Sunday 2 April 2017

More Chaos.... and Typical Magpies.....

So the Maggies lived up to expectations once again, or non-expectations as the case may be. They can't even beat Richmond. My feelings, indeed my predictions, seems to be on track at this time. More on the catastrophe that is football when my full tipping results comes in this week.

Meanwhile more chaos ahead with more intense planetary alignments this week. Venus currently in retrograde, putting pressures on both my finances and issues with relationships, is about to move back into my Ascendant sign Pisces and inching closer and closer to Chiron the wounded healer, so wounds in regards to finances and relationships will be exposed. Meanwhile we have Saturn standing still at the Galactic Center, that is, Saturn is sitting inbetween planet Earth and our view of the Galaxy center. Some suggests that God resides at the center of the Galaxy. Actually it is where the black hole is situated, said to be the gateway to another dimension, hence indeed to Divinity. It is said that our souls are created in the center of galaxies. My soul was created at the center of the Andromeda Galaxy. Saturn is the planet of setting boundaries and limitations, imposing limits to our efforts to better our lives. This is manifesting in the slowdown to my savings plan, together with the retrograding Venus, and with Saturn and Mercury due to go into retrograde this month. Things are going to get worse before they get better. Indeed May is going to be worse than April. Hence is why I won't be deciding on any trips until after May, it will be if my budget survives these next two months of challenges. Due to these planetary alignments there won't be any miracles or other divine favors, it will only be sheer hard work and my Virgoan determination that will get me through these next two months, and seems destined to be at great personal cost.

So let's see what my cards has to say for this intense chaotic week.........

My cards for this very intense new week...

-7 of Cups - Fantasy - Overpowering desire. Temptation. The wish to lose one's self in the experience. Ecstasy. An intense passion unexpectedly arrives and overwhelms, yearning to abandon one's self totally to it.

- 40 - Sacred Fool - The rebel, thwarting convention and speaking the truth without restraint. Inspired and passionate about what one can share with the world. Moving beyond self imposed conventions. Staying on the path regardless of how radical or left field it is.

Summary - OK when the same card is drawn in consecutive weeks it's time to really take notice!! Once again the Fantasy card was drawn from the Tarot, another week of intense celestial energies. Venus retrograding back into Pisces and Saturn standing still at the Galactic Center about to go retrograde. Energies are intense. Once again the intense energies could manifest as intense desires and temptations which in my instance would be the darker pursuits.

The Oracle in this instance seems to add potency to the Tarot. The Sacred Fool. We often view temptation in a negative light, that what we are "tempted" to do is something judge to be wrong. However there is no right or wrong, only our perceptions of such. It is more what is considered to be unconventional by this 3D societies standards. Being weird, eccentric, totally left field. And this is exactly what I am. I am a Pagan, a Witch, I work with both light and darkness, I associate with Christian churches and I observe Jewish holidays. I don't fit into any one box. The message is, embrace my weirdness and see what I can offer to this world.


Updates with ongoing issues....... The bond fiasco. No word from the landlord yet. My last letter contained so many points raised that it is going to take him time to address these, so probably won't hear from him for a while. It just remains to be seen how he will handle this, and whether he has finally come to his senses and figure that he is not going to get any money out of me.

Upcoming vacation time for Eostre aka Easter. I refer to Easter as Eostre because the holiday is originally derived from the Pagan traditions surrounding the Germainic Goddess Eostre!! Anyway this week is my last week of work before my very short vacation, taking only four days, the four days next week up to Eostre. I need to be careful about my vacation time because I used up my surplus vacation time last year so have only four weeks to work with this year. So in order for me to have enough vacation time to enable my Peru trip later this year, I have to be budgeting on vacation time!!! So just taking time off for Passover which begins the Monday prior to Eostre.

Over the Eostre break I will be attending Glory Camp with the church but just as a day visitor so to save on costs. Being a day visitor will mean I won't need to pay for the accommodation nor meals. So instead of spending nights in 8-bed dormitories, I will enjoy the warmth and privacy of my own bed each night!! And being of Virgoan energies I figured that even with the petrol from travelling to the camp site each day and getting my own meals, the total cost would be less than half of the full camp fees.

The camp site is down at Serpentine, which turned out to be a 45 minutes drive from here in my abode. Yesterday I went to Serpentine, as being of Virgoan energies, I like to work out exactly how long the trip will be and how much petrol it uses up each day. And so it turned out to be a 45 minutes trip, and the round trip uses just under half a tank of petrol. So for the 4-day camp, I would need two tanks of petrol, a very expensive substance in Perth but still cheaper than the full camp fees!! During yesterday's trip to Serpentine, after scoping out the logistics of the daily trip, I then went for my walks through the forests of Serpentine to the Falls, I ended up going on two walk trails, making it a total of just over 20 kms. Good practice for my Peru trip, because I would like to go on the hiking tour up to Macchu Picchu, I think about a 3 to 4 day hike with tents and food provided. I do enjoy my walks and hikes. So I figure I need to get into practice for such a hike, albeit that the mountains of Peru are much higher than our little hills of Perth!!!! 

Now more of my quirky sense of humor.......

Why ETs has so much interest in us humans, they can't work us out !!!!!

Why it's a good thing my colleagues doesn't have superpowers !!!!!

21st Century Maths homework ;)

Beware my dark side..... hehehe......

hehe...... !!

I get this feeling often...... !!!!

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