Wednesday 22 January 2014

Fremantle !!!!!

Here I am again after a very fruitful if rather hot trip to Fremantle. So after filling the car with this extremely expensive substance known as "petrol" I headed on down to Fremantle, and much to my delight, the iPark thingy did work. All I had to do was send an SMS on my phone when I reach the parking lot, and when I am about to leave I send another SMS, and the amount gets automatically charged to my credit card. It sure beats fumbling around for change and fighting those infernal machines. And since I will be making many trips to Fremantle, the iPark will come in handy. This last trip cost me only approx $3 for parking so not that expensive really.

Anyway, as soon as I gotten into the vicinity of Fremantle I was most decidedly feeling the vibes, so energising. The vibes of Fremantle is so different to that of Perth that it is like being on two different planets!! So I parked in the vicinity of the E-Shed markets, then walked to the Fremantle markets, intending the visit E-Shed last thing. Walking towards the Fremantle markets I went through the town center, the open street mall, and the energies were utterly tremendous, it was palpable, I was so buzzing already. In the mall I came across the Falun Gong group handing out reading materials, and me being wanting to explore all spirituality I grabbed hold of the materials and chatted for a small while with one of the people. The vibes were very good, and the main emphasis of the group seems to be these series of yoga-like exercises, the groups are run by volunteers and they do not charge for these exercise sessions. So now I'm sitting on these materials and waiting for the universe to either give me the OK or to see what parts resonates with me, basically looking for synchronizations or 11:11 experiences, these seems to be how the universe communicates with us our purposes. I am not sure if this group sets themselves up at the street mall each week or whether a different group sets up each week or each day or whatever. In any case this is just the beginning. It is unlikely I will join or be involved with any one particular group but just explore and sample from each group.

I wondered from the mall and finally to the Markets. It was very hot inside as it is in old historic buildings but it didn't seem to matter. I first went to the crystals shop, not a terribly big place, probably not much bigger than my bathroom, but it sure did have quite a bit of stuff, amazing how much stuff one can fit into such a small space. I concentrated on the crystals, and by the time I had chosen my crystals my Xmas money was pretty well spent so no room in the budget for anything else. But I am very happy with my crystals. I bought a "large" chunk of Amethyst, being 6-7cm, and a similar size chunk of Black Tourmaline, this deals with protection so I figured I'd need a large piece of it!! This single piece set me back $35 but it is worth it!! The rest of the crystals were the standard smaller marble-size pieces, well perhaps a little larger than a marble but small enough to comfortable carry around with me - Purple Flourite which calms my nerves, Green Flourite which is good for healing, a couple of pieces of Selenite which amplifies the energies of the other crystals - one is opaque white, the other is a clearer white, and finally a couple of pieces of Emeralds - this is good for Emotions, Love, Healing, Peace, and dealing with depression. So will probably need more Emeralds, this shop didn't have any bigger pieces, but this is good to start with.

So what's the big deal about crystals? Is it all just hocus pocus? Well the first bit of info is what you would read in any science texts or geology texts, what I learned at school, or by my reading of science books BEFORE I went to school which was why I was such a smart cookie at science. Now everything is made up of atoms, this includes rocks. And all atoms has specific vibrations, it is what gives them some of their properties such as color, etc. Now if you just pick up a normal rock, like a piece of granite, the atoms are arranged in a random manner, much like the plastic colored balls in those ball-pits that you see at Maccas which the children plays in - the balls are completely random. However, the scientific definition of a crystal revolves around the fact that the atoms are arranged in specific orders, from just a simple array through to more complex shapes, but the common thread is that the atoms are arranged in repeatable order, much like the patterns of the tiles of a bathroom floor, or kitchen floor patterns, or whatever. It is the consequence of these ordered arrays of atoms that amplifies the vibrations. In a rock the random mix of the atoms tends to cancel out the vibrations, but in crystals the ordered arrays amplifies the vibration - such properties being put to good use in electronics, computers, etc. That is why crystals are used in computers not just any rock.

Now this bit you will NOT find in any science books nor taught at school nevertheless it is the truth...... all of us has varying vibrations, and is governed by many things such as our health, emotional states, even what we eat, and etc. Without going into details, our vibrations and energies interacts in many different ways. And so when certain issues needs to be dealt with, the energies from specific crystals helps in this way. Some of the crystals are kept on my Pleiadean shrine as a way of sending energies, but some I carry around with me which allows the interactions between the energies of the crystals and my personal energies, and it definitely does make a difference.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Fremantle markets, after I bought my crystals I went to the organics greengrocer and bought some fruit and veges there. Organic veges are higher vibrations, and it also helps to eat higher vibration foods. So basically less of the lower vibration foods such as meats and more of the higher vibration foods such as veges. It will be a while before I turn total vegetarian but as I said I never ate much meat to begin with. And my pro-biotics finally arrived in the mail last Friday. These are not just the ones that you just get at the supermarket which might have say 10 billion critters, this is the high power stuff that one can only get at a Chemist, this one is 30 billions of the critters. And after taking just one per day since Friday it is already making a difference in my tummy, improving my bowel motions, and hadn't had an upset tummy since then, also my energy levels increasing, feels like I have more energy in my days. It even seemed to lift my depression, though the real test will come when Mother's birthday comes around on 26-Feb. But between the pro-biotics and the Emeralds, this should make a difference to my depression levels and self harm. Not quite ready to throw the blades away just yet but I am getting there.

So I wandered back to my car to place the items in the trunk, then went across the road to the E-Shed markets in spite of the fact that I already spent my money! LOL! Those markets are not quite so big but there are TWO crystals shops there. Dang! Couldn't get anything cos I already spent all my money, but things to aspire to ;)

But when the time comes for me to move out, I will definitely have to look to see if I have any options for Fremantle. It will be expensive cos it's by the ocean and its a major shopping area, but perhaps there may be bed-sitter type arrangements, studio apartments, rooms for rent, etc. But if I can get a spot in Fremantle to lay my head, it would be awesome!! Fremantle is where it is all happening spiritually!! And well surely I can't be the only starseed in town. Now let's suppose how many starseeds are on this planet. Estimates varies wildly, but many sources would say up to as many as 100 million of us - probably an optimistic estimate but let's run with that. Even with 100 million, this among the population of 7 billion this makes about  1.4% of the world's population being starseeds. So if there are, I think last estimates I know of Perth's metro area population (which includes Fremantle) to be 1.8 million, so in theory there should be 25700 starseeds in Perth. Now if that is true there where the bloody hell are they??? Probably none on FaceBook LOL. There are many starseeds groups on FaceBook but through a simple search I had gotten onto the more popular therefore more active ones, one with 13000 members, the next one being 10000 members, and a couple of others with a total of about 200. Many of the people belongs to all these groups, so allowing for that, there would be possibly 18000 unique members. So proportion to world's population, that is 0.00025%. So multiply that by 1.8 million and you get 4.6 so again in theory there should be between 4 and 5 starseeds in Perth who are on my FaceBook groups. However I cannot find even one, and none have come forward as being from Perth, so the other 4 or 5 may not be active members. I think 25700 starseeds in Perth is way optimistic, I don't think there are 100 million starseeds around, I think more in the 100's of thousands at the most which would make it only about 25 starseeds in the Perth area - probably a more realistic number. Lonely indeed are the starseeds especially in Perth, but if I am going to find any around here, it will most likely to be in Fremantle. So if I possible can without being on starvation wages due to the high rents, then I will certainly be moving to Fremantle.

So what is next.... some energetic events..... This weekend is a long weekend being Australia Day. I take both viewpoints on that. It is the day of British colonization of Australia, and obviously am enjoying the benefits of this. But also, it can be seen as "invasion day" when the way of life of our Native Australians have changed forever. Indeed when the place was colonised, the country was stated as being "Terra Nulla" that is previously unoccupied by humans. And apparently such a statement has been in our constitution until quite recently, I think the 1980s or so, basically the Aborigines were not officially recognised as being the original inhabitants until then, they were literally regarded as non-humans as the Terra Nulla statement refers to human habitation. And well considering they beat us by between 40000 and 60000 years, feelings are mixed in regards to Australia Day, and as such I have no real plans for the day. Years ago Mother used to arrange for us to watch the fireworks display over the river around Perth and South Perth, but of course those days are long gone..... we still have the fireworks each year but no Mother..... and no cause for watching the fireworks.

Next is Lammas on 2 Feb but will talk more about that next blog, only to say it's one of the 8 Pagan holidays or "Sabbats", this one marks the end of summer. My Pleiadean shrine will be added with Lammas appropriate items by then. Passover commences 15 April this year, and last week I ordered a pair of Shabbat candle holders from all they way in Israel. Being overseas it will take six weeks for it to arrive in Perth, all overseas items takes up to five or six weeks to arrive, but that should still make it before Passover which is three months away - I'd be worried if the candlestick holders hadn't arrived by then!!!!

This week's video.... well a starseed kind of song.... indeed a Contactee kind of song....  love it!!!... awesome.... ENJOY!!!!

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