they saw me arrive..... nevertheless it is really fine by me.....

OK.... now just have to get through tomorrow.........

Speaking of exotic women from exotic tropical islands..... hmmmmm....... here's a song of an island home.... which is actually Australia which seems an exotic place for Tina.... as they say, familiarity breeds contempt LOL.... anyway.... enjoy.....

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