Wednesday 31 May 2017

Football - Weevils Voodoo Doll Must Be Working !!!!!

Uhhhh my Weevils Voodoo Doll must be working!!!! The Weevils lost on their home ground against the Giants!!! They can't make any excuses this time!!! They can't say travel problems, they were right on their home territory on their hallowed turf. They can't say injuries, they may have had a couple of injuries but the Giants had HALF their team out with injuries yet they still managed to travel all that way from Sydney and beat them Weevils on their home ground!!! And they can't blame the weather, it was a dry sunny day with not a drop of rain in sight, in other words, typically Perth weather!!!! Well I suppose they can say they didn't have enough money to bribe the umpires, or the umpires let them down....... that is about all.There is just nothing like seeing the Weevils face reality check!!!! Very hard reality check!!!!! No sympathy from me!!!!! Haaaaaaaaa...........

And well I knew the Maggies would win, I mean, if they couldn't beat the Lions then probably time to adopt a new team!! But I did slid down the rankings a bit, well two spots down to 6th. Time will tell whether the curse of Chiron is starting to kick in........

So we have a split round now..... only six matches this week....... so let's try to see what universe I am in and gaze into my dusty old crystal ball........

Round starts early again..... Thursday night we have the Power at home to the Hawks who are expected to be zapped alive.

Friday more of a coin toss. Will the Crows pick the Cats alive, or will even as the Crows fly still a fair distance to the Cattery which may prove to be somewhat depleting for their energy levels.

Now on Saturday those poor ole Weevils has to travel again, oh what shock horror!!! Being made to travel again, just not fair huh!!!!.... *sarcasm lives*!!!!!! Haaaaaaa!!!! They're going to be very much Sun-baked as I put my Voodoo Doll to work again! The Gold Coast will be no paradise for Weevils.

Oh now the Bombers against them Giants. Not looking good for them black and reds. Would like to think they will be Giant-killers, but regretfully have to put my money on GWS.

Kangaroos and Tigers..... ummm..... hmmmm...... toss the coin, heads Kangaroos, tails Tigers.....

Last but not least, the Sunday match..... uhhhh the Maggies, well they do travel better than Weevils, but then ANYONE travels better than Weevils. Shall I stick by my rule, never pick the Maggies, or shall I back them to fly over the Dockers?? Depends which universe I am in at the time.........

Now for some comic relief........

I have a colleague like him, comes in to work even when half dead with the cold or flu...... freaks out the rest of my colleagues ;)

When I get those telemarketer calls.... fortunately my app picks them up and blocks them, but they still bug me and messes up what I'm doing on the phone.......

Oh what aspirations for them pathogens....... ;)

I can relate...... unfortunately so!!!!!

Yeah...... it does seem a waste ;)
Meanwhile back at the schools of my childhood.......

Sunday 28 May 2017

Galactic Connections

The highlight of this past week was the Galactic Encounter event I went to last night, one of the best things I ever did. OK I know I am weird. I guess it is comforting to know there are people in Perth as weird as I am, I was with a few of them last night.

So the idea of this event. It is for star seeds. We first go into meditation to connect with our ET kins, then we head to the beach and watch for the UFOs. It is what some of us star seeds do. The UFOs are our ships, our star kins inside, and well we connect with them. And it did happen. We did see many UFOs.

OK I know this is weird, so let me try to explain what led to this. I was invite to this event on FaceBook, and it was held last Saturday night at a beach near Hillaries in the northern suburbs. So I felt compelled to attend though this is the first time I attended such an event. Being a Virgo I get nervous about attending events for the first time. However I felt I was being CALLED to attend, as if my star kins were calling me. My landlord scheduled the three-monthly property inspection last Saturday but something cropped up so he called to rescheduled the inspection for the following Saturday. This allowed me to concentrate my energies on attending this event. I went for my walk earlier, and worked out how long it would take for me to get to the location of the event, using Google maps to work out the best route, and making sure I have blankets, pillows, and plenty of warm clothing cos it was going to be cold!!!!!

So when I finally arrived at the park near the beach you couldn't miss the group!! There were large figurines of ETs and crystals within a circle of glow sticks. Nada was the facilitator, and though she is my "friend" on FaceBook, we never met before in person, yet as soon as she saw me coming from a distance she KNEW it was me!!!! I didn't even tell her that I was actually going to come to the event, I only said I would think about coming. But she expected me, she "knew" I would be coming. I was surprised she recognised me underneath my hat and very warm woollies and glasses!!! But she has this sixth sense, she is a very intuitive woman, and she is a Contactee, she has been with ETs and up inside the ships. Well I have too, I am also a Contactee and have been aboard my ship. I know, weird, but there were at least 20 of us at the event, we are all star seeds, and we all have had contacts with ETs. In other words, they are as weird as I am!!!!!

A star seed is someone who have spent past lives in other star systems, indeed we originate from other star systems, and have been incarnated on Planet Earth for a purpose. So since we come from other star systems in our past lives, it makes perfect sense that we have our relatives on the other star systems. That is, the ETs. So we have star parents and star kins, and they are in their ships, that is, the UFOs. Every star seed have had UFO experiences, these are visitations from our star kins. I have had my first UFO experience back in 1980, and have had a lot more since then. Also we have actually had contacts with these ETs. Most star seeds are also Contactees, and many of us has been aboard the ships. And we have been sent to Planet Earth, incarnated as humans so to fulfil a mission on this planet. That is the basic idea of being a star seed.

So at this event all of us are star seeds, all from the various star systems, such as the Andromeda Galaxy, Sirius, Lyra, Arcturus, and of course the Pleiades. Readers of this blog will know that I am from Taygeta in the Pleiades star system. Nada is from the Sirius star system, and she is akin to a priestess, she helps us to connect with our star kins, hence why she organises these events.

We first began with a meditation session, gathered in a circle around the crystals and ET figurines. Nada led us through the meditation where we went on a shamanic journey to the stars, that is basically, astral travel. Our bodies may have been at the park, but our spirits went into the stars, we visited the mothership and various other places, and I went back to Taygeta, and there was also a healing session on one of the ships, and received our "light languages" which are basically the languages of ETs. No the ETs does not speak in English, they have their own language. Most communicate through telepathy, nevertheless, they have their own languages. And many of us star seeds are given these languages. I do speak some of these other languages. Yes I know, very weird, but really not much different to the Christians "speaking in tongues".

Then we walked down to the beach and set ourselves up with the circle of the glow sticks and the ET figurines and crystals. By then it was dark, so we looked up at the stars. Nada performed the invocation to ask for the ships to appear, and she told us that there are ETs around us protecting us. That I already knew, I can also feel it when there are ETs around, I sometimes sense them during my walks, or when doing other things. Anyway it wasn't long before some action!!! The UFOs really did appear, we all saw them with our own eyes. They appear mostly as moving points of lights, but also a orbs, and flashes of light beams as if they are shining down at us. Of course many would say these are just satellites, however, these lights were sometimes moving from side to side, many were changing colours, appearing and disappearing, and doing other things which satellites does not do!!!! These ships represents our kins, and of course my ship appeared among them.

Up until now most of my contacts with my ET kins has been on my own. For many years I didn't know there were other star seeds in Perth. I have known other star seeds from elsewhere in the world, in America, the UK, Europe and other countries, and even on the east coast. It was only more recently I came to know about star seeds in Perth. And last night represented the first time I met with some of these other star seeds for the purpose of connecting with our star kins together. There is something magical about being with other star seeds. It is literally like a family get together.

Now my cards for this coming week.......

My cards for this new week with May ending and June beginning.....

-4 of Pentacles - Caution - Having achieve good success but afraid of losing it. Being overly cautious. Much emphasis on money, denying one's self even small expenses. Fear of losing my gains and avoiding taking risks.

-10 - Releasing Allegiances - Time to let go of another and hold onto one's self. Letting go of the lower frequencies of past habits and relationships, and entering into higher frequencies. Taking the lessons from the past into the new higher energies. Spending time alone during this changeover, nurturing one's self, healing. Confirmation that the work on one's self is bearing fruit. Ready to embrace change.

Summary - Hmmmm a very interesting draw!!! The Tarot is a very Virgo kind of card. We Virgos are very cautious creatures, taking risks is anathema to Virgos. Given the catastrophic challenges of this past month I am tending to be very cautious with my finances, something I need to work on as we enter into June where the celestial energies points to more prosperous times.

The Oracle confirms exactly what I have been going through these past few weeks. Due to the catastrophic incidences at the beginning of 2017 I have been spending much time very much like a hermit, I hadn't been going to any groups or events, and just spending time alone. Evidently this has been beneficial although it had been motivated by pain. Last night's outing to Galactic Encounter has been my first time at an event since January, and this is the highest frequency event I've attended since my Lemurian DNA Activation event back in early 2016. This Oracle seems to confirm I need to step away from the lower frequencies and embrace these higher frequencies. It just remains to be seen exactly how this will play out.


Now all set up with my new phone, it's the latest S8+ device, bigger than my previous phone, it is practically a tablet. However my current plan with Optus with the superior larger phone and same data allowance is 33% cheaper than my old plan with Telstra. Furthermore with my current plan I get free streaming of TV shows and movies through Netflix and Stan, that is, we can watch these shows online without having our data allocations used up. So I signed up for both of them, each has a one month free trial, and after that it is only about $10-$12 per month for unlimited movies that we can watch on my laptop, tablet and phone. So far Netflix is looking better, they have "The Originals" while Stan does not. I love "The Originals", its a show with vampires, werewolves and witches. So just based on that I will probably end up cancelling my Stan subscription before the end of the trial period and go with Netflix, however, it's early days yet. I have until the 3rd week of June to make my final decision. I am very happy with my new phone, it is brilliant. Oh yes my number is still the same, I was able to use the same number for my new service, and Optus did all the hard work of shutting down my Telstra account on my behalf and having the number transferred over.

Now I will just make sure my data roaming is switched off before going on my next overseas trip!! These days you don't need data roaming. Most lodgings overseas, even the cheap ones, has free wi fi. Most of the airports has free wi fi, indeed many of the shops, malls, restaurants, and indeed many tourist attractions overseas has free wi fi connections. This makes the very expensive data roaming virtually obsolete.

With June upon us I can really get back on track with my Peru savings plan after the catastrophic month of May. There are no large expenses expected in June. I have only my utilities which are much cheaper since moving into my new abode. Being in an apartment we don't pay for water. The electricity bill is less than half of what I was paying before at the house, and the gas bill is even less. This is one of the reason why I moved into an apartment. Also my total internet expenses are about half of what I was paying before when adding my home wireless and my phone plan together. I have really been able to significantly cut my expenses of these main services that I regularly use. This really have helped get me through May, and will really help me with my savings plan until I get to Peru in October.

By the end of June I will have made bookings for my Peru trip. By then, with my savings plan back on track, I should have a better idea of what I will be able to afford to do in Peru, which tours I be able to go on, etc.

Last but not least, the legal situation with the previous landlord. As it is said, no news is good news. There has been absolutely no word from either the landlord nor anyone from the legal profession since I wrote back to him basically calling him bluff on his threat of legal action against me. He has no leg to stand on, so am just getting on with my life. The curse is on him, karma will come back upon him in due time. Of course there is always the possibility I may eventually hear from him, but am not holding my breath. My life must go on.

My "success" or lack thereof with women.......

Bureaucracy in Australia.....

There has to be a lesson in this...... ;)

Infrastructure spending in Australia......

Now for the important stuff essential for running a department....... ;)

;) hehe.....

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Football - Did I Create THIS Universe? hehe!!!!

Now my new phone up and going, same number just different phone, and with all these new features on the phone, it must have created some mini-black homes forming a spiral altering time-space with the effect of a whole new universe being created matched to my ideal - such as the Magpies winning from behind when all seemed lost, the Weevils being Bombed out of existence, and me holding onto 4th spot despite picking only 5 winners - silly me didn't pick the Maggies but I made up for it by picking the Bombers. I knew the Weevils would lose, they can't play outside of Perth, or they can't bribe Victorian umpires.

Now I'm all turned upside down, spun around, and inbetween dimensions. How am I going to pick this week's matches......

Oh it starts early.... tomorrow night.... might as well just go with the Puddy Cats who will be use their own litter trays as they dig their claws into the Power.

Friday night.... go with the favorites, the Swans over the Hawks.

Now Saturday.... time to get my coin out, looks like being well used that day..... Will the Saints pray hard enough to overcome the determined Bulldogs?

Demons and Suns are both hot, just a matter whether Hell is any hotter than the Sun.....

Bombers running hot, go for them against them Tigers though I may regret it.....

But the last match should be relatively easy to pick, Dockers doesn't play too well in the hostile territory surrounded by those squawking Crows.

Sunday..... well surely the Maggies will beat those toothless Lions. Hopefully they haven't used up all their energies last week? Yeah I'll pick the Maggies...... this time......

Now the Blues.... umm.... those Kangaroos..... hmmmm...... hopefully they won't be too in the blue to be jumping up higher.

And well the Weevils are back home, umpires more easily bribed in Perth, but putting faith into my Weevil voodoo doll for the Giants to prevail anyway......

In the West Australian public sector.......

Good to diversify.... hehe ;)

Meanwhile at a call centre at an Australian corporation......
Now that is how Planet Earth came to be populated by humans........

When Virgos decides to hire a dating coach !!!

Meanwhile as Turnbull authorized the upgrading of his office at Parliament House....... (yes I like Games of Thrones ;) ;) )

Sunday 21 May 2017

Time For Moving Forward

With both Venus and Mercury moving out of their shadows within this past week, energies are definitely shifting and I am now able to move forward with my plans. First let me explain about planets moving out of their shadows. When a planet goes into retrograde, the planet appears to be moving backwards against the background of the stars. When the planet turns and start moving forward again, it moves back through the area of the sky in which the retrograde took place, thus the planet is moving through its shadow, which often still activates the energies of the retrograde. Once the planet moves past the point where its retrograde commenced, the planet moves out of shadow. This is what happened with Venus and Mercury this past week. This has been the Mercury retrograde from Hell with many calamities befalling me during this period, and the catastrophic effects on my Peru savings plan. Now that Mercury has moved out of its shadow, I definitely feel energies have lifted, and I can start moving forward with my plans again, and my savings plan should start to improve. My Tarot readings seems to confirm this........

My cards for this new week with Venus and Mercury out of their retrograde shadows...

-XIX - The Sun - Happiness - A time of great joy and happiness from within. Celebrating everything from small pleasures to grand accomplishments. Inner connection to the light showing everything in its best context. Positive force annihilating the negativity that have oppressed up until now.

-39 - Free From Judgement, Free To Love - The nurturing mothering type who cares unconditionally for life, the environment, indeed for Mother Gaia. Time to receive some care, nurture one's self. A solution to a pressing problem being in gestation and about to be manifested. Connection to Mother Gaia.

Summary - Perhaps my best draw yet. The Tarot being the same one drawn the previous week. Two consecutive draws of a card serves to emphasise the energies of the card, in this instance most happily, the better times ahead with my plans now moving forward.

The Oracle is the card drawn for the first time, often emphasising a new beginning, this being in resonance with the energies of this week. This it seems relates to my calling for Mother Gaia, and now being able to move ahead with plans in regards to my calling, including my upcoming Peru trip.

So I have started to move forward on some of my plans. Firstly I ordered a new phone on a new plan with a different telco. It's the latest S8+ phone, it's bigger than my current phone, and have the same data allowance, however it is 30% cheaper!!!! This will really help with my Peru savings plan. My current phone no longer works, well can still make calls but the internet functions on it no longer works so need a new phone. I will keep my old number, the new telco will arrange for my number to be transferred over from my old telco thus shutting down my old account, so the phone number will be the same. Now just waiting for me to be approved. My credit rating should be fine, the only potential problem could be that I recently moved house less than six months ago. Apparently moving house does affect the credit rating. It shouldn't do, it is one of those strange rules of society. I mean, they still know where I am, I still had to give my current address, and provide ID, so it's not as if they don't know where I am. But for some unexplained reason, one's credit rating is affected by moving house. We all move house at some time, none of us stay in one place forever, but credit companies doesn't like it when you move house!!! So if I don't get approved for this plan, the only reason would be cos I moved house less than six months ago, well actually it is just on six months. Anyway I will know in a couple of days whether I be getting a new phone or not.

Next I began my first tentative steps on the huge task of clearing out of my storage unit my surplus possessions, much of it legacy of my bower bird wife who would hoard items. I have countless furniture and other items because of her, all in my storage unit which I am renting each month. Most of the items I will give away via "pay it forward" sites. "Pay it forward" refers to giving away items or services for free as a way of cultivating favourable karma. And well it's a lot easier and less stressful than selling items. The little money I may get for them is not worth the hassle, and sometimes it takes weeks even months to sell a single item. So far less stressful and quicker to simply "pay it forward". Even so I have so much items in my storage unit that it will probably take me until my Peru trip to clear them all out and thus give up my rental unit which will save me even more money - for my next trip AFTER Peru!!!!!!

Speaking of my Peru trip, well May is proving to be a catastrophic month for my savings plan with my Heart Specialist appointments, car rego and other major expenses hitting hard. However once into June with no more major expenses, I should be able to move forward with this as well. I've now given up the idea of getting a fridge anytime before my Peru trip, this catastrophic month with the Mercury's retrograde from Hell have sealed my fate there. So focus is on getting my savings plan back on track, which should happen in June. I hope to be making my bookings by the end of June, indeed it is important that I be making my bookings by the end of June. July will herald the dreaded "The Three Weeks", a Jewish period of mourning for the destruction of the Temple, when calamities often befalls the Jews, and me who have been a Jew in a past life. So to book any trips during The Three Weeks is asking for catastrophic trouble. Then in August, Mercury will begin its retrograde once again, and this is also a catastrophic time for making any bookings or other plans for any trips. And I am looking to October for my Peru trip, so need to book three months in advance for the discount air tickets and lodgings etc. So I have until the end of June, and depending on how much I managed to save by then, this will determine the composition of my Peru trip, what tours I be going on, places to visit within Peru. I will at least be visiting the mystical Lake Titcana, I already have funds for a tour of the lake in addition to the air ticket. And of course the famous Macchu Picchu, I would like to go on the hike up the "Sacred Valley" up to Macchu Picchu over several days but it is rather expensive. However if all goes well I should be able to save the funds for this hike by the end of June, or at least enough to put down a deposit by the end of June. I would also like to visit the Nazca Lines but that is also expensive, and well it will depend on how much I managed to save by the end of June and try to predict if I have enough time to save the rest of the money by the time I need to book that particular tour. I also will need to renew my passport which will be expensive. My current passport expires April next year, and a lot of places won't let you travel if your passport is six months from expiry. Well October is seven months but being of Virgoan energy I do get anxious about these things, so I will play it safe and renew my passport before my Peru trip. I will be going to Peru, it is just a matter of what I will be doing in Peru, how long I be staying there for, and whether I be able to take the Nazca Lines tour in addition to the other two tours.

Now for my quirky sense of humor..... my growing collection of cartoons........

In reference to the recent controversy in America about a passenger being forcibly dragged off a plane due to overbooking. Airlines routinely allows flights to be overbooked to mitigate against cancellations. They try to predict how many will cancel their bookings and hope it is enough to cover for the overbooking. But sometimes they get it wrong and so normally calls for volunteers to sacrifice their seats and go on the next flight, but if not enough volunteers then passengers gets selected at random to be taken off the flight and to go on the next available flight. Anyway...... with this in mind, enjoy this cartoon......

In reference to all those puddy cats pixs that you always see on FaceBook ;)

Wrong choice of words!!!!!!

How they used to do Twitter......

Never get your hopes up too high..... a Virgo lesson !!!!!!

Of course statistically you're more likely to die on the roads on your way to the airport than you are in a plane after boarding it at the airport - especially on Perth's roads!!!!!!!

hehe..... ;)

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Football - Time Warp Sickness

All these parallel universes I've been traversing I am getting dizzy....... of course the Maggies lost again, that would happen in most universes. My Weevil voodoo doll almost worked, the Weevils did still win but only just by a small margin despite being on home territory, yes them bribes to the umpires does come in handy. And though I scored only a reasonable 6 correct tips I managed to jump ranks by quite a massive 3 spots, now sitting in 4th spot, which seems to indicate the curse of Chiron is starting to wear out.........

So let's try to figure out which universe I am in...... and make some attempt to pick who is likely to win this week......

We first begin with a toss of the coin, really difficult to say who will win this one, maybe tip a draw?..... nah..... uhhhh.... when a Cat fight a Dog who comes off 2nd best?..... what if the dog is a Bulldog?..... it depends if the Cat has sharp claws, probably greater agility, and many would say Cats are more intelligent...... but Bulldogs have brute strength on their side, and a hard bite in the right spot could easily take out the Cat..... Agility verses brute Strength, depends on the planetary alignments on the day.......

The first match on Saturday is not much easier to separate...... Will the Saints seek divine help?.... though it can be argued that Swans are heavenly creatures..... however the Saints are at home, the Swans will have to fly down there, maybe it will take a bit too much energy for them....... unless divine help favors the Swans.

The Giants however is likely to prove a bit too much even for ferocious Tigers.

And the Crows will be murder for the Lions

Next we have a bird fight... The Maggies and the Hawks...... in this universe I play by the rule, never pick the Maggies, not even at the MCG......

Sunday..... the Bombers best chance yet!!!! If they can't beat the Weevils then all hope is truly lost..... Victorian umpires are not easily bribed, so the Bombers SHOULD win this one..... surely so.......

The Demons however should have barbecued Kangaroos even if the meat may prove to be a bit tough......

Last but not least...... The Dockers should be able to send the Blues home in a blue blue state of mind........

Quirky sense of humor needed to make up for Magpies dismal showings.........

AT a govt dept near you....... ;)

True..... hehehe.......

Meanwhile back at the govt dept......

I can relate to this one...... hehe.....

Tribute to Virgos...... ;)

Must be Australia.......

For those of us who've seen the "Aliens" series of movies ;)

Sunday 14 May 2017

The Tribulations of Living With Chronic Illness

I forget that I am diagnosed with a chronic illness, that is Heart Disease as consequence of that fateful day back in 2015 when I almost had an early return back to Taygeta. Afterall my life is relatively "normal", my weirdness with my alternative spirituality, ETs, UFOs, crystals, etc notwithstanding. I go to work each day. I walk each day. I live alone in my humble little abode. I go on overseas trips. I am eccentric but otherwise "normal". The only hints of my chronic condition are the pills that I take each day, and the occasional visits to the Heart Specialist.

However complications can arise from chronic conditions, and this past weekend being a case in point. The first hint that something serious was up was on Friday evening when I spat out my mouthwash as part of my dental routines it all came out bright red!!!!! I was bleeding in my mouth!!! So I thought, well it should eventually stop. I am on blood thinning meds as part of my heart condition, so my blood takes longer to clot up, but it does so eventually.

So I went out on Friday night as usual..... and came home..... and my mouth was STILL bleeding!! OK this is unusual, but being of Virgoan energies I didn't think to seek medical attention. I was the same during the initial heart attack episode. I woke up with what seemed to be mild chest pains, wasn't a lot of pain, so I went to work with chest pains on my bicycle, worked all day with chest pains, and rode back home again...... only then I thought, well I suppose I better seek help, so I just called the Health Line..... and it was they that called the ambulance, which I thought was overkill, but it turned out not to be so....... We Virgos are fiercely independent creatures and we don't like to seek help.

So I went to bed with the bleeding mouth but didn't get much sleep, cos each time I fell asleep, my mouth would fill with blood which spilled out on my pillow, so a lot of blood on my pillow. So Saturday morning I thought, well probably a good idea to seek some medical attention, but being of Virgoan energies I thought going to ER would be a bit of an overkill. I didn't think it was actually an emergency, but probably could qualify as "urgent". So I went to an "Urgent Care" soon after it opened at 8AM.

I was a little bit worried that I was losing a lot of blood which may result in an early return trip back to Taygeta. But being typical Virgo I was more worried about the financial implications and that my trip to Peru was in danger of being cancelled. The issue hinged on whether this would come under GP or Dental. The Urgent Care clinic has both dental as well as GP, and the GP visit is bulk billed under Medicare, but of course Dental is not covered by Medicare which can only mean big $$$$s as I know dentists are very expensive hence why I never attend dentists. I was freaking that the bleeding in my mouth was a symptom of dental problems thus spending 1000's of $'s in dealing with it at dentists, therefore there be no trips to Peru nor anywhere else anytime soon!!!! That was what worried me more than anything else, nevermind that the non-stop bleeding could have serious consequences for my heart condition with loss of blood!!!!!

So I fronted up at the Urgent Care clinic soon after 8AM and was seen within the hour, not bad for a public practice. So the GP examined me, then said I would have to go to HOSPITAL!!!!! Ekk!!!!! That kinda freaked me!!!! Well I was glad I wasn't referred to any dentistry, that there was actually a wound in my mouth, must have been from crunching into something sharp that pierced the skin, so it didn't come under "dental", it was classified as "medical", which means under Medicare it would be all free, That part I was thankful for, but having to go to a HOSPITAL!!!!!! That did freak me!!!!! I hope I would not have to stay in hospital!!!!! The GP did assure me that the procedure needed was relatively simple and should take only a few minutes, but I somehow knew I was going to be there for more than a few minutes. So I was quite prepared for the prospect of spending the rest of the day at the hospital.

The GP had done a referral for me to hand into ER, so I drove home then I caught public transport to the hospital in the city since parking would cost me a fortune especially if I have to STAY in hospital.

Once I gotten to the hospital around 11AM I was seen almost immediately. Normally one would have to wait for hours at a public ER unit, but having a referral from the doc did help in me getting almost immediate attention, though it's more likely cos I am a heart patient. The tag of "heart disease" is your ticket to almost immediate attention in the public hospital system. Most others have to wait several hours before anyone even peeks at them in ED.

Then this is where the fun began, "fun" being used most advisably. What a GP says will happen in a hospital is a lot different to reality. At the hospital it is the case of try the cheapest easiest option first and progressively work your way up until they hit on the cure.

First they took my vital stats, and again all seems hunky doree, I hadn't lost too much blood, though they were getting worried that I am starting to lose too much blood. Then the battle of the veins began as they tried to take my blood samples. My veins rolling out of the way of the needle, then when he finally gotten the vein, he couldn't draw much blood out of me and had to try again on the opposite hand!!!! Hey not my fault my ET DNA kicks in with its protectionism. Then examined my mouth to try find exactly where the bleeding is happening.

The next few steps took place over several hours as they give time for to see if the remedy was effective. They first tried placing a gauze over the area with a substance added that was supposed to stem the flow of blood. Did not work!!!! So they tried a more potent substance, apparently what Dentists uses after extracting teeth. Still did not work. So they called in the big guns, the specialists!! They tried yet a more potent substance, still did not work.

Then instead of using a gauze they injected some steroids plus numbing agent into the area, saying, HOPEFULLY this will work. Initial results were very promising, so they put in a gauze without any other substances and had me to bite on it. And they said if I passed a series of tests then I can go home!!!! So the last two to three hours were the most nerve wracking!!!! I did NOT want to stay overnight if I can possibly avoid it!!!!

So after an hour they removed the gauze..... no blood!!!! Now to pass the next test. At this stage I was transferred out of the very noisy ER area, after first taken to the initial assessment area, then the "Acute Care" area where you are closely monitored, again cos I am a heart patient, then finally to a transfer area prior to going to a ward. So I was now in a far more peaceful ward where I was to have a meal, albeit a "soft serve" meal. I wasn't hungry despite the fact I hadn't eaten since the previous night, but they wanted to know if my mouth survives eating. Then an hour later they checked my mouth again.... again no blood!!!!! That was my ticket outa there and back home!!!!!! Yeeeeee haaaaaaa!!!!!!

The fallout from this is I had been placed on a particular heart med for too long which effectively made my blood TOO thin. It's the same meds that the Heart Specialist finally took me off it but said to use the last packet. The hospital said, in consultation with their Cardios, to stop using those meds IMMEDIATELY!!!!! Apparently one is supposed to be on those particular meds for only a year, while I was on them for nearly TWO years!!!! No wonder my blood was so thin and it wouldn't stop bleeding from what was a relatively small wound in my mouth!!!!!!

Of course the next few days will be nerve wracking. They told me if the bleeding starts again then go back to ER and tell the triage nurse that I was told to come back!!!!! I am going to be extra extra careful about what I eat, no more cookies or other hard foods for quite a while. There is no way in Hell I want to go through all that shit again!!!!!!!!!

The other major event this past week.......

This relates to the bond fiasco. The landlord now said he intends to take legal action against me. OK I knew this would eventually come to this. I am not worried at all, I know he is on pretty thin ground here......

How this unfolded..... As mentioned a while ago I sent him a letter giving a list of issues that he needs to address before we could go any further. In his reply which came some weeks later, he basically drop his claims for all of the other issues - the walls, kitchen sink, and carpet - my bond would just be used to pay for all these, he given up on claiming any extra money from me for these. However he stuck to his claims in regards to the air conditioner. So the claims outside of the bond dropped from over $3000 down to just $1000 for the alleged replacement of the air conditioner. The temperature control of the air conditioner malfunctioned, so he basically blamed me for it and is therefore claiming for repairs which allegedly involves replacement of the whole unit. Even that is questionable. The air conditioner itself was working perfectly fine, it was just the temperature control that was faulty. So saying you have to replace the whole unit just for that is like saying you need a new car when only the radiator was faulty. Then of course the other issue. That is, tenants are not responsible for the malfunction of appliances unless the tenant had abused or inappropriately used the appliance. So by claiming the cost of the air conditioner against me, he is in effect accusing me of abusing the appliance or using it inappropriately. However the onus is on him to prove it, and well he is going to have a hard time proving it. Basically it's shit happens, appliances DO malfunction even through just normal use, and tenants are not responsible for it.

So while he dropped his claims against me for all of the other issues, he stuck to his claim against me in regards to the air conditioner, and he demanded that I deposit the money into his account within 7 days or else he will take legal action against me.

Well it has now been more than seven days...... and well I am just now waiting for a letter from his lawyer or a summons or whatever else. Again I am not worried. He has to prove his allegations of me using the air conditioner inappropriately. And in Western Australia, the legal procedures regarding tenant-landlord disputes first begins with a mediation session. Only if no compromise can be reached during the mediation session that the court action begins. Hopefully by then the landlord will be given some home truths - that is, tenants are not normally responsible for the malfunction of appliances. Either way I am not going to budge, he is not going to get a single cent from me for the air conditioner. If it means having to take the dispute to our local court, well so be it.

Really I think the landlord is bluffing. Surely he knows that tenants are not normally responsible for the malfunction of appliances just from normal use. Afterall he is a landlord, he should know the rules. I think it is part of is game playing and psychological manipulations. My past liaisons with him is my achilles heel. Being a Virgo I seek to please people, I don't like conflicts, so I often go out of my way to please others for the sake of peace. So in the past I had always sought to please the landlord, and even at the beginning of this whole bond fiasco I was quite prepared to forgo my bond and foot the bills of the repair jobs. It was only when he INCREASED the costs and added MORE issues that I figured I needed to FIGHT this, and again it was only because this will impact on the viability of my Peru trip!!!!!!

So it is a part of his attempted psychological manipulations that he dropped his claims against me for all the other issues, thus reducing the claims against me from a very daunting $3000 down to just "only" $1000. He figured that I be more willing to cough up just the $1000 so to end the dispute. And just to make sure and attempt to instil a bit of fear and panic in me, he added the threat of legal action if I didn't pay the $1000. So it was basically, pay $1000 to end the dispute, or have legal action taken against me. He must have seriously thought that I would just pay the $1000. He was in for a very rude shock!!!!! I wrote back to him basically saying that I am not afraid of legal action, and that I would not be paying him any money whatsoever.

Just waiting for his next response...... and though I am calling him bluff, I am also quite prepared for a letter or summons from the legal profession.

So after such a heavy week...... some of my quirky sense of humor is quite appropriate right now......

When I had problems with my internet connection...... until I moved my wireless broadband unit to another room.........

I guess you could call it the ultimate in "gated communities" ;) ;)

You could learn anything from YouTube videos.... hehe.....

A description of this past week !!!!!! ;)

;) hehe......

 Government in Australia.......

Planet Earth views from Taygeta....... 

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Football - Which Universe????

OK which universe am I in!!????  The Magpies got beaten as expected so I thought I was back in the original universe. But the Weevils won!!! My Weevil voodoo doll didn't work!!!! Looks like South Australian umpires are easily bribed too with money!! ;) And I managed only a lowly four correct picks, so I thought the curse of Chiron has kicked in again and I would have suffered a massive drop in my ranking, but amazing my ranking remained unchanged!! So not really a Chiron curse!!! Hmmmmm........ such an interesting round it was albeit for the wrong reasons!!!!!

So let's assume we're back in the original universe and dust off my foggy crystal ball.......

Friday night we start off with the Weevils at home to the Bulldogs. Being at home, the umpires very easily bribed, it looks like the Weevils will probably win that one...... unless I can get my Weevil voodoo doll to work.

Saturday..... the Hawks will have some Lions for dinner after their long trek from the north. The Saints shouldn't need too much divine help to overcomes the Blues. And the Maggies will have a Gigantic task in front of them which will prove a wee bit too much......

We would like to think the Bombers could overcome the Puddy Cats but in reality there might be a bit too much kittee litter in them engines. Meanwhile the Crows at home will be murder for the Demons.

Sunday..... the Tigers shouldn't have too much trouble in overcoming the Dockers, and there should be enough Power to overcome the Sun. Last but not least the Kangaroos and the Swans.... hmmmm...... depends on the planetary alignments but if I had to pick one, well Kangaroos do jump a bit higher than Swans.......

Now let's just forget for a little while the catastrophe that is football with some more of my quirky sense of humor.........

When the boss announces he will contact Tech Support for our internet usage summary......

Incompatible systems.......

Putting into perspective my catastrophic dating experiences.......

No comment needed...... ;)

New phone feature....... !!!!!!! ;) ;)

;) ;)

Sunday 7 May 2017

Samhain, Heart Specialist and Venus Ritual

This past week has been a momentous week with my visits to the Heart Specialist on Tuesday and Thursday, then last Friday the Venus ritual. This was the start of Samhain, known as the witch's new year, and represents the start of winter. The traditional date of Samhain here in the Southern Hemisphere is May 1, while the exact day or "celestial" Samhain fell on May 5, last Friday when I did the Venus ritual, and represents the exact half-way point between Mabon the Autumn Equinox and Yule the Winter Solstice.

First my card readings......

My cards for this first week of the witch's new year.....

-5 of Wands - Threat - To use reason and emotion to deal with challenging or frightening circumstances rather than resorting to animal instincts. My gifts and tenacity should enable me to overcome any challenges.

-Knights of Swords - Determined - One armed with great intelligence and ability. A clear sense of right and wrong. No appreciation for ambiguity. Unstoppable once decision been made. A staunch ally whom I can always count on.

-3 - Inspiration - A vision or calling, receiving help from the universe to fulfil this calling. Magic and synchronicity abounds. To be open, trusting and receptive to the signs. Trust that the vision or calling will be fulfilled regardless of any current circumstances.

-42 - The Word Wants To Be Written - The drive to be creative. One's childhood and life's circumstances often conspire to stifle one's creativity, being made to conform to society's 3D values. Now is the time to deal with these issues and to allow our creativity to flourish as we fulfil our callings.

Summary - The two Tarot draws almost certainly pertains to this economically horror month of May, having just taking a large hit from the fees of my Heart Specialist appointments, and another major hit coming with my car license falling due. These represents threats to my savings plan for Peru, and my Virgoan determination to overcome these threats. I do have allies in the higher realms.

The first oracle, Inspiration, being drawn just after the completion of my Venus ritual for wish fulfilment, my wishes being related to my calling. Nothing happens just by coincidence. So in spite of the challenges, my calling will be fulfilled. The second oracle builds on the first, another card that often gets drawn. Needing to allow my creativity to flourish regardless of the past or current circumstances.

Next my Pagan card readings which I draw every six weeks on the "sabbats" or Pagan holidays, this one being for Samhain and pertains to the next six weeks until Yule the Winter Solstice.

My Samhain card for the next six weeks to Yule

-1 - The Rider - 9 of Hearts - The card that showed itself a couple of Sabbats ago. Good news coming soon. Excitement. Negativity being shortened in duration. Hopefully this will pertain to my Peru trip as I start seriously making plans and most likely booking my air tickets in these next six weeks. Or that my Venus ritual will bring quick results!!


Now my very expensive appointments at the Heart Specialist. Last Tuesday, the day after traditional Samhain, I went there for the Stress Test. I caught the train there since it is easier and cheaper to do so, I live just around the corner from the train station, and the Heart Specialist is within walking distance of a train station. So after using my Virgoan skills to work out train schedules and which trains to catch, two in total, I embarked on my expedition to the Heart Specialist. The Stress Test went well. I was hooked up to the heart monitor and other machines, also taking my blood pressure throughout the exercise. Then I was on the tread mill basically walking, and the tread mill sloped upwards to simulate walking up a hill. The pace which started slow was increased every three minutes until either something unusual came up with the heart monitors or I simply got too tired or exhausted to continue. For me it was the latter. Both my heart and blood pressure were well within normal ranges throughout the exercise, it was only my legs that got tired once the pace increased to jogging rate where I was just about to jog. All of my walking paid off here, but well since I never jog or run, well just not used to that. The biggest stress were the fees, even after I gotten half of it back on Medicare, it was still very expensive.

Then I went back to the Heart Specialist on Thursday to learn of my test results. My biggest fear was that I get a "false negative" which would necessitate a further and more expensive test. Apparently there are two types of the Stress Test, one being twice as expensive as the other. I was on the "cheaper" one, "cheap" being VERY much a RELATIVE term, akin to saying a mansion in Dalkieth is cheaper than a mansion in Peppermint Grove.

Well it turned out that my results turned out well and I didn't need such a further test. Indeed all of my numbers, such as from the blood test, were near perfect, especially the cholesterol, not bad going considering that high cholesterol runs in the family, with Mother and my Auntie both dealing with high cholesterol despite their almost fanatically healthy diets and lifestyles. Ironically Mother didn't die from any vascular or heart related causes, it was something entirely different!! Of course I am on cholesterol meds which according to the Heart Specialist am destined to be on these meds for the rest of my time on Planet Earth. The only point of some concern was my blood sugar was a wee bit too high, that be from drinking too much Coke due to being so under stress about things lately such as Mercury's retrograde and the high cost of the Heart Specialist visits!!!! We Virgos are very anxious creatures to begin with, so we are easily stressed, and easily given over to addictions such as Coke. Nevertheless I was still well short of the danger mark for pre-diabetic, my general fitness, weight loss and my regular walking are what saving me from anything worse.

But some good news from the Heart Specialist. I was taken off one of my meds, which happened to be the most expensive of the meds, being at the maximum capped price under the Medicare pharma scheme. So I am now down from four meds to now three. The other three meds are much cheaper, the three of them adding up to near the cost of the other meds. So my meds cost, which was costing me an utter fortune each month, is now cut in half. This will help my cause for my Peru savings plans. However according to the Heart Specialist, the other three meds I will be on for the rest of my days on Planet Earth. One of them is for cholesterol, one for blood pressure, and the other for making my blood thin so it won't clog up around the stents. 

Then on Friday the Venus ritual which I wrote about the previous blog. So for an explanation and web link to the actual ritual refer to my previous non-football blog. Here I will just share about what happened during my ritual........

Friday Evening of the ritual.....

Now on this Friday evening I did the ritual, and then as per instructed, while the candle is burning, treat yourself to some luxuries, treats, pamper one's self, etc. For me this means a premium pizza with chocolate lava dessert which I don't usually get. Normally when I get a pizza I just get one of the "value" pizzas with no dessert. So a premium pizza with chocolate dessert is my definition of pampering myself!!

So I went online to order as usual..... alas the shop is CLOSED!!!!! Um.... OK.... I know this is Perth but that struck me as being a little unusual especially being a Friday night!!! Well it was only around 5pm so I thought perhaps it doesn't open until after 6pm or something. Usually on a Friday night I go to church with my cousin then order pizza from that shop after church so by the time I reach the shop on my way home it be ready. So I waited until after 6pm to attempt to order the pizza, and the website said the shop was STILL closed!!!! OK something is wrong here..... especially after I checked the opening hours on the website and according to that the shop should be open by now!!!!!

Well the website suggested an alternative list of pizza shops, so using Google Maps I figured out which one was the nearest. However "nearest" was very much a relative term, for it turned out to be a 15 to 20 minutes drive depending on whether I luck out on Perth's notoriously inefficient traffic lights system where the lights often changes to red just as you reach the intersection - that happens to me more often than probability theory would suggest!!!! The allegedly "closed" shop I usually go to is only 5 minutes away!!!

So now using Google Maps to plot the quickest possible route to this next nearest shop. Being in a part of town I never visited before didn't help matters, and it was dark by now so harder to navigate!!! Once I figured out how to best get there I placed my order. And well despite getting nearly lost due to Perth's sometimes non-existent street signs I managed to get there without much drama. Next thing was to actually find the shop in this very unfamiliar mall complex, it wasn't a big mall but unfamiliar!!! Fortunately pizza shops are usually located on the outside, and so it wasn't long before I actually found it!!!!!

On my way back home with pizza in hand, I went by the "closed" shop and I saw what was going on. It looked like the shop was being renovated!!! Either that or it is being closed down and being replaced by something else. I sure hope not!!! Cos this shop is only five minutes away, and this next nearest shop is 15-20 minutes away!!!!!!

Of course being of Virgoan energies I try to figure out what all this means!! Not sure this is a good thing or not!!!! I do note that I still gotten my pizza goodies as planned, but I had to go a different way into unfamiliar territory in order to get it. This might mean that my wishes won't be fulfilled as I expect them to be fulfilled, but fulfilled in a different way from a different source, indeed an unfamiliar source that is far out of my comfort zone!!!!

Saturday Morning expedition to a river to complete the ritual......

Here at dawn I departed on the 90 minutes road trip armed with the ritual items and my laptop with Google Maps. I first drove towards the spot where I did the ritual previously, however I saw a copper who pulled over a hapless motorist and both happened to be parked right at the entrance to the road to the site. I took that as a sign not to go there this time.

I then proceeded towards the alternative location that looked good from Google Maps. Alas!! I found that both roads to the river were blocked!!! After several attempts to find an alternative route to the river I decided it was time to find a parking spot off the road and bring out my laptop.

So I saw from Google Maps by going further south there is what looked like another road to the river. So when I got there... Alas!!! That road was also blocked!!! Well there was a camp site but you needed to pay and get past the gate to get in. So after another consult with Google Maps I saw that the road I was on eventually came to a T-junction and the road crossing the T goes to the river. One way or the other I am going to get to that river even if it means bush bashing on foot hiking through the bush to get there!!!

Well by the time I gotten to the T-junction at last victory!!! There was a sign at the junction pointing to the RIVER!!!! Yay!!!! So indeed the road does take me to the river, indeed it crosses the river.

The roads were all gravel by the time I reached the T-junction, and almost came to grief a time or two when huge potholes seemed to manifest right in front of me giving me little time to avoid them. I think I was being looked after. When I finally gotten to the river I was so overcome with joy that I somewhat foolishly drove down into the small flood plain area just below the bridge. Well there was a track into there but it was a steep drop from the gravel road, and probably more suited to 4WD or "all terrain" vehicles.

Now finally the ritual. Being so far upstream the river wasn't very wide but still a fair deal of water and fast flowing, just what you want for this ritual. My wand broke during the ritual!! That's the 2nd wand that came to grief!! My energies were so high!! I wasn't doing anything in particular, was just holding the wand in my hand when it suddenly disintegrated, and one of the crystals dropped into the river but I managed to retrieve it.

After casting the bun into the water and doing my Light Language invocations, I felt to wander downstream a little to check on the progress of the item. Alas it was stuck.... again!! This time on a semi-submerged branch that had fallen into the river, and just beyond my reach. So I grabbed a piece of wood and threw it in an attempt to dislodge it but I missed. The 2nd attempt also missed. When I found another piece of wood for the 3rd attempt I noticed the bread seemed to be working itself loose.

It turned out the bread managed to dislodge itself without any help or effort from me, and it was once again well on it's way downstream and into a pool. I was going to follow it some more but this time I felt this won't be necessary, and now it's time to just trust it.... to just trust the bread will go where it should be going.... deep into the woods where magical creatures will do as they will with it......

Now to get myself outta there!!!! And I almost didn't make it as I attempted to drive back up the steep incline. My wheels were spinning and digging up dirt.... and well I did make it out eventually, either had just enough momentum to make it back onto the road, or I was "pushed" out! ;) But I won't be making this near-fatal mistake again, being out in the middle of nowhere with no phone reception and not another human soul in sight!! There is a pull-over area just to the other side of the little bridge, I will be using that next time even if it mean walking a little further!!

Now I did my bit..... now to just move on with my plans and get on with life while I wait for the fulfilment of these three wishes.......

As part of the ritual I placed the piece of paper with three wishes inside the bun with the 5c coin and some honey, then a candle on top. The candle was lit and once the candle burned itself out, the whole bun was then cast into the river. OK I will not reveal my three wishes, that way you can be sure that when the wishes are fulfilled it will be due to the ritual sparking the Goddess and hence the universe into action to fulfil the wishes. But I will say it does NOT include a Collingwood premiership or even Collingwood winning more games - the Goddesses are certainly very good but there are some things which even Goddesses cannot perform!!!!!

So now a more mundane week looms, back to my routines, back to the full week of work, with nothing much else planned. No more news on the ongoing and drawn out process of the bond fiasco. And any plans to get a new phone on a new plan is on hold until both Venus and Mercury moves out of their "shadow zones" from their previous retrogrades. Venus moves out of her shadow on May 18, and Mercury on May 21 about two weeks away. Then I will get off the very expensive Telstra plan since my contract is now over, and most probably bundle with my Home Wireless provider which should cut my data costs by about half, this will also help my cause for my Peru savings plan.

Now for a laugh either with or at my quirky sense of humor.......

A good reason not to access the media ;) ;)

Actually I do remember back in the days of the pterodactyls.... hehe ;) ;)

Meanwhile here in Australia......

Sheeze I should qualify for extra frequent flyer points for my trips to Taygeta !!!!!! ;)

The truth...... from experience !!!!!!!

Meanwhile during Mercury's retrograde.....

The perils of working in tech support..... every workplace has such a character !! ;) ;) ;)