Sunday 11 June 2017

Peru Trip Now In Serious Planning

Now I have survived catastrophic May with my savings plan intact, and with Jupiter now moving direct in my Moon sign, energies are ripe for me to start seriously planning for my Peru trip with the intentions of making my bookings later this month.

First thing was to determine how much leave credits I have available to me in 2017. So after consulting the system on my computer at work which deals with time sheets, vacation time, etc, I discovered that I have a total of 20 days available to me, meaning, at five days for a working week, this is four weeks worth of vacation time. However I need to save three days for the Xmas break since the office shuts down so everyone has to take leave, then another couple of days to allow for any other issues. Me being a Virgo likes to be prepared. The boys scout motto "Be prepared" must have been invented by a Virgo. So with needing to save five days, this leaves me with just 15 days available for my Peru trip, or when weekends are accounted for, this turns into up to 21 days.

Now we need to allow the commute to and from Peru, which due to being in the most isolated city on Earth, will be about two days each way. Probably two or three flights with stop-overs so expected to take the best part of two days. Such is life in the most isolated city on Earth!!!! Then I will need at least two to three days recovery time from jet lag etc after returning back from Peru and before I start back at work again, and start saving for my NEXT trip. So this leaves me with about 15 days in Peru, an improvement on the 11 days in the UK last year, but not enough time for the Nazca Lines tour. I will have time only for the Lake Titicana tour and the hike up Sacred Valley to Macchu Picchu.

Next is to determine WHEN I will be going to Peru. I plan my vacation around the Jewish holidays, in this instance, Succot which runs over 8 days in October. My Glastonbury trip last year took place during Succot. So in this instance my Peru trip is to take place over Succot. This year Succot runs from October 5-12.

So with Yom Kippur falling on Saturday September 30, I will be booking to fly out from this isolated little city on Sunday October 1, arriving in Peru probably sometimes on the 2nd. Then will probably need to begin my long trek back to this isolated little city on the 18th or there abouts. So this will mean 15 full days in Peru.

This week my fortnitely payday falls, so this will be my final review of my savings plan. I will know then exactly how much money I currently have available to me, which will be enough to cover the air tickets and hopefully enough left over to at least make down payments for the tours. Once I have this information, I will begin transferring funds to the account which will fund my Peru trip, so hopefully by Yule - the Winter Solstice on the 21st this month - I should be in a position to commence the process of making my bookings. That is next week. Then I will have three months to save the rest of the funds I will need, should not be a problem since I have right now probably about 75% of the funds I will ultimately require.

With such a momentous week ahead, my cards had a lot to say to me, in fact so much to say I needed to divide this week's readings into two parts. The first part being the Tarot deck......

My Tarot cards for this very intense new week.....

-II - The High Priestess - Divine Connection - Seeking connection with the higher realms. Developing close relationship with higher entities cultivating more mature understanding of spiritual wisdom. Heed the inner voice, it will guide me onto the appropriate pathway for me.

-IV - The Emperor - Stability - Enjoying time of stability and security. Finding inspiration in challenges. Balancing stability and change. A firm foundation as a springboard for continuous growth. My strength lies in my capacity to persevere with my intentions without ever giving up.

-XIII - Death - Endings - Experiencing and mourning a loss. Missing what was and not quite ready to embrace what is. Allowing hope to provide some comfort. Embracing that there is really no death but transformation and renewed opportunities of redemption. Past experiences strengthened me. Gaining the determination to face the challenges ahead.

-8 of Pentacles - Study - Approaching something new by acquiring understanding of the basics. Dedication to a course of study and gaining of knowledge. About to embark on something new and building a foundation. My success depends on my commitment.

-5 of Swords - Regrets - Wishing things had turned out differently and taking responsibility for one's actions. Regretting the losses. Learning from the experience. Having fought a battle against ferocious adversary with losses happening on both sides. Was the fight worth it?

-8 of Swords - Bound - Feeling held back, controlled or isolated by someone or something, indeed by circumstances. Lashing out in anger. A period of sacrifice and deprivation, perhaps solitude. Perhaps a condition imposed on us.

Tarot Summary - This it seems relates to preparation for my Peru trip and my decision as to whether I will attend this Saturday's ecstatic dance event despite the very challenging planetary alignments happening that very day. This week is when my fortnitely payday falls, thus reviewing the first June phase of my savings plan, and getting a better idea of where I stand financially as I commence the task of booking for my Peru trip the following week. These cards seems to address mostly these two issues - Peru trip and dance event.

First and foremost, seeking divine connections, what I will really be needing to guide me through this week and beyond!!! That is, seeking guidance from the many higher entities that are in my life, my ET kins, my Goddess spirits, various other guides, and indeed the Source. This may be expressed through the spiritual groups I am currently involved with.

Despite the challenges and turmoil there is an underlying stability in my life. I have a stable job for the foreseeable future, and on a 12 months lease in my current abode until at least December. These are the foundations in which I am able to plan for my Peru trip scheduled for October. Whatever challenges will rise meanwhile, I am able to persevere without ever giving up due to these firm foundations.

Death to the old ways and embracing the new. This is part of the whole deal. This perhaps relates to the new approach in planning for my Peru trip. For my previous trips I had always gone alone, planning the trips and itinerary on my own, and coordinating the bookings on my own. However for this upcoming Peru trip, I will be with tour groups, such as with the Lake Titicana tours and the hike up Sacred Valley. I will not be alone but being with a group and interacting with them. I also may find it beneficial to use an agency to help coordinate my bookings, airport transfers, lodgings, and getting to and from these tour groups. So instead of being a fiercely independent Virgo I will have to adapt to working collaborative with others in order to achieve my goals.

Study. Research on the various tour groups for my Peru trip, research on Peruvian culture. Research on what to expect on my trip. Peru is the second "foreign" country I will visit, that is, non-English speaking, non-"western" country. Bali was the first, and in that instance I stayed in one lodging and the lodging hosts basically took me to the various sites and helped me in navigating the cultures of the country. In Peru I will be moving around and staying in several places, with several different interactions with local culture.

The final two cards relates to my past, probably more specifically the catastrophic month of May when my savings plan for Peru suffered major hits. This had held me back from my original plan to book my Peru trip during May instead of June. May is destined to impact economically on my Peru trip. I have been making sacrifices up until then, and will need to continue making sacrifices for a while yet. This would include depriving myself of the various spiritual events such as the MILA sessions, attending only a limited number of ecstatic dance sessions, and holding back on spending on food, groceries, clothing, etc or finding cheaper alternatives. And of course living without a fridge.

Some of these cards may also refer to the issue of attending this weekend's ecstatic dance event in the midst of potentially catastrophic planetary alignments involving hard aspects with my nemesis planets - Chiron, Saturn and Mercury. The issue revolves mainly around the first 30 minutes that is the "contacts" session which involves interactions with other souls at the event. This is where my Virgoan demons with no Leo aspects, the total lack of self love, is involved. The planetary alignments which is basically a grand triangle, which turns into a grand square when including my natal planets!!! This seems to highlight these issues!!! Self love is needed for more successful interactions, and my utter lack of self love is the root of my problems and my lack of success with interactions with others.

The last two cards may also relate to my dealings with my 3D colleagues at work who have been more annoying than usual lately, holding me back from some of my usual activities during my work day. Indeed I feel constrained by their antics, and with seemingly no way to deal with it. My tolerance levels of my 3D colleagues seems to be getting less and less. Something is going to have to give.

Now my Oracle cards......

My Oracle cards for this very intense new week.....

20 - Softly Softly The Tender Touch - The feminine wisdom of the gentle touch being the most beneficial right now. Working smarter rather than harder. Inviting the wishes or intentions into the space we have created for them rather than forcing the issue. No need to push quite so hard for my goals. These will come naturally. Just need more faith in the universe and allow the synchronicities to happen. All things works together for the good for those who are called.

24 - New Birth Guarded Vigilantly - Every new birth carries a time of vulnerability. A new beginning, a new idea, a new phase. This will need to be nurtured indeed guarded until it takes hold. Do not share the intentions with the whole world at this time, but keep it to myself and only the trusted souls. Keeping my sacred spaces pure, don't let others into my sacred space.

25 - Release The Dark Wound Let Love Live - The dark wound being deciding I am not good enough for it before I even giving it my every effort and divine guidance. Letting go of the grip of perfectionism, letting myself and my ideas live. Release the dark wounds of false belief. Honour the path of self love. Embrace my calling without judging it. To nurture it, guard it as per the previous card.

Oracle Summary - The Oracle cards seems to highlight my four planets in Virgo with no Leo aspects demons of self criticism and utter lack of self love, though it still relates to my Peru trip.

The first card relates to my need to "let go and let God", or "let go and let the forces of Divinity do their things". Up until now I worked very hard with Saturnian inspired blood sweat and tears for my Peru trip, making sacrifices and having to force myself at times to reach my savings goals. Last year my trips has been facilitated by miracles. This year in 2017, a Hell year, there has been no miracles, just sheer hard work, seemingly influenced by the Saturn Uranus trine as well as the Saturn Chiron square. Now at the dawn of being able to make my bookings, the card seems to guide me to let go, not to use such sheer force, and just allow the universe to do their thing. I AM going to Peru, that calling has been set. Just need to plan smarter rather than harder from now on.

The next card relates around the "birth" of my Peru trip, the planning and bookings for my trip. Needing to guard the process and keep it from souls who does not have my best interests at heart. Even the status updates I share on my Peru trip, these are filtered so only a limited group has access to them, these mostly are those who share the same or similar spiritual pathways as me, also those who had been close friends in the past or whom I have had close interactions with in the past prior to FaceBook. I haven't even told my family yet, except my Father and my half-sister. The rest of my family doesn't believe in me, so even though some of them are on my FaceBook they don't get access to my status updates on my Peru trip. Until all of my bookings and plans are finalised, I will need to keep it this way. Only after then I will create my Peru page and allow access to everyone else.

Last but not least, my Virgoan tendency to not believe in myself, to harbour self doubt. Much of my struggles with achieving the goals of my Peru trip relates to this. There has been plenty of times when I doubted that I could even get to Peru, it is only my other Virgoan traits, my determination and stubbornness, that has gotten me through. Now I need to believe in myself, even just a little bit, and to know that all will fall into place, and come October I will be on my way to Peru to fulfil my callings for Mother Gaia.

What else has been happening and will be happening....... well yet another spanner in the works is in regards to my trailer registered in my name. I just received mail from the Dept of Transport informing me that the trailer is now registered to someone in NSW so the registration in my name has been cancelled and so I need to kindly return the plates to the dept.

There is one niggly little problem. The trailer is still very much in my possession right here in Perth, indeed very safely stored away in my storage unit. I have neither sold nor passed on ownership of the trailer.

So someone has fucked up somewhere, being typically government departments!!! A government department would not be a government department if it didn't fuck up on things. Indeed it is in the DNA of government departments to fuck up on things. Needless to say I am not a happy camper, and Hell hath no fury over a witch who is not a happy camper!!!! There are going to be hexes sent without mercy unless the situation is resolved in my favour at no cost to me.

The department is going to get a stern letter from me this week demanding for this situation to be resolved in my favour at no cost to me. Of course being a government department there are going to be complications and fobbing off as they will want to cover their sorry little arses. This is where a few hexes strategically placed will come in handy. It is THEIR fuckup, so it is THEIR responsibility to resolve the situation. Of course technically I can still use the trailer as it is still registered, just apparently no longer in my name!!!! So it is down to a government department to admit to their mistake, something which government departments does not like to do.

Indeed the trailer will soon be put to use as I have just begun the very immense task of cleaning out my storage unit, reversing the legacy of my little bower bird wife who enjoyed the hobby of accumulating items from little nick knacks up to furniture pieces, most which I have no need for. I have already brought back a few bags of items and am currently sifting through them for either recycling or free-cycling. My strategy is to go through the bags of small items first until as much of it. as possible is cleared before moving onto the larger items, furniture, etc. My ultimate aim is to clean out my storage unit completely so I can cancel the rental which will save me that much more money each month. Though by the time I finish cleaning it out, it will probably be when I leave for Peru, so any savings will be towards my NEXT trip to somewhere!!!!!

This involves trying to find an online free-cycle group in Perth so to offer the items, using my Virgoan research skills to try find the best group to join, one with many members which will make it easier to find someone wanting any items I offer hence getting them off my hands!!! I will probably end up joining the same group that my wife had joined. Her purpose for joining the group was to GAIN items like the little bower bird that she is!!!! So it will be an irony that I will probably join the same group with the aim of REMOVE the items from my possession, reversing the legacy of my bower bird wife!!!

Due to the catastrophic month of May and my need to save further pennies for my Peru trip, I have pretty well given up the idea of acquiring a fridge for the foreseeable future, that is, anytime during 2017. Thanks to FaceBook and my sea-faring half-sister who posted an article on her FaceBook page by a lady about adapting to life without a fridge, I have gained some insightful tips on how to deal with food storage without a fridge. Of course being on a boat there would not be much room for a fridge, perhaps only a very small fridge with not enough room for everything. So apparently the secret of storing fruit and veges for any length of time without a fridge is to purchase the fruit and veges that has never been stored in any fridges. That means avoiding those in supermarkets and most other shops, those are normally stored in fridges during transportation, and prior to display on the shelves. Therefore, the best place to get fruit and veges is from farmers markets where they normally get the items straight from the farms or gardens without refrigeration. So my next shopping trip I will need to find a farmer's market, there are a few around Perth.

Anyway this lady is selling a book that claims to have ways of storing virtually any food items without a fridge, apparently including dairy and meats. Of course being a skeptical Virgo I ponder on things before making such commitments. The book itself is only about $10 plus the postage, being from the east coast, that will cost a bit for them carrier pigeons to bring the book to me. First I will see if her tips on the storage of fruits and veges actually works. I am now on her email list and occasionally I get other tips, all of course with the aim of selling the book. We Virgos are skeptical creatures, we analyse and we do research ourselves. So I will first be studying these tips and trying them out, so it will be a while before I decide on getting the book.

Last but not least, still no word from the landlord nor any solicitors or etc in regards to the bond fiasco. So my life will just go on, I have many other things to deal with!!! Not going to worry about this. If the legal profession gets involved it will probably be several weeks or months anyway before I get any notice.

Now my quirky sense of humor to end this very long blog.........

A new reason for believing in ETs? ;)

The story of my life........

Dealing with computer problems at work.......

;) hehe

This would be me...... hehe..... ;)

The perils of relying on Google Maps !!!!

;) ;) hehe

Must be the landline system in Perth.....

Just another day at my workplace ;) !!

Me during winter...... !!!!

Uhhhh now I know where I come from..... hehe!!! ;) ;)

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